Hair still grows in blue light.I don’t have a par meter but running two radions. All the euphyllia are mid level in the tank. The torches that look good do have that flesh band, these did as well. I did change the light settings reducing white photo period about three months ago trying to combat hair algae.
Common thing that is parroted with no facts.
It be just the par, could be flow is too low/high. Could be po4 is kinda high now at .3 but .2 is okay. But at that time could have been something else. Confusing for sure.Current settings are: blue ramp up for 30
Min to 75% AB+ for 5 hours followed by blues for another 3 hours. The old settings was 85% AB+ for 7 hours. I made the change based on WWC video about lighting and the algae issue. Could the reduction be something that caused the issue?
Might have to get a par meter I guess
What lights do you have and the settings? Nevermind, I responded but reading the thread.
After you straighten out the par, remember that it may be a month or two before seeing flesh growth.
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