Usage for hash tag: Invertexperts

  1. PeterLL

    What can I feed Micro Brittle Stars?

    Awesome thank you, hopefully they are able to give a wee bit insight :) Maybe I can even be the first person to use the new fancy #Invertexperts
  2. Daniel@R2R

    Got invert knowledge? Help us out as one of our invert experts!

    ...where they can help out. I'd like to ask you guys to help with invert related questions by subscribing and responding to the hashtag #Invertexperts (Primarily motil inverts since we already have hashtags for coral types: #SPSexperts, #LPSexperts, #Zoaexperts, #NPSexperts, #softyexperts, and...
  3. Daniel@R2R

    Do you have a lot of fishy knowledge? Help us out as one of our fish experts!

    Not that I know of. @Crabs McJones may know. We could just use #Invertexperts for ease of memory.