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chris D

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HI , I’m Chris from southern Oregon, 49 years young happily married for 29 years with 3 sons. I started reefing about 19 years ago with a 90 gallon old glass tank I found on a job site that was about to get busted and dumpster‘d. It had a old busted up stand that I salvaged and off I went. I thought this would be a great thing to do with my boys, i started visiting the local fish and reef store in the next city over about 30 miles away and soon I was failing my way through it! two steps backwards for one step forward but loving every step of the journey. After about two years and a beautiful reef tank with way too many fish and inverts it became my stress outlet. at about year 3 it happened after leaving for a 3 day weekend I came home to a heater that malfunctioned and everything lost most of our fish ate from our hands and had names definitely pets. It really bothered me to the point of low key depression all the work and all the time hard lost or so I thought. I got to the point of just being ticked and threw most of it out. I kept all my rock and and the dresser clam shell that was my favorite critter from the tank.
Fast forward to the present day kids all grown up I’m a new grandfather I’ve built my family’s plumbing shop into a fairly self sufficient mechanism and my bride mentioned that I’m sitting around a lot and it would be better for us if I got a hobby. the same day I went into a new customers house who had a 300 gallon reef aquarium and here I am addicted as the first day 19 years ago

After a month of non stop research I ordered a waterbox infinia 125.4 I wanted to go bigger but my wife allotted a area of our living room and to keep the peace I’m working within her wishes , for now… I’ve ordered skimmer,pumps,power heads,sand,salt,and a host of other cool things from BRS and will list them when it arrives and I start my build.

Where I am today I’ve retrieved all my old reef rock from under a tree on my property, that seemed like a good spot at the time to retire it, ( it was not ) most of the rock has a host of things growing out of every nook and cranny which has taken some time to get out and I’m on my second round of bleach nuking to kill and restore the rock to a dry Level so I can start new.

my plans are to share my journey from the start and ask lots of questions as to have a long lasting success back in the saltwater aquarium life.

This my first time on a Forum I hope it goes well


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Hi Chris, welcome to R2R!
HI , I’m Chris from southern Oregon, 49 years young happily married for 29 years with 3 sons. I started reefing about 19 years ago with a 90 gallon old glass tank I found on a job site that was about to get busted and dumpster‘d. It had a old busted up stand that I salvaged and off I went. I thought this would be a great thing to do with my boys, i started visiting the local fish and reef store in the next city over about 30 miles away and soon I was failing my way through it! two steps backwards for one step forward but loving every step of the journey. After about two years and a beautiful reef tank with way too many fish and inverts it became my stress outlet. at about year 3 it happened after leaving for a 3 day weekend I came home to a heater that malfunctioned and everything lost most of our fish ate from our hands and had names definitely pets. It really bothered me to the point of low key depression all the work and all the time hard lost or so I thought. I got to the point of just being ticked and threw most of it out. I kept all my rock and and the dresser clam shell that was my favorite critter from the tank.
Fast forward to the present day kids all grown up I’m a new grandfather I’ve built my family’s plumbing shop into a fairly self sufficient mechanism and my bride mentioned that I’m sitting around a lot and it would be better for us if I got a hobby. the same day I went into a new customers house who had a 300 gallon reef aquarium and here I am addicted as the first day 19 years ago

After a month of non stop research I ordered a waterbox infinia 125.4 I wanted to go bigger but my wife allotted a area of our living room and to keep the peace I’m working within her wishes , for now… I’ve ordered skimmer,pumps,power heads,sand,salt,and a host of other cool things from BRS and will list them when it arrives and I start my build.

Where I am today I’ve retrieved all my old reef rock from under a tree on my property, that seemed like a good spot at the time to retire it, ( it was not ) most of the rock has a host of things growing out of every nook and cranny which has taken some time to get out and I’m on my second round of bleach nuking to kill and restore the rock to a dry Level so I can start new.

my plans are to share my journey from the start and ask lots of questions as to have a long lasting success back in the saltwater aquarium life.

This my first time on a Forum I hope it goes well


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  • I place the offender in an acclimation box for a period of time (jail).

    Votes: 10 17.5%
  • I remove the offender entirely and reintroduce them at a later time (rehab).

    Votes: 2 3.5%
  • I use the mirror method (a little reverse psychology).

    Votes: 4 7.0%
  • I rearrange rock work (throw them off).

    Votes: 4 7.0%
  • I don't tolerate bullies. Bye bye fishy!

    Votes: 13 22.8%
  • I've never dealt with a tank bully.

    Votes: 17 29.8%
  • Other (please explain!)

    Votes: 7 12.3%