nudibranch id

  1. ChunkyMunky Pengopus

    Nudibranch ID help

    I've just purchased some coral and I found two of these hitchhikers. I'm hoping they are just reef-safe and algea eating nudibranches, but I'm not sure how likely that nice possibility is. Before I put the coral in my tank, what are these? Should I keep them or remove them?
  2. ChuckTownReefer

    What kinda NUDIBRANCH is this? How BAD is this??

    Found this nudi just walking around on the side of the tank. I have put Berghia nudibranch in the system like 7 months ago but it really doesn't have the same colors as a Berghia nudibranch does. This one has red and a brownish body. I don't see any bit marks on anything just went through and...
  3. K

    What kind of nudibranch is this?

    Hi! I’m a new member to the reef world! I noticed a nudibranch in my tank tonight, but I was having trouble identifying what kind it is. I think it’s an aptasia eating one (Berghia nudibranch) but I wanted to be sure. Any ideas?
  4. S

    What's on my zoa?

    Hi, Had a little zoa colony for about 2 months as happy as can be, the last week they've closed up in the last week and haven't opened since. All paras are good and my mushroom and frogspawn are fine. I have 2 theories: 1) whatever the thing is in the attached picture is causing bother...

    Harmful to my Zoa? Critter ID

    Just woke up this morning and got ready to do my daily zoa growth picture and I found these little guys on one of my frags. Should I be concerned, my zoas don't seem to be closing at all. They're white and have very small antennas from what I can see.
  6. dbati

    Possible Nudibranch Hitchhiker, is it a nuisance?

    Hi everyone, I’ve had this nudibranch in since I set up my aquarium about 5-6 weeks ago. I don’t have many corals in the tank yet but he still is lurking in the shadows, I’ve noticed he’s nocturnal. I just wanted to see if anyone knows what kind of Nudi it is and if it may become an issue for...