Where would you all recommend to order a yellow watchman goby? It's been a few years since I have ordered fish online, so I am looking for recommendations.
I was looking on Live Aquaria and they have two different listings. One is for ORA Captive Bread Yellow Watchman Goby and one just titled Yellow Watchman Goby (I presume wild caught).
The photos look quite different (pictures attached). The ORA version is much paler than the wild caught. Is this the case with all ORA YWGs or is the picture just generic? I'm interested in a bright yellow/blue spot specimen, but I feel like the ORA version is going to be hardier than a wild caught one. Appreciate your input.

I was looking on Live Aquaria and they have two different listings. One is for ORA Captive Bread Yellow Watchman Goby and one just titled Yellow Watchman Goby (I presume wild caught).
The photos look quite different (pictures attached). The ORA version is much paler than the wild caught. Is this the case with all ORA YWGs or is the picture just generic? I'm interested in a bright yellow/blue spot specimen, but I feel like the ORA version is going to be hardier than a wild caught one. Appreciate your input.