Apex vs Hydros


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@Connor At CoralVue Quick question if you use the IV without the X10 as long as you have available PH port and 3 dosers you be fine to test alkalinity correct? What about salinity? Is that only available with the X10 or is that tested with the IV? Thanks


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@Connor At CoralVue Quick question if you use the IV without the X10 as long as you have available PH port and 3 dosers you be fine to test alkalinity correct? What about salinity? Is that only available with the X10 or is that tested with the IV? Thanks
The only controller with a salinity port at this time is the X10. So you would need an X10 for salinity regardless of using the iV or not.


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@n2585722 You have been very helpful throughout this entire Hydros ordeal. I must admit that I still find Hydros to be half-baked, but your support has been invaluable. By the way, you mentioned using AFR and a buffer. What is this buffer? What are you dosing in your system?


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@n2585722 You have been very helpful throughout this entire Hydros ordeal. I must admit that I still find Hydros to be half-baked, but your support has been invaluable. By the way, you mentioned using AFR and a buffer. What is this buffer? What are you dosing in your system?
I use Randy's recipe for using baked baking soda mixed with DI water for my KH buffer. I also dose All For Reef and that is it normally. I also do auto water changes. I change the amount depending on my nitrate level but that I do by changing the amount in the schedule. It is a low amount right now since my nitrate readings dropped. I am glad to help if I can. I have been using the Hydros since about the time it came out. So far I have been very happy but it was close to the Archon I was using in the way you do things. Since they all do thing differently it can be a little frustrating learning a new system when you have used another for a long time. I ask quite a few questions at first also, but it did not take long for me to get the hang of it. Have you got a chance to use the generic or combiner type outputs yet. Those can have up to 9 inputs and you can use a AND or an OR combiner mode with either. The generic output inputs are from inputs you setup but the combiner uses other outputs as inputs which can also be inverted so those can be used to make virtual gate of the AND, OR, NAND or NOR type and using more than one you can create virtual NOR or XNOR gates.


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I use Randy's recipe for using baked baking soda mixed with DI water for my KH buffer. I also dose All For Reef and that is it normally. I also do auto water changes. I change the amount depending on my nitrate level but that I do by changing the amount in the schedule. It is a low amount right now since my nitrate readings dropped. I am glad to help if I can. I have been using the Hydros since about the time it came out. So far I have been very happy but it was close to the Archon I was using in the way you do things. Since they all do thing differently it can be a little frustrating learning a new system when you have used another for a long time. I ask quite a few questions at first also, but it did not take long for me to get the hang of it. Have you got a chance to use the generic or combiner type outputs yet. Those can have up to 9 inputs and you can use a AND or an OR combiner mode with either. The generic output inputs are from inputs you setup but the combiner uses other outputs as inputs which can also be inverted so those can be used to make virtual gate of the AND, OR, NAND or NOR type and using more than one you can create virtual NOR or XNOR gates.
I haven’t used the combiner as I don’t have a clue what that is. The schedules you made for me for ozone didn’t trigger


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I will get inot
I haven’t used the combiner as I don’t have a clue what that is. The schedules you made for me for ozone didn’t trigger
the combiner later but for now can you post screenshots of the two outputs. That way I can see if I can figure out what is going on. I may need the schedules also but for now just the 2 outputs is fine. Mine is working. Here is a screenshot of the log.



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Thank you for looking into this. My setup includes an Ozotech ozone generator connected via an XP8 and controlled by Hydros. The ozone delivery system comprises three components: an AI pump, an Avast Marine reactor, and an air pump, all of which are plugged into a three-socket outlet attached to the XP8. The intention is for the Hydros to trigger the ozone generator and all connected equipment to operate at specific times for a predetermined duration. Although I have ensured there are no leaks and am using the appropriate ozone equipment, I want to make certain that the system does not operate when anyone might be in the vicinity, hence the scheduling. Thank you


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Thank you for looking into this. My setup includes an Ozotech ozone generator connected via an XP8 and controlled by Hydros. The ozone delivery system comprises three components: an AI pump, an Avast Marine reactor, and an air pump, all of which are plugged into a three-socket outlet attached to the XP8. The intention is for the Hydros to trigger the ozone generator and all connected equipment to operate at specific times for a predetermined duration. Although I have ensured there are no leaks and am using the appropriate ozone equipment, I want to make certain that the system does not operate when anyone might be in the vicinity, hence the scheduling. Thank you
It looks like the schedules are different but on the ozone generator output it will not turn on until the ORP reading goes below 320 so if that reading is above that it will stay off. The low number is the turn on number. The high number is the turn off number. If it is between the two and is off it will have to go below 320 to turn on. If it is on it would have to go above 340 to turn off. If you want it on at a higher ORP you will need to raise the 320 higher. That is the only thing I can see off hand. I will take a closer look at the schedules.


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Does it need a minimum? Can I just have it turn on regardless of the ORP but never go past a specific value?


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hmm, the ozone generator is set to 320 ORP but my current scheduled ORP is 260.. Anything that you can think is preventing the trigger?


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hmm, the ozone generator is set to 320 ORP but my current scheduled ORP is 260.. Anything that you can think is preventing the trigger?
Most people will put the turn on up as close as it will go to the turn off. The difference between turn on and turn off is the hysteresis for the output. That difference prevents too rapid of an on to off or off to on. So that the output is on longer and off longer preventing fast cycling of the output. I doubt the ORP will change too quickly. If you get a lot of cycling then you can increase the difference between them. This also would apply to temp or pH if using those as a control. If it is below the ORP value then I am not sure what it is. I will try and load your values into min and see how it goes.


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hmm, the ozone generator is set to 320 ORP but my current scheduled ORP is 260.. Anything that you can think is preventing the trigger?
Ok, I think I got mine changed so that it matches yours in the screenshot including the ORP settings. So I will see tonight when the first one with the changes is scheduled. My ORP does go above the 320 set point so that can keep it from turning on on mine also. My ORP is at 320 right now so even if t was scheduled for now it would not come on but the timer output should though. Below is a screenshot of my current ozone timer output. Also I am not sure if I mentioned this or not but do not use a name more than once. So make sure no input, output or schedule has the same name as another of any of those. The same goes with controllers and collective names. They can be close to the same as long as there is some difference.



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Does it need a minimum? Can I just have it turn on regardless of the ORP but never go past a specific value?
Basically if you change the 320 to 335 that would accomplish as close to what you want as it will get since there will only be a difference of 5 between turn on and turn off but still keep it from oscillating on and off if it is right at 340. i think it may also be something in the schedules since you ozone timer output does mot appear to come on by the schedule. I think I seen it only one time where it was the schedule. That is why I changed things on kine to match to see if I can figure out what is keeping the schedules from running. The only thing I didn't change is the name but as long as the names are not used on another input, output, schedule, controller or collective that should not be an issue.

Connor At CoralVue

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@Connor At CoralVue Quick question if you use the IV without the X10 as long as you have available PH port and 3 dosers you be fine to test alkalinity correct? What about salinity? Is that only available with the X10 or is that tested with the IV? Thanks

You would need the salinity port, which is currently only available on the Control X10. The iV is simply an "isolation vessel." Has a beaker, with a stirrer, which utilizes a drive port for power.


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@n2585722 I adjusted the OrP as per your recommendations and looked at my logs, it turned on. Now, how would you set up a fish feeder with a food bath? I have an Avast Marine fish feeder. The keg that holds the food activates for 30 seconds, and there's a pipe that extends down to the water line to soak the food. A Sicce pump draws water into the pipe to soak the food. On a Neptune system, the Sicce pump activates 2 minutes before the keg's auger. This action draws water into the pipe, preparing it to saturate the fresh frozen food. After two minutes, the keg's auger activates, delivering a 30-second dose of food before turning off. The Sicce pump remains on for another 3 to 4 minutes to fully soak the food and pull it down the water line. This process repeats four times a day over a 14-hour period on a daily basis. How would you replicate this setup using Hydros? Again, any input you can share is appreciated


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I will give you an example of a generic output that I use to turn on my RODI every 4 hours for 15 minutes to refill the RO bladder used by the ice maker in the fridge. only use it for logic but you can alway control an output device directly. If you are controlling 2 outputs you can do this on both outputs but change the settings accordingly. Below are the screenshots.

anow to explain the settings. It is the generic type output. Set input count to 0 since there are no inputs controlling it. Set has schedule to on. This allows you to setup a schedule but with just has schedule on it will only allow one on time for 24 hours. Next you would set the port you have the device plugged into. Active in modes allows you to determine what modes the output can be on in. I left those at default which is active in all modes. I also did not use a depends on with this output but you can if needed. It is not an invisible type. The next setting enable advanced setting set to on allows you to set for multiple on times in the schedule. I did not use the minimum or maximum on or off times for this since that will be determined by the schedule but if this were an ATO output you would want to use those settings. Start time in this case will set the first time the output will come on. I have it set to midnight but that is because I have the on time over a 24 hour period. The time is entered as HH:MM:SS. It is 24 hour time. The next setting is runtime that is how long you want the output on. In this case I set that to 15 minutes. Run count is how many times you want the output to come on. That is set to 6. The last setting is the interval. That is how far the start time will be spaced out. I have it set to 4 hours so it will come on every 4 hours starting at midnight for 15 minutes. Just change the start time the run count and the run interval to what you need for that particular output. Other that using inputs for control also that is a use for a generic output type.




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Now for a combiner output. This example is not that complex but I have a solenoid on the input of my RODI unit that I want to turn on when any of three other outputs is on. This is a combiner output type. It has a input count of three since I have three outputs I want to turn this output on with. The first one is the RODI Timer output I used in the generic output example. This input is not inverted since if it is on I want this output on also. The next input is the DI Refill output it also is not inverted. The last one is the Mix Refill output. it also is not inverted. The combiner mode is OR since we want the output on if either input is active or on in this case. A combiner mode of AND would require all inputs to be active or on for this output to be on. The output device is the outlet that turns on in this case. The power safe range you can set for certain types of outputs. If it is out of the range an alert is sent in this case a yellow alert. The input dependency mode is set to off if a input becomes unavailable it will default to off. Active in modes I didn't change and the default is active in all modes. The depends on is set to the Leak Garage. This output is on if any of the leak detectors near the RODI are active which will turn off the output if they are so the dependency mode is set to off if on for that to happen. The rest of the settings are at their default settings. So If either the RODI timer, DI Refill or Mix Refill outputs are on and there are no active leaks this output will be on which will turn on the input solenoid on the input of the RODI unit and allow flow. I did this so I had a way to turn off the water supply if a leak was detected but I also only wanted the supply to be active when needed. This allows the RODI unit to refill a badder tank on a timed schedule, Refill the DI reservoir if it goes low or the mix tank if it becomes low. Functionally this is the same as a 3 input OR gate. I have a lot more complex uses setup using the combiner output type also.




  • I place the offender in an acclimation box for a period of time (jail).

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