Hey everyone!! I hope all the reefing fam on reef 2 reef is doing quite well. First and foremost I want to thank everyone who inspired me to start a saltwater/reefing aquarium. I have been so addicted and have been having so much fun on this forum ever since. I started with a 1g mag tool aquarium and I didn't know what I was getting into. Long story short I'm in medical school and recently just graduated YAY!!!!!! and going into residency soon in AZ!
During my last year of school I decided I wanted to start reefing because I love the ocean so much and I've always been around it my whole life (Thanks Mexico). I started with the 1g because I had no idea how to get into reefing and not wanting to kill anything. Since then I have done pretty well with some easy soft corals and CUC during this time, but always wanted to get a bigger tank. So since around December of 2023 I realized how much I love reefing and wanted to eventually upgrade to a larger tank.
I ended up getting a 40g IM tank w/ a stand thanks to a member of this forum. I got the tank and stand earlier this spring and wanted to set it up so badly, but first I want to thank my lovely partner in crime for dealing with my addiction as she has to deal with my craziness of the ocean
(Thank god she loves it too). So I started with a 40 gallon because I thought it was a great a first upgrade from my 1g magtool aquarium, especially because I was moving back to AZ from CA.
With my 1g aquarium I started out with a couple of zoas, duncans, GSP, and a hammer with a couple of snails and hermit crabs. I realized I really wanted to start getting into the hobby (Thanks to Ocean Aquatics in Redlands from San Bernadino) and try out a larger tank when I moved home.
I ended up setting the tank up earlier this year (Spring of 2024) and as I was setting up, my significant other really didn't like the black stand. So she decided to decorate it with a wallpaper design that goes with our house. I am very thankful for her and her mom as they did a phenomenal job with redecorating the stand and it looks fantastic.
I really wanted to try a mixed reef (I know I started but I did my research and loved all of the corals I have seen so far from many vendors, especially AQUASD, SBB, TCK and many others). I wanted to have a couple of euphyllia, SPS and softies to start out and make it like an actual coral reef.
For fish as I know my tank is on the smaller side, but I wanted to have a couple of clowns, a six line wrasse and possible a juvenile tang or a diamond goby, but im not quite sure. Im always up for ideas from all of you.
For the clean up crew I decided obviously to go with multiple species of hermit crabs (blue and red hermits), tiger conch and cerith/nissarius snails. Love how they react with each other because they are hilarious. Once algae or coralline is an issue I was hoping to get a tuxedo urchin in the future but im not quite sure.
Anyway I am very excited to get this process going and I can't wait to get started and hear back from all of you reefers and the opinions that you have! Can't wait to get this started and see all of the progress. Also can't wait to see all of your tanks and grab some ideas from all of you! Glad you are all a part of my reefing journey! Cheers!

Hey everyone!! I hope all the reefing fam on reef 2 reef is doing quite well. First and foremost I want to thank everyone who inspired me to start a saltwater/reefing aquarium. I have been so addicted and have been having so much fun on this forum ever since. I started with a 1g mag tool aquarium and I didn't know what I was getting into. Long story short I'm in medical school and recently just graduated YAY!!!!!! and going into residency soon in AZ!
During my last year of school I decided I wanted to start reefing because I love the ocean so much and I've always been around it my whole life (Thanks Mexico). I started with the 1g because I had no idea how to get into reefing and not wanting to kill anything. Since then I have done pretty well with some easy soft corals and CUC during this time, but always wanted to get a bigger tank. So since around December of 2023 I realized how much I love reefing and wanted to eventually upgrade to a larger tank.
I ended up getting a 40g IM tank w/ a stand thanks to a member of this forum. I got the tank and stand earlier this spring and wanted to set it up so badly, but first I want to thank my lovely partner in crime for dealing with my addiction as she has to deal with my craziness of the ocean
With my 1g aquarium I started out with a couple of zoas, duncans, GSP, and a hammer with a couple of snails and hermit crabs. I realized I really wanted to start getting into the hobby (Thanks to Ocean Aquatics in Redlands from San Bernadino) and try out a larger tank when I moved home.
I ended up setting the tank up earlier this year (Spring of 2024) and as I was setting up, my significant other really didn't like the black stand. So she decided to decorate it with a wallpaper design that goes with our house. I am very thankful for her and her mom as they did a phenomenal job with redecorating the stand and it looks fantastic.
I really wanted to try a mixed reef (I know I started but I did my research and loved all of the corals I have seen so far from many vendors, especially AQUASD, SBB, TCK and many others). I wanted to have a couple of euphyllia, SPS and softies to start out and make it like an actual coral reef.
For fish as I know my tank is on the smaller side, but I wanted to have a couple of clowns, a six line wrasse and possible a juvenile tang or a diamond goby, but im not quite sure. Im always up for ideas from all of you.
For the clean up crew I decided obviously to go with multiple species of hermit crabs (blue and red hermits), tiger conch and cerith/nissarius snails. Love how they react with each other because they are hilarious. Once algae or coralline is an issue I was hoping to get a tuxedo urchin in the future but im not quite sure.
Anyway I am very excited to get this process going and I can't wait to get started and hear back from all of you reefers and the opinions that you have! Can't wait to get this started and see all of the progress. Also can't wait to see all of your tanks and grab some ideas from all of you! Glad you are all a part of my reefing journey! Cheers!