ruby reef rally

  1. taylormaximus

    Help with setting up Copper Power QT plan

    Hi! So I'm researching trying to do a copper QT for new fish moving forward (using copper power). I had a couple questions to get clarifications on, and then after that I'll probably make a post sharing my QT plan, just to run it by some pros on here and check for flaws. 1. Could you go 14...
  2. th365thli

    Copper power with Kanaplex or Ruby Reef Rally?

    Recent events have me decide it best for me to treat my FOWLR display tank. I've just about moved all the inverts into a separate tank to go fallow. I plan on using Copper Power. For full coverage, would I be able to do Kanaplex or Ruby Rally at the same time? I also have Prazi but I don't...
  3. J

    Ruby reef rally pro in mixed reef?

    Anyone have experience dosing this in the DT with a mixed reef? Nems, inverts, lps and softies, etc.
  4. Gonj

    EMERGENCY Clowns keep getting Brook?

    I’ve had these two clowns since March 4th in qt 10g, heater, bubbler, pvc. I observed them for the first 4 days and they began to show signs of Brook I jumped on here followed recommended treatment treated with ruby reef bath and dosed tank with metroplex, I also did a full water change in the...
  5. Isaac Alves

    White "slime-coat" marks on Clown. Treated with Furan-2. Need help with ID.

    I need some help identifying if something is off with my little clown. He's in my second system and the display refugium now. I put him through a full duration of Furan-2 to address if the white skin mark was a slime coat issue or an infection from a wound. I just put him back after being in...