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My Tank Thread
I Sarted my dream about 4yrs ago. I ahd a lot of help from a friend of mine who is an expert in marine life. I absolutely knew nothing about corals, fish or how to deal with the chemistry of it. Did start with LPS as it is a little easier to handle.
My tank was built by Acrylic Glass Exibhits in texas. It took for ever cause I wanted it with certain specifics. The bottom consist of a 1" thick rubber/plastic and the top is acrylic euro reef style with glass covers. The tank is 3 sided 1/2" glass 60" x 22" x 30" and its approx 180 gal. Its drilled on the bottom for a closed loop system. My overflow box is divided into two compartments so 1/2 is my overflow that drains into the sump and the other 1/2 is for the main close loop pump system. I had to built a custom steel stand to fit and then later had a carpenter finish it with doors for access.My sump is not as big as I would have liked it to be but due to space I could ony do a 25 gal oceanic reef ready sump. I started with just the basics until later added all the bells and whistles in equipment little by little.
Today my tank equipment consist of:
Reeflo pump with a wave maker attached to it as the main pump that provide flow through 4split port on the bottom of my tank hidden by live rock.
I built a custom chiller from trade wind chillers to sit outside my house and piped it from my sump and dump water into the tank as another souce of flow.
So I used another bigger Reeflo pump that sit in my boiler room with about 40' of feed and 40' of return water.[that was a project to get the air out]
Samll Ehiem pump in my sump that supply circulation for my UV sterilizer, probs for my GHL dozer cntroller, calcium reator and my Vertex reactor with my GFO.
My calcium reactor is from Vertex.
Kalkwasser reactor is from Precision marine and is topped off from my 5 stage RO sytem that is across the room where I have my mixing station.The solonoid is controlled by my GHL
I bought three skimmers through the years until I settled with a Bubble King.
As I got tired with LPS and got myself educated a little more and wanted more and more decided it was time to swith slowly to SPS so I needed more flow so I added two Tunze 6105 power heads and two MP40 fro Vortech oposite from the tunze.
As Far as lights I have also changed to bigger due the fact that Sps require more lights and it consists of two 400 watts 20k radiums with 4 48" T5 from aquamedic
Thats more or less every thing in a nut shell. Here are some pictures from when I started to what it is today
My tank was built by Acrylic Glass Exibhits in texas. It took for ever cause I wanted it with certain specifics. The bottom consist of a 1" thick rubber/plastic and the top is acrylic euro reef style with glass covers. The tank is 3 sided 1/2" glass 60" x 22" x 30" and its approx 180 gal. Its drilled on the bottom for a closed loop system. My overflow box is divided into two compartments so 1/2 is my overflow that drains into the sump and the other 1/2 is for the main close loop pump system. I had to built a custom steel stand to fit and then later had a carpenter finish it with doors for access.My sump is not as big as I would have liked it to be but due to space I could ony do a 25 gal oceanic reef ready sump. I started with just the basics until later added all the bells and whistles in equipment little by little.
Today my tank equipment consist of:
Reeflo pump with a wave maker attached to it as the main pump that provide flow through 4split port on the bottom of my tank hidden by live rock.
I built a custom chiller from trade wind chillers to sit outside my house and piped it from my sump and dump water into the tank as another souce of flow.
So I used another bigger Reeflo pump that sit in my boiler room with about 40' of feed and 40' of return water.[that was a project to get the air out]
Samll Ehiem pump in my sump that supply circulation for my UV sterilizer, probs for my GHL dozer cntroller, calcium reator and my Vertex reactor with my GFO.
My calcium reactor is from Vertex.
Kalkwasser reactor is from Precision marine and is topped off from my 5 stage RO sytem that is across the room where I have my mixing station.The solonoid is controlled by my GHL
I bought three skimmers through the years until I settled with a Bubble King.
As I got tired with LPS and got myself educated a little more and wanted more and more decided it was time to swith slowly to SPS so I needed more flow so I added two Tunze 6105 power heads and two MP40 fro Vortech oposite from the tunze.
As Far as lights I have also changed to bigger due the fact that Sps require more lights and it consists of two 400 watts 20k radiums with 4 48" T5 from aquamedic
Thats more or less every thing in a nut shell. Here are some pictures from when I started to what it is today