toadstool leather

  1. Zoa_Fanatic

    Mushroom coral help

    i got a small frag of toadstool mushroom Thursday. I also started running carbon. Today my LPS look bad and shriveled. Is this an effect of toxins from the mushroom or could it be the carbon leaching nutrients causing them to act bad? Just removed the carbon. salinity-1.025 pH-8.2 Nitrate-5ppm...
  2. Zoa_Fanatic

    Leather coral question

    Ok so I am not new to reefing. I’ve been doing this like 8 years. I am however new to leather corals. I’ve got a line on a great little toadstool leather frag I’m picking up Thursday. My question is do these dudes sting other corals? And what about the toxin they release into the water? Do I...
  3. Zoa_Fanatic

    Toadstool coral care

    Hey reefers. I am getting a tiny frag of green toadstool leather Thursday. How do I care for this coral? Will it be harmful to my Zoa, candy canes, blasto, or hammer coral? Am I supposed to run carbon? Sorry about all the questions new to leathers in general.
  4. Zoa_Fanatic

    Is this a toadstool leathers coral?

    Hey guys. My wife bought me this coral for Christmas. I think it’s a white toadstool leather but I don’t know. She paid 25$ for it. I feel like it was a decent deal. Someone please help me I’d this thing and let me know is she did good! Thanks! Edit: It’s like solid ghost white. I don’t think...
  5. Reefer37

    Texas WTB Higher End Leathers & Rock Flowers

    Trying to find some higher end leathers, maybe a pink tip weeping willow, Fiji yellow toadstool, pink nephthea, etc. Also interested in any rock flower anemones to add to my garden. Shoot me a message and let me know what you have!
  6. keb10d

    Dead Toadstool?

    Hi! I’ve had this toadstool leather for maybe six months now.. it started out tall and upright but over the past couple month it’s super slumped over and not opening. It looks like his base is starting to shrivel too, it used to stick perfectly in the hole. I’ve tried moving him and nothings...