ich vs coral

  1. alexytman

    Does hydrogen peroxide kill ich tomonts on frags?

    Just got ich/velvet so planning 90 day fallow. I'm fine with QT fishes and inverts but think I can't be patient enough for qt for coral frag swaps. Hydrogen peroxide has been used as coral dips for algae so I am wondering anyone used it to bypass frag quarantine assuming the chemically violent...
  2. Neo Baldovino

    Hypo-Salinity in Display Tank

    Hi Everyone! I’ve decided to hop on here and start a thread based on my on going experience with hypo salinity in an establish aquarium. I have a Red Sea 900 with a decent amount of livestock in it. Currently in it is an XL clown Tang, XL Powder Blue, L Gold Rim Tang, M desjardini, M Hippo...
  3. Marc88

    Dosing copper to your DT...the documented journey.

    In the short time I've been in this hobby, there have been three categories for copper dosing as it relates to the DT. Yes, copper will kill corals and inverts, that is not debatable. Make no mistake. I do not intend to bash anyone who falls into any of the categories. My goal is to try to...
  4. QuarantinedCorals

    What is ich?

    Hi everyone, I hope everybody is doing good. I have some questions about marine ich, I want to separate fact from fiction so if you can help me out I’d very much appreciate it. 1. Can a fish have ich and not show any signs of it? 2. I’ve been told a fish can carry ich and not show signs of it...
  5. S

    New to hobby dealing with ich

    Hello, I’ve been running a 75 gallon for about 3 months and have a few fish and goby’s as well as a decent clean up crew. I also have a few beginner corals like GSP, Zoa’s and Xenia’s. About 4 days ago I noticed ich on my flame angel, and researched some treatments and cures. I learned about...
  6. Reefahholic

    ICH- Ciliate communities vs Coral!

    Should you QT your coral?? Yes, we definitely should. Can ICH cause STN? Sure appears that way. Let the discussion begin! See Article here: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1385110115300095 Video: