
  1. Rham1281

    Cloudy water for about 3 weeks..

    Ive had my 75 gallon up and running for about 3 months now. Water started off crystal clear then I did a water change (disturbed the sand a bit too much which I'm sure is the cause) and it's been cloudy ever since. I have my skimmer running, keeping the filter socks clear, and I have an air...
  2. Catfish31504

    Cloudy tank killing fish

    Hello, about 2 weeks ago after i did a water change, the tank would get cloudy during the day. It clears up by mid afternoon but every morning its cloudy again. I tried multiple things including a water change, adjusting the filter, and most recently i started dosing microbacter7 to see if that...
  3. Lady of Babylon

    Population boom copepod

    I had set up a 20 gallon to raise macro algae, phytoplankton, and breed various ornamental shrimp and feeder species... I kinda forgot about it for a few months while my main tank was in trouble. Now that the big tank has been pretty steady for over a month I got some macro algae to pick up...
  4. B

    Bio- Magnet Clarifier not being able to just pour in?

    I got sand from “Carib Sea” and it comes with a Bio-Magnet Clarifier and it says add it to a jar and add slowly. Why can I just not pour it in?
  5. B

    Cloudy Water

    I recently started saltwater and I love it so far. So I set up my tank and had it running for a week and a half and I tested my water and had 6.8 pH and I wanted to make that higher around the 8.2 range. So I went out to the store and got “Aquavitro Balance” and so i used it and it says on the...