Need help deciding on whether or not a fish is right for your tank? Post here and we'll help!


Wrasse and Eel Nerd
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Feb 3, 2022
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Any suggestions on species that would work with what I want too do?
With a FOWLR you could get a butterfly and another angelfish. Just get one from another genera.

Wrasse: flasher and fairy if you don’t have sand. A Halichoeres and a leopard need sand but if you have some they are great fish.


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I just want to run my stocking list by someone before I do anything else in the tank.
IM 60 gallon tank, 3 x 2 x 1.5 foot.

This is the feeding plan for the tank as well.
I'll be breeding live baby brine shrimp and live grindal worms.
Also re-setup my refugium in the new tank to bolster the copepod population.
Fed twice daily a mixture of frozen pods, lobster eggs, brine and mysis.
The pods are going crazy at the moment as well.

Currently have a sleeper goby, meleagris leopard wrasse, and a pair of ocellaris clownfish that are being removed tomorrow due to aggression.
Looking to add :
Skunk clown pair
Adorned wrasse
Red spotted blenny
Target mandarin single or pair (need advice on this specifically, bit crazy about keeping them healthy if I do get them, so any help is welcome).


Wrasse and Eel Nerd
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I just want to run my stocking list by someone before I do anything else in the tank.
IM 60 gallon tank, 3 x 2 x 1.5 foot.

This is the feeding plan for the tank as well.
I'll be breeding live baby brine shrimp and live grindal worms.
Also re-setup my refugium in the new tank to bolster the copepod population.
Fed twice daily a mixture of frozen pods, lobster eggs, brine and mysis.
The pods are going crazy at the moment as well.

Currently have a sleeper goby, meleagris leopard wrasse, and a pair of ocellaris clownfish that are being removed tomorrow due to aggression.
Looking to add :
Skunk clown pair
Adorned wrasse
Red spotted blenny
Target mandarin single or pair (need advice on this specifically, bit crazy about keeping them healthy if I do get them, so any help is welcome).
I don’t see any issues other than the mandarin. For the mandarin getting it to eat something other than pods will be the key. Baby brine should hopefully work. They are one of the best foods for mandarins and have worked for me though mine were tank raised.


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I don’t see any issues other than the mandarin. For the mandarin getting it to eat something other than pods will be the key. Baby brine should hopefully work. They are one of the best foods for mandarins and have worked for me though mine were tank raised.
The mandarins are already eating frozen and live brine at the store, I have a couple on hold for me, but I wanted to make sure it would be safe to add them.


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Hi guys! I know that at times it can be difficult to know whether or not a fish is right for your tank. There are lots of things to consider when purchasing a new addition to your reef community: What size is the tank? What other fish are already in there? What inverts are in there? Is it a reef or fowlr? What about food availability? Is it a sensitive fish that needs special care requirements? Does it require particular water parameters? Is it aggressive? Is it a picky eater? Is it prone to disease?

These are all possible concerns that can come up in purchasing a new fish. REEF2REEF is here to help! Whether you're new to the hobby, or just unsure about a new addition, we'll be glad to help with advice and giving info about our new pet that will help it live many years in your tank. Of course, the tank is yours and so is the fish, so no one here will tell you what you can or CANNOT do with your own tank. We're just here to help by sharing our own knowledge and experience.

So let's get this thread going! If you're thinking about a new purchase and just not sure, post it up! :cool:
Hi I have 2 clowns, 1 yellow tail damsel, and a purple dottyback in a 20 gallon reef tank


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I am new to the hobby and want to decide what size of tank to choose from the fish I want to keep. Currently looking at a 60g (47.2" x 19.7" x 17.7") for following fish.
2+ banggai cardinalfish
barlett's anthias
lyretail anthias
Maybe bicolor angelfish/clown fish if there's space left?
I saw a lot of resource said anthias can be mean and they do better in larger tank, so maybe just a couple would be safe? And I can only choose one species as they'll bully each other?
Thanks in advance.


Wrasse and Eel Nerd
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Feb 3, 2022
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I am new to the hobby and want to decide what size of tank to choose from the fish I want to keep. Currently looking at a 60g (47.2" x 19.7" x 17.7") for following fish.
2+ banggai cardinalfish
barlett's anthias
lyretail anthias
Maybe bicolor angelfish/clown fish if there's space left?
I saw a lot of resource said anthias can be mean and they do better in larger tank, so maybe just a couple would be safe? And I can only choose one species as they'll bully each other?
Thanks in advance.
Are you doing sand?

I’d say you could have up to a fish every 5 gallons. Saying that lyretail anthias get big. Anthias do get aggressive so I would get one anthias and some wrasse (as wrasse are similar). Look at a blue flasher wrasse, Lubbock fairy wrasse, pintail fairy. If you do go with sand there are more fish I can recommend.

Another issue is that Banggais can also bully each other. I would suggest a couple or just one.

With the angel just be aware angels may eat corals.


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Are you doing sand?

I’d say you could have up to a fish every 5 gallons. Saying that lyretail anthias get big. Anthias do get aggressive so I would get one anthias and some wrasse (as wrasse are similar). Look at a blue flasher wrasse, Lubbock fairy wrasse, pintail fairy. If you do go with sand there are more fish I can recommend.

Another issue is that Banggais can also bully each other. I would suggest a couple or just one.

With the angel just be aware angels may eat corals.
Yes. What I picture is a layer of sand at the bottom, with some rock in the center and corals on it type of build. If I go with barlett's anthias can I have more than 1 of them (like a trio)? Or 1 pair of lyretail. Also I am planning to start with an AIO tank so I am worry the filtration system not as strong as the traditional tanks and I might have to keep less fish than I want?

Personally I like fish with a silhoutte similar to anthias or angelfish. But in my knowledge fish like butterflyfish are for 120g+, so I don't know what other choices I have. That being said I am totally okay with doing a species anthias tank (or mixed if that's possible). Just worry will the space be a big problem.


Wrasse and Eel Nerd
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Yes. What I picture is a layer of sand at the bottom, with some rock in the center and corals on it type of build. If I go with barlett's anthias can I have more than 1 of them (like a trio)? Or 1 pair of lyretail. Also I am planning to start with an AIO tank so I am worry the filtration system not as strong as the traditional tanks and I might have to keep less fish than I want?

Personally I like fish with a silhoutte similar to anthias or angelfish. But in my knowledge fish like butterflyfish are for 120g+, so I don't know what other choices I have. That being said I am totally okay with doing a species anthias tank (or mixed if that's possible). Just worry will the space be a big problem.
I would not keep more then one anthias unless you want a very big tank. I suggest wrasse because they have the same shape but with less issues. Anthias also need several feedings per day.

I don’t know what you mean when you want a silhouette similar to anthias and angelfish as anthias are a torpedo shaped fish while angels are flat. If you want dwarf angels you could get corals that work with angels like SPS and Euphyllia. Stay away from meat corals.

Also yes you may want to do less fish with an AIO


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Feb 7, 2024
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Hi All,

Bit of a different question. I need some suggestions on fish to add to my tank. Tank size is 60 gallons. Currently have 2 black osc clowns and yellow tang (have already spoken to lfs to bring him in when he is too big).

Plan is to have mixed reef tank.

Any suggestions?


Wrasse and Eel Nerd
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Feb 3, 2022
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Hi All,

Bit of a different question. I need some suggestions on fish to add to my tank. Tank size is 60 gallons. Currently have 2 black osc clowns and yellow tang (have already spoken to lfs to bring him in when he is too big).

Plan is to have mixed reef tank.

Any suggestions?
What are the dimensions?


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Hi guys! I know that at times it can be difficult to know whether or not a fish is right for your tank. There are lots of things to consider when purchasing a new addition to your reef community: What size is the tank? What other fish are already in there? What inverts are in there? Is it a reef or fowlr? What about food availability? Is it a sensitive fish that needs special care requirements? Does it require particular water parameters? Is it aggressive? Is it a picky eater? Is it prone to disease?

These are all possible concerns that can come up in purchasing a new fish. REEF2REEF is here to help! Whether you're new to the hobby, or just unsure about a new addition, we'll be glad to help with advice and giving info about our new pet that will help it live many years in your tank. Of course, the tank is yours and so is the fish, so no one here will tell you what you can or CANNOT do with your own tank. We're just here to help by sharing our own knowledge and experience.

So let's get this thread going! If you're thinking about a new purchase and just not sure, post it up! :cool:
Just lost my last clown last month ( jumper ). Since made my own screen cover but done with clowns. My tank is a 90 well established. I have a yellow Tang about 3.5 inches long. I have a watchman goby in QT right now been there for about a month. I wanted to get diamond goby to clean sand. Is more than one ok? Would not mind one more fish but wary of getting an aggressive one. Thoughts?


Wrasse and Eel Nerd
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Feb 3, 2022
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Just lost my last clown last month ( jumper ). Since made my own screen cover but done with clowns. My tank is a 90 well established. I have a yellow Tang about 3.5 inches long. I have a watchman goby in QT right now been there for about a month. I wanted to get diamond goby to clean sand. Is more than one ok? Would not mind one more fish but wary of getting an aggressive one. Thoughts?
Diamond should work and maybe some clowns and a royal gramma?


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Howdy bud! Since you're the wrasse expert, do you think a pink streak wrasse would do ok in my tank? 120g

Current fish list:
Yellow watchman goby
Tomini tang
2x clown
PJ cardinal
Royal Gramma
Green clown goby
Lawnmower blenny
Midas blenny
Pair lyretail anthias
One spot foxface
Banded possum wrasse
Cherub angelfish

The 2 fish I worry about most are the cherub angel (similar scavenging habits) and the possum wrasse (very similar body shape)
Last edited:


Wrasse and Eel Nerd
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Feb 3, 2022
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Howdy bud! Since you're the wrasse expert, do you think a pink streak wrasse would do ok in my tank? 120g

Current fish list:
Yellow watchman goby
Tomini tang
2x clown
PJ cardinal
Royal Gramma
Green clown goby
Lawnmower blenny
Midas blenny
Pair lyretail anthias
One spot foxface
Banded possum wrasse
Cherub angelfish

The 2 fish I worry about most are the cherub angel (similar scavenging habits) and the possum wrasse (very similar body shape)
My experience is that they are tough and fairly easy. Should be fine. Never mixed one with a possum but they aren’t that closely related so should be good.


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I have a 285L (75G) Display tank with 380 (100G) total water volume.

So far my stock list is:
2 Percula Clowns
1 Foxface Rabbit fish
1 WA Ocellated glider goby

4 peppermint shrimp
4 Stromb snails
4 nassarius snails
4 tubo Snails
4 Trochus Snails (3 now)

On the wish list:
School (6?) Blue green Chromis
1 lawnmower blenny
1 Wrasse (perhaps red leopard (aka Choati Wrasse))
1 Engineer Goby
1 Tang (tomini or kole?) (basically can't get yellow tangs in Australia)

Coral (I am yet to look into specifics on Coral)

Any feedback on this list and ideas for other tank mates would be appreciated.


Wrasse and Eel Nerd
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I have a 285L (75G) Display tank with 380 (100G) total water volume.

So far my stock list is:
2 Percula Clowns
1 Foxface Rabbit fish
1 WA Ocellated glider goby

4 peppermint shrimp
4 Stromb snails
4 nassarius snails
4 tubo Snails
4 Trochus Snails (3 now)

On the wish list:
School (6?) Blue green Chromis
Schools don’t usually last long unfortunately. They usually kill each other off. Also chromis can be prone to uronema
1 lawnmower blenny
1 Wrasse (perhaps red leopard (aka Choati Wrasse))
They are very difficult over here but as I understand it are much healthier in Australia and thus much hardier
1 Engineer Goby
Make sure your rocks sit in the bottom of the tank not the sand as these guys burrow
1 Tang (tomini or kole?) (basically can't get yellow tangs in Australia)
Last fish
Coral (I am yet to look into specifics on Coral)

Any feedback on this list and ideas for other tank mates would be appreciated.
I would suggest a Halichoeres wrasse and/or a basslet. A small fairy or flasher wrasse would also work.


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Just to add on to the Choati wrasse in Australia, it is much hardier over here, but by no means is it easy to care for.
Having worked in an LFS, most of these wrasse don't make it long in stores, or in personal tanks.
I wouldn't recommend these as a first leopard to anyone, even in Australia. (Don't know whether this is the first leopard for @Antaguana though)
These wrasse in Australia are probably on the difficulty level of the easier Anampses.


  • I place the offender in an acclimation box for a period of time (jail).

    Votes: 10 17.2%
  • I remove the offender entirely and reintroduce them at a later time (rehab).

    Votes: 2 3.4%
  • I use the mirror method (a little reverse psychology).

    Votes: 5 8.6%
  • I rearrange rock work (throw them off).

    Votes: 4 6.9%
  • I don't tolerate bullies. Bye bye fishy!

    Votes: 13 22.4%
  • I've never dealt with a tank bully.

    Votes: 17 29.3%
  • Other (please explain!)

    Votes: 7 12.1%