Help picking a fish for nano reef


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Hi all, I'm looking for some help picking fish for my 20g red sea max nano (AIO).

At the moment I've got a few corals and a pair of small juvenille ocellaris clownfish. The tank is absolutely swarming with copepods all over the glass, despite only being a few months old.

I'm looking for help with planning further stocking. Specifically, I'm hoping to get a 'centrepiece' fish and am having trouble choosing.

Here's what I'd value in this fish:
- Colourful
- unique looking
- active throughout the day and evening
- not too shy so that I would rarely see it
- peaceful and able to get along with other fish
- possible for me to feed with an auto feeder, so that if I go away for a few days or a couple weeks it won't starve or suffer.
- having a it of a personality would be a huge pro

Additionally, I'm also hoping to add some other lifestock to the tank, so would be good to know of there would be any issues with:
- shrimp and goby pair
- red line cleaner shrimp
- pom poms crab
- porcelain crab

I've already considered:

Mandarin dragonete:
I love this fish and would love something similar though I have heard even the captive ones are very hard to keep in nanos as they will destroy the pod population and their reliance on frozen or pellet foods would likely lead to nutrient issues. I also worry that they'd not be able to compete with the clowns for food from the autofeeder.

Fairy/Possum wrasse:
Again I love this fish though I've been advised that my tank would be too small for the wrasse to be happy :'(

These seem awesome to keep however I don't think there are any that would be small enough for my tank and the dietary requirements would make it hard - plus it would likely harrass or kill the rest of the livestock.

Thanks so much for taking the time to read, I'm really looking forward to some insight!


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firefish goby
banghai cardinal


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I've got a 40g AIO and currently have 1x clown, 1x banggai (had 2 but one swamp too close to the wavemaker...) and a tiger pistol shrimp. Personally, I'm planning to grab another of each and probably a Royal Gramma (such a cool purple/yellow mix) and some form of goby to pair with the pistol (ideally, yellow watchman, but can't seem to find one locally). After that, I'm also looking for fish suggestions, so following along with your post!


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firefish goby
banghai cardinal
Thanks for the suggestions but I think the firefish is too timid for what I'm looking for (I'm also not a big fan of them tbh). I've already got a pair of clowns, and I'm not a fan of banghai from what I've heard about pickyness/aggression + their looks personally.

Sorry for nitpicking your suggestions, perhaps I'm chasing the impossible trying to find a fish that meets my requirements.
I've got a 40g AIO and currently have 1x clown, 1x banggai (had 2 but one swamp too close to the wavemaker...) and a tiger pistol shrimp. Personally, I'm planning to grab another of each and probably a Royal Gramma (such a cool purple/yellow mix) and some form of goby to pair with the pistol (ideally, yellow watchman, but can't seem to find one locally). After that, I'm also looking for fish suggestions, so following along with your post!
I'm very excited to get my shrimp/goby pair! How is your tiger shrimp going? I've heard they can get big/aggressive so I think for a tank my size I'll try and go with a candy


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I'm very excited to get my shrimp/goby pair! How is your tiger shrimp going? I've heard they can get big/aggressive so I think for a tank my size I'll try and go with a candy

I got the tiger pistol about 3 weeks ago now and I've yet to see him lol. At the store he was SOOOO active and building a little home but I got him and he immediately burrowed into the sand. By morning he had found a rock to hide under and now I only ever see his little antenna sticking out. He did molt, which scarred the crap out of me because I thought he was dead. Hoping to find a goby this weekend to try and pair up which will maybe get him more comfortable coming out again. Either way, I'm sure he'll come out eventually.

I didn't honestly think I'd like the Banggai cause they always seemed so boring but I watch that fish way more than I do my clown. Watching how much they move their little fins just to stay in place in the flow of the tank is surprisingly fascinating. Maybe don't write them off just yet. :)


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Hawkfish are awesome. Although you may need to adjust your invert stock. Mine doesn't seem to bother inverts but I've heard of them attacking some inverts if not fed properly.


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For that tank size a Yasha goby and Randall’s pistol shrimp pair should work well. Maybe a small blenny or clown goby, I wouldn’t push it too far on the amount of fish with that sized tank. I imagine eventually the clowns will claim the whole top half of the tank.

Banggai do better in a bigger tank, last pair I had swam the whole length of my 3’ 30g, at night anyways, daytime they barely move.


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I got the tiger pistol about 3 weeks ago now and I've yet to see him lol. At the store he was SOOOO active and building a little home but I got him and he immediately burrowed into the sand. By morning he had found a rock to hide under and now I only ever see his little antenna sticking out. He did molt, which scarred the crap out of me because I thought he was dead. Hoping to find a goby this weekend to try and pair up which will maybe get him more comfortable coming out again. Either way, I'm sure he'll come out eventually.

I didn't honestly think I'd like the Banggai cause they always seemed so boring but I watch that fish way more than I do my clown. Watching how much they move their little fins just to stay in place in the flow of the tank is surprisingly fascinating. Maybe don't write them off just yet. :)
Yeah, they do seem kinda boring to me. Maybe I'll try and find an LFS nearby that has some in a display and see how it looks...

Hawkfish are awesome. Although you may need to adjust your invert stock. Mine doesn't seem to bother inverts but I've heard of them attacking some inverts if not fed properly.
Hawkfish look like they would fit the bill for me aside from the invert issues, I might do a bit more research on whether or not it is actually possible to keep them with a redline shrimp and the pistol (I'd assume the pistol can hold their own).

Tailspot blenny or fairy wrasse, good workers
I'd love a fairy wrasse but (I said more in my OP) I've heard fairy and possum wrasse will be too big for a 20g AIO.

For that tank size a Yasha goby and Randall’s pistol shrimp pair should work well. Maybe a small blenny or clown goby, I wouldn’t push it too far on the amount of fish with that sized tank. I imagine eventually the clowns will claim the whole top half of the tank.

Banggai do better in a bigger tank, last pair I had swam the whole length of my 3’ 30g, at night anyways, daytime they barely move.
Yeah I'm not hoping to push it that much more than probably just a shrimp goby and this fish I'm trying to decide on. That's the main reason I'm having such a hard time deciding on it - want to make sure it ticks all the boxes as I won't have much room left to tick any that're missed with other fish.


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Tailspot Blenny - active and utilitarian (smaller and more attractive lawnmower), interesting behavior, adorable hanging out of their little holes/hides they establish around the tank.

Firefish - I know you said you don’t like them (who hurt you?!?) and that they’re too timid. They’re not too timid, they’d be just fine with your clowns and any potential tank mates. They’re fairly active/out all day, and look and do great as pairs.

Valentini Puffer (or any of the canthigaster genus) - you may have to rethink some of your invert stocking, but larger inverts are usually okay with these guys, especially if we’ll fed. They won’t raise your nutrient levels any more than any other similar sized fish.

Six-line wrasse - A lot of people say these are too aggressive, and they can be, but if you stock your tank deliberately and choose tankmates wisely, they’re just fine (I have a six line, pink bar goby, banggai Cardinal, Tailspot Blenny, and two firefish in a 28g, the sixline was a little aggressive towards the firefish on the first day, but after that they get along just fine).

Clown Goby - the green ones remind me of a small angler/frogfish, they’re just cool, perching, somewhat cryptic, grumpy looking, beady-eyed little derps.

Scooter Dragonet/Ruby Red Dragonet - more active than a mandarin, much more likely to eat prepared foods, and just a little more robust than mandarins.

Yellow Watchman Goby - can be paired with a pistol shrimp, just a cool fish (all watchman gobies are cool, my pink bar is gorgeous).

Pajama Cardinal - I just like them, IMO, they look like an Art Deco/Frank Macintosh illustration of a fish

Anyway, those are just a few off the top of my head.


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Tailspot Blenny - active and utilitarian (smaller and more attractive lawnmower), interesting behavior, adorable hanging out of their little holes/hides they establish around the tank.

Firefish - I know you said you don’t like them (who hurt you?!?) and that they’re too timid. They’re not too timid, they’d be just fine with your clowns and any potential tank mates. They’re fairly active/out all day, and look and do great as pairs.

Valentini Puffer (or any of the canthigaster genus) - you may have to rethink some of your invert stocking, but larger inverts are usually okay with these guys, especially if we’ll fed. They won’t raise your nutrient levels any more than any other similar sized fish.

Six-line wrasse - A lot of people say these are too aggressive, and they can be, but if you stock your tank deliberately and choose tankmates wisely, they’re just fine (I have a six line, pink bar goby, banggai Cardinal, Tailspot Blenny, and two firefish in a 28g, the sixline was a little aggressive towards the firefish on the first day, but after that they get along just fine).

Clown Goby - the green ones remind me of a small angler/frogfish, they’re just cool, perching, somewhat cryptic, grumpy looking, beady-eyed little derps.

Scooter Dragonet/Ruby Red Dragonet - more active than a mandarin, much more likely to eat prepared foods, and just a little more robust than mandarins.

Yellow Watchman Goby - can be paired with a pistol shrimp, just a cool fish (all watchman gobies are cool, my pink bar is gorgeous).

Pajama Cardinal - I just like them, IMO, they look like an Art Deco/Frank Macintosh illustration of a fish

Anyway, those are just a few off the top of my head.

I know :'( my opinion on firefish seems to be incredibly unpopular!

Thanks so much for the thought that went into your list, it's incredibly helpful! I have a few questions about some:

Would the valentini puffer not be too big for a tank of this size (20g)? I was looking into them before and they seem awesome. Is there any ability to get them to eat prepared foods or somehow feed them when I'm away or would I need a tank sitter?

Six-line wrasse seem really cool also - though I do have concerns about the tank being too small for them again. I'd love a wrasse that would be happy and healthy in my 20g, but I've been told even fairy or possum wrasse would find the tank too small.

Scooter Dragonet/Ruby Red Dragonet - are these actually different to a mandarin? I was always under the assumption it was essentially the same fish but in a different colour. If they're more likely to be able to be maintained from an auto feeder while I'm away and take to prepared foods, this could be a winner also!

Thanks so much again!


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Or a Springeri Damsel.

I recently ordered a quarantined Springeri Damsel from Dr. Reef, and am so glad I did.
its been a great fish, very peaceful and one of, if not the busiest fish in the tank. Always out and about.
Mine is completely blue, no black markings, except the stripes on his head, completely blue body. It has been a great little fish. They are good pest hunters too! He can often be found palling around with a little tomini tang. Where one goes, the other is usually not far behind. He was a similar size to my Royal Gramma too, so that had me worried, but they get along just fine and even share a few hiding caves without issue.

There is some confusion/debate over what is a Springeri Damsel however, so be sure of what you are buying.


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Thanks for the suggestions but I think the firefish is too timid for what I'm looking for (I'm also not a big fan of them tbh). I've already got a pair of clowns, and I'm not a fan of banghai from what I've heard about pickyness/aggression + their looks personally.

Sorry for nitpicking your suggestions, perhaps I'm chasing the impossible trying to find a fish that meets my requirements.

I'm very excited to get my shrimp/goby pair! How is your tiger shrimp going? I've heard they can get big/aggressive so I think for a tank my size I'll try and go with a candy
My Hlefrichi firefish is never hiding. He is the most active of all my fish. Amazing colour.


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Or a Springeri Damsel.

I recently ordered a quarantined Springeri Damsel from Dr. Reef, and am so glad I did.
its been a great fish, very peaceful and one of, if not the busiest fish in the tank. Always out and about.
Mine is completely blue, no black markings, except the stripes on his head, completely blue body. It has been a great little fish. They are good pest hunters too! He can often be found palling around with a little tomini tang. Where one goes, the other is usually not far behind. He was a similar size to my Royal Gramma too, so that had me worried, but they get along just fine and even share a few hiding caves without issue.

There is some confusion/debate over what is a Springeri Damsel however, so be sure of what you are buying.
Thanks, he definitely sounds like a great addition. Very beautiful colours!

My Hlefrichi firefish is never hiding. He is the most active of all my fish. Amazing colour.
Interesting, I've heard such mixed things about firefish. I guess some just hide in a cave all day and others never do.


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I have a 32g tank with YWG, sixline wrasse, bicolor blenny, clownfish couple and a chromis. The one I like the most is the bicolor blenny, its fun to watch perch on rocks and dart to food or algae for feeding. Also they are very peaceful


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Fairy wrasse gets too big, but 6 line, possum, or pink streak would be fine.
Firefish are hit or miss, some are super active, others aren’t. My first one would greet me at the front of the tank. When my current one was in qt, I never saw it. In the dt it spends most of the time out.
Royal grammas are beautiful and very active once settled in.
I have an aurora goby and tiger pistol, very nice additions. They have not paired in the 4 months they’ve been together though. The pistol isn’t too destructive.
Puffer will eat small inverts and may nip at coral. A aptasia eating filefish or white spotted filefish is a cousin to puffers and may have similar behaviors, and does better in that size tank. Less risk to coral and safer for inverts.
Pygmy hawk and clown gobies are more cryptic/less active, but cool fish.
Cardinals don’t do much, but look nice while they are doing it lol


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Hi all, I'm looking for some help picking fish for my 20g red sea max nano (AIO).

At the moment I've got a few corals and a pair of small juvenille ocellaris clownfish. The tank is absolutely swarming with copepods all over the glass, despite only being a few months old.

I'm looking for help with planning further stocking. Specifically, I'm hoping to get a 'centrepiece' fish and am having trouble choosing.

Here's what I'd value in this fish:
- Colourful
- unique looking
- active throughout the day and evening
- not too shy so that I would rarely see it
- peaceful and able to get along with other fish
- possible for me to feed with an auto feeder, so that if I go away for a few days or a couple weeks it won't starve or suffer.
- having a it of a personality would be a huge pro

Additionally, I'm also hoping to add some other lifestock to the tank, so would be good to know of there would be any issues with:
- shrimp and goby pair
- red line cleaner shrimp
- pom poms crab
- porcelain crab

I've already considered:

Mandarin dragonete:
I love this fish and would love something similar though I have heard even the captive ones are very hard to keep in nanos as they will destroy the pod population and their reliance on frozen or pellet foods would likely lead to nutrient issues. I also worry that they'd not be able to compete with the clowns for food from the autofeeder.

Fairy/Possum wrasse:
Again I love this fish though I've been advised that my tank would be too small for the wrasse to be happy :'(

These seem awesome to keep however I don't think there are any that would be small enough for my tank and the dietary requirements would make it hard - plus it would likely harrass or kill the rest of the livestock.

Thanks so much for taking the time to read, I'm really looking forward to some insight!

Just FYI a pod bloom is a normal part of a tank maturing. When the tank stabilizes the pods do as well and their numbers generally decrease.

A possum wrasse is fine. However you said no shy fish... this fish is generally shy.

I would never rely on an auto feeder for a mandarin/scooter. Basically any other fish can steal the food and cleaner shrimp especially. My blue mandarin I had years ago would simply give up and swim away when anything else started eating the food in front of it.

If you want to consider a more semi-aggressive robust setup then a Sixline and springer OR Starkii damsel will give you activity and colors. Blennies are also fun. Add the sixline last.

More peaceful set up would be something like the possum, firefish, royal gramma or tailspot and such.