clown behavior

  1. althyu

    Is keeping multiple clownfish pairs from different species in one tank possible?

    Hey y'all! I've been wandering if i could keep 3 pairs of clownfish together in a community tank and just how big that aquarium would need to be. Do any of you have experience with something like this? Maybe i could put two anemones on opposite sides of the tank and a third one somewhere in...
  2. B

    They have made a fort Fort Goni

    My pair have decided to make a fort around their Goni it’s about 3” high and encircles their Goni lol. I gave up shaking out the welso and Goni they keep getting mad and making the fort bigger while kicking sand on em lol. I had a terracotta bottom in there for when she lays eggs…. It’s buried...
  3. nycfreshreef

    Are my clown fish pair going to have babies (video in post) they are dancing and shaking a lot

    Hello Everyone I just wanted to get your thoughts on this clownfish pair that host the corner of the tank, they have been wiggling together a lot and it seems the male has also started chasing the female a lot these past 24 hours , do you think they might be getting ready to have babies ? If so...
  4. T

    Mixing clownfish harem.

    I am planning on doing a clownfish harem. I have a 48" long 20" tall and 20" wide tank. I was planning on doing two Oscellaris types. 8 of each for a total of 16. Anybody with experience have any tips? I have watched brs, they said you could do it but havent done it themselves.
  5. T

    Tang in clown harem.

    I have a fifty gallon tank 48" long. I have decided to make it a clown harem tank. I would have 14-16 clowns and I was considering a tang and a sand sifting goby for utility. Any thoughts? I will have the tang moved to a bigger tank when it grows. I would also like a shrimp goby pair. That is...
  6. Mattc123

    One clown possibly bullying the other help

    Hey everyone. So I'm having some problems with my clowns or rather one of them. I've had them almost 4 months now and I've never had such an issue with fighting/pecking. My white one has always submitted to the black one and done the little clown shake/shimmy to submit and that's it. Recently...
  7. Fenwickwick

    Is This Nesting Behavior From a Clownfish?

    Is this nesting behavior? She’s never shown a bit of interest in the sinularia in over 2 years. Now she’s hosting it like it’s an anemone and has a particular interest in the little hole in the middle of the zoathids. She’s even pecking at some of them. She’s also a giant ****** when you put...
  8. himynameis

    Finally hosted after a week

  9. J

    Clownfish fighting after water change

    Hello, I’m new to saltwater aquariums and the first two fish I got were clownfish. I’ve had them for about 3 weeks now and they always got along fine until three days ago when I did a 4 gallon water change on my 40 gallon aquarium. During the water change I also took out the pump, heater, and...
  10. X

    Clownfish acting weird

    Hi guys! For the past 3 days, my clownfish has been acting really weird, he is just parking in one corner of the tank, time to time he swims to the bottom or the top of the tank in that same corner, he is eating well, he is not having any trouble breathing, does not have any visible disease...
  11. rporter996

    New Clownfish help

    New to reefing fish help Hello, I'm not sure if you can possibly help but I recently got a tank all setup. I got it cycled with the Tim's fishless method which took me around 20 days. I finally was able to get fish this past Saturday I got 2 snowflake clowns and they've been great until...
  12. Linoss17

    EMERGENCY Fish sick?

    I just purchased these two clownfish but I noticed on one of them a little discoloration I’m new to the hobby and I’m not sure if it’s discoloration or the color of the clownfish it seems only one fish has it. Does it look like anything to you guys?
  13. sarinaruu

    strange behavior

    today my male clownfish took an interest in nuzzling the skimmer, normally they sleep against the back wall but both the male and female pair keep twitching on it. are they trying to host it? i’ve never seen him twitch besides when he is submitting to the female.
  14. T

    Is My Clownfish Acting Okay?

    Just recently got my clownfish pair from a fish store last week. Water levels are within the acceptable levels for clownfish, they like to swim up the glass and to the top, or just float in the corner but don’t seem to sleep at night. One of them dart’s pretty fast in random motions from each...
  15. anabechara

    Is this normal?

    Hi all! My clownfish Wally has been acting up weird lately. He suddenly lays down on the sand in a corner of the tank and kinda rests there for a little bit and then he just starts swimming again. He doesn't seem to be in distress. His skin and body look fine as well. He does this randomly...
  16. Reaper_Six_Four

    New clown fish compatibility

    Here’s the scenario. I have an existing 30 gallon tank which is home to two clowns. I’m in the middle of cycling my new 72 gallon tank which will house all my live stock from the 30. I’d like to add more clowns to to 72 in addition to the two that will be moving from my 30. Is this possible? If...
  17. Munkiful

    Clown being a clown? Or possible disease / Ammonia

    Hello, I've recently posted about an ammonia "issue" I'm facing. Long story short, Nh3 is give or take 0.04. Tank is (was) cycled. Nitrates - 0~5 Nitrites -0. PH 8.4, salinity 1.023, temp 24°C. Tank is 50 Gallons, about 2/ 2 1/2 months old. FOWLR tank, 40lbs rock. Currently have 2 clowns, one...
  18. anabechara

    Is my clownfish okay? Please help!

    Hello all! We brought our 2 clown fish home yesterday. I have tested my water and everything is okay. The temp is between 78 and 79.5F. One of them is swimming at the top today like if she was trying to breathe. She does not seem to be gasping and when she actually goes to the bottom briefly she...
  19. Alexopora

    What are some of the hosts that your clownfish has taken up residence in?

    Here’s mine making my Plating Monti as its bed.
  20. D

    Clown resting on Sand and rocks

    Added two clownfish to our 20 gallon long tank. Only other inhabitant at this time is a small long tentacle anemone and a new toadstool coral. After the first night the smaller clownfish has been resting on rock and sand various times at night and day. But swims up when I approach. Originally...
  21. notMrDurden

    Clowns are strange

    So I have two clowns that I got about a month and a half ago... An Ocellaris (Nemo) and a Wyoming White (Steve). And before you ask, they're just roommates. The past few nights ol Steve (the bigger of the two) has been dancing around this zoa frag. Nemo is getting close, but not too close.. he...
  22. CrunchAttack

    Tape-Like Poop

    Hello! I'd love any insight folks might have for a new hobbyist with his first fish. My clownfish started having stringy tape-like poop last week. It sticks to his body, is thicker and flat like a piece of white tape. At first his behavior hadn't changed much, but now he is swimming mostly...
  23. Hannahmunt

    Is my clown to big for the nem?

    I have a bta and the clown has started hosting. the nem was double the size it is now. Is the clown to aggressive for it? I watched the clown today and he was really going at the nem I attached a video.
  24. V

    How do you know that clowns didn’t match

    Hi, When i started the tank i had 2 blackstorms, my male was super submissive like only hang in one corner while the female just outside of the corner. When i was on a trip, my female found one little crack on my lid, and jumped out. Sadly. After a little while, i bought an orange storm, just a...
  25. wesmx

    New to the hobby

    Hi. I am new to the hobby of reef keeping and reef2reef community. I have recently setup a 30L aquarium. It is a Camry Q3-380. As I knew nothing about reefs or marine aquariums, I did my research, spoke to some people in the hobby and read a few articles. I chose the dead shrimp cycle, with...