Good morning (or afternoon, or evening)! I am a college student in California and am excited to be a part of a vast and informative community! Frankly, I'm a noob to reefing; I've only ever done freshwater tanks. However, the only way a person can succeed in a particular discipline is through practice and new experiences. Not to mention, how beautiful the reefs I've seen- if done right- can get. That sold me and I decided that I was due for a new experience.
After moving into my college dorm, I saw my friends decorating theirs with posters, ornaments, and even lights. Why not, I figured, decorate my dorm with something that embodies my passion for aquatics and science? I started cycling the Fluval about two weeks ago. I haven't documented much on it, since I've been 'drowning' in homework. Daily water tests yield pretty average results at this point in the nitrogen cycle. I've also been testing pH and salinity as needed, which are also optimal levels.
Currently, I have the stock components (lights, pump, filter media) that were packaged with the Fluval Evo 5 kit. In addition to that, I ordered other components for a reef tank, tools, and chemicals. I discovered that I needed to purchase something that I thought I would never need- but is perfect for a college dorm! I also found out that the mail room staff in my apartment building are starting to strongly dislike me.
Here's a list of my equipment thus far:
Once the ammonia and nitrites level out, I'll start performing weekly water changes of 25-50%. I plan to test magnesium and other trace elements more extensively once the tank matures a bit. Also around then, I'll add a coral or two.
The two attached images are of the bacterial bloom on the first night since setting up the tank.

Good morning (or afternoon, or evening)! I am a college student in California and am excited to be a part of a vast and informative community! Frankly, I'm a noob to reefing; I've only ever done freshwater tanks. However, the only way a person can succeed in a particular discipline is through practice and new experiences. Not to mention, how beautiful the reefs I've seen- if done right- can get. That sold me and I decided that I was due for a new experience.
After moving into my college dorm, I saw my friends decorating theirs with posters, ornaments, and even lights. Why not, I figured, decorate my dorm with something that embodies my passion for aquatics and science? I started cycling the Fluval about two weeks ago. I haven't documented much on it, since I've been 'drowning' in homework. Daily water tests yield pretty average results at this point in the nitrogen cycle. I've also been testing pH and salinity as needed, which are also optimal levels.
Currently, I have the stock components (lights, pump, filter media) that were packaged with the Fluval Evo 5 kit. In addition to that, I ordered other components for a reef tank, tools, and chemicals. I discovered that I needed to purchase something that I thought I would never need- but is perfect for a college dorm! I also found out that the mail room staff in my apartment building are starting to strongly dislike me.
Here's a list of my equipment thus far:
- Petco bucket
- Small gravel siphon
- Digital thermometer
- Hygger heater
- Carib Sea base rock
- Dr Tim's One and Only
- API Saltwater Master Test Kit
- API Reef Master Test Kit
- API Tap Water Dechlorinator
- Imaginarium Refractometer
- Aquatic Life RO Buddie*
Once the ammonia and nitrites level out, I'll start performing weekly water changes of 25-50%. I plan to test magnesium and other trace elements more extensively once the tank matures a bit. Also around then, I'll add a coral or two.
The two attached images are of the bacterial bloom on the first night since setting up the tank.

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