00w's almost built it and other stuff


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Feb 1, 2021
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Before I start, I must thank my wife for anything and everything that follows.
After 20 years together, she understood what this means to me, no matter how messed up the house got and is getting.
I grew up a block from the beach, so this saltwater thing has always followed me.
Wherever I have been, I've had a saltwater tank.
I live at the top of Idaho and large tanks are harder to find anywhere close to me. I found a bunch 6 or 7 hours from me but I don't have time for that. So after 3 or 4 months of searching I found one 30 minutes away!
I was so excited so my son and I piled into the truck with pillows, blankets and tie downs and went cruising.
The two of us actually lifted this thing into the truck with the stand, tied it down and away we went.

We were starving I think.
Today was raining so it was D-day.
My 75 has been running for 5 years in the same spot. Next to it is my 20 rescue tank.
One of them has to move so that was next.

I like all those wires on the ground (not) but so far I've gotten no water on the floor. I absolutely can't believe that honestly. Nobody was too happy about moving but all is well now. Luckily I had lots of plumbing parts and I use flexible pipe not pvc so,with some mods both tanks are running fine on the same sump. These tanks are older and the inhabitants are pretty forgiving.
My wife said out with the crappy stand it came with so I decided to go a different route.
After 10 minutes I got the new stand together.

It's still raining so I decided we'd better move the tank in.

Enough for tonight will update more as I go.
Hopefully this thread will help anyone on a budget and let people know anything in this hobby can be done.
I never thought I'd be here now so I'm excited.
The tank is probably a Seapora 135 with internal overflow but the kid I bought it from, who was nice as I've ever met did not know its originality.


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Did some plumbing today. I absolutely hate PVC and the glue smells up the house bad. But sometimes you have to use it and it is clean,nice and tight.
I had no idea what this fitting was attached to the bulkhead. Couldn't find a match anywhere so I cut it off. Luckily I had just enough meat left to put a coupler on it.

So then I finished the plumbing.
The rest will be flexible tubing to the sump.

Been filling it up with water.
I'm a weirdo and mix 5 gallons at a time before dumping it in.

I figure I'll need at least 100 gallons. That's two days with my 50 GPD RO buddy.
I'm going to pump the rest in from the 75 to match temp better.
Plus I'm tired of lugging around and pouring buckets. I'm old but I'm thrilled to be able to do this.
More to come.


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So unfortunately this tank now resides with a neighbor who is using it for African cichlids.
Through that experience with him,I was able to teach him everything he didn't know about sumps,plumbing and internal overflows.
I gave him a 38 gallon for a sump and a large return pump.
Honestly, not having the tank was a blessing in so many ways on so many levels.
I got to help him through it which is my favorite thing to do in this hobby.
I'd rather help than do it myself most of the time.
I also became very close with my wife of 20 years. The tank had a leak or 3. 2 from me,of course and 1 was the tanks fault. Once I got those fixed I was ready to go but due to the size of the tank,my wife was totally uncomfortable about it.
For the first time in my life, I put her before anything else, drained the tank and hauled it to the garage.
We became super close through that decision and she is now a bigger part of the tanks I have, which I have 5. I wanted this thread to be for beginners. Maybe some help in this very confusing hobby with millions of things to buy and lots of opinions, both right and wrong.
I mentor beginners in my area and most of them stop this hobby before they start because it's just so so much info.
Sorry for rambling.
That’s my story.
I'm leaving this thread up for any questions from any beginners I might be able to help.
I also may upgrade. Who knows?
I love this hobby and love R2R and am thankful I have a place to share my story.


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So unfortunately this tank now resides with a neighbor who is using it for African cichlids.
Through that experience with him,I was able to teach him everything he didn't know about sumps,plumbing and internal overflows.
I gave him a 38 gallon for a sump and a large return pump.
Honestly, not having the tank was a blessing in so many ways on so many levels.
I got to help him through it which is my favorite thing to do in this hobby.
I'd rather help than do it myself most of the time.
I also became very close with my wife of 20 years. The tank had a leak or 3. 2 from me,of course and 1 was the tanks fault. Once I got those fixed I was ready to go but due to the size of the tank,my wife was totally uncomfortable about it.
For the first time in my life, I put her before anything else, drained the tank and hauled it to the garage.
We became super close through that decision and she is now a bigger part of the tanks I have, which I have 5. I wanted this thread to be for beginners. Maybe some help in this very confusing hobby with millions of things to buy and lots of opinions, both right and wrong.
I mentor beginners in my area and most of them stop this hobby before they start because it's just so so much info.
Sorry for rambling.
That’s my story.
I'm leaving this thread up for any questions from any beginners I might be able to help.
I also may upgrade. Who knows?
I love this hobby and love R2R and am thankful I have a place to share my story.
No that makes sense, you have priorities. Being a mentor in this hobby I'm sure is just as rewarding as being the tank owner. You get to celebrate the triumphs and lament the loss, but you get to do it with people. You know when you say that the fish tank had a crack, but it helped your marriage I could see that being a parable. A lot of people have issues with their relationships. most of the time the cracks just need a bit of patching, some understanding, and a little trust and everything turns out alright. I apricate the thread. If you do upgrade I would love to see it. ciao for now


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So unfortunately this tank now resides with a neighbor who is using it for African cichlids.
Through that experience with him,I was able to teach him everything he didn't know about sumps,plumbing and internal overflows.
I gave him a 38 gallon for a sump and a large return pump.
Honestly, not having the tank was a blessing in so many ways on so many levels.
I got to help him through it which is my favorite thing to do in this hobby.
I'd rather help than do it myself most of the time.
I also became very close with my wife of 20 years. The tank had a leak or 3. 2 from me,of course and 1 was the tanks fault. Once I got those fixed I was ready to go but due to the size of the tank,my wife was totally uncomfortable about it.
For the first time in my life, I put her before anything else, drained the tank and hauled it to the garage.
We became super close through that decision and she is now a bigger part of the tanks I have, which I have 5. I wanted this thread to be for beginners. Maybe some help in this very confusing hobby with millions of things to buy and lots of opinions, both right and wrong.
I mentor beginners in my area and most of them stop this hobby before they start because it's just so so much info.
Sorry for rambling.
That’s my story.
I'm leaving this thread up for any questions from any beginners I might be able to help.
I also may upgrade. Who knows?
I love this hobby and love R2R and am thankful I have a place to share my story.
I have really appreciated your feedback and know that many of us newbie’s are desperate to find seasoned reefers who will help, not judge, and recommend within a person’s budget and knowledge!


  • I place the offender in an acclimation box for a period of time (jail).

    Votes: 10 16.4%
  • I remove the offender entirely and reintroduce them at a later time (rehab).

    Votes: 2 3.3%
  • I use the mirror method (a little reverse psychology).

    Votes: 6 9.8%
  • I rearrange rock work (throw them off).

    Votes: 4 6.6%
  • I don't tolerate bullies. Bye bye fishy!

    Votes: 14 23.0%
  • I've never dealt with a tank bully.

    Votes: 17 27.9%
  • Other (please explain!)

    Votes: 8 13.1%