Need help deciding on whether or not a fish is right for your tank? Post here and we'll help!


Living the Reef Life
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Hi guys! I know that at times it can be difficult to know whether or not a fish is right for your tank. There are lots of things to consider when purchasing a new addition to your reef community: What size is the tank? What other fish are already in there? What inverts are in there? Is it a reef or fowlr? What about food availability? Is it a sensitive fish that needs special care requirements? Does it require particular water parameters? Is it aggressive? Is it a picky eater? Is it prone to disease?

These are all possible concerns that can come up in purchasing a new fish. REEF2REEF is here to help! Whether you're new to the hobby, or just unsure about a new addition, we'll be glad to help with advice and giving info about our new pet that will help it live many years in your tank. Of course, the tank is yours and so is the fish, so no one here will tell you what you can or CANNOT do with your own tank. We're just here to help by sharing our own knowledge and experience.

So let's get this thread going! If you're thinking about a new purchase and just not sure, post it up! :cool:


Living the Reef Life
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By the way, we have some awesome people on R2R who are experts on particular types of fish, and they are kind enough to share their knowledge with us! ...and since we have the cool tag function on R2R (click here if you're not sure how to tag), I thought it would be cool to list some people you will know you can call on if you have a question about a specific type of fish.

Wrasses: @evolved, @eatbreakfast

Seahorses: @SeahorseKeeper

Angels: Aquaph8

(more names will be added as we go)
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hi guys i am new to this hobby i am setting up a FOWLR salt water tank initially though i intended to make it a reef eventually. I wanted to know if i can keep this fish in the same tank or not ,thanks in advance.
Tank specifications
L*B*H = 81*24*30(inches) roughly 960 liters with a sump of 255 liters , so a total water volume of 321 gallons. The sump will have refugium with magicmud and a algae scraper also.
Lighting will be cfl bulbs with atnic tubes
I will have a modified two part dosing system.
After the tank is properly cycled for 6 months i look to add the living stocks in the following order
1. Bubble tip anemone
2. After the bta is settled a pair of clown fish (1 male + 1 female)
3. Copper band butterfly
4. After the CBB is well adapted and eating 1 pair of Moorish idol
5. After few months a yellow tang
6. At the same time a powder blue tang
7. After few months a Achilles tang
8. And last addition will be emperor angel.
before buying each fish i will make sure i am buying a healthy specimen , observing its eating or not at the lfs.


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Feb 13, 2011
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Hi there,

I am new to the hobby and just bought a 75g tank. I was hoping to get some advice on some cool looking reef safe fish. I wanted a couple clowns for sure and maybe some tangs, but not sure which ones are reef safe. Thanks!
Welcome to R2R,
75 G is kinda small to have some tangs in there, would focus maybe on a Kole tang (yellow eye is a very nice Fish IMHO) very nice personality and very active fish but tend to swim a bit less than other tangs and spends more time grazing on the rockwork... most Kole tangs I've had beehaved excellent except for the current one I have which tends to be a bit aggressive on other fish even in a 400G tank but nothing serious...


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hi guys i am new to this hobby i am setting up a FOWLR salt water tank initially though i intended to make it a reef eventually. I wanted to know if i can keep this fish in the same tank or not ,thanks in advance.
Tank specifications
L*B*H = 81*24*30(inches) roughly 960 liters with a sump of 255 liters , so a total water volume of 321 gallons. The sump will have refugium with magicmud and a algae scraper also.
Lighting will be cfl bulbs with atnic tubes
I will have a modified two part dosing system.
After the tank is properly cycled for 6 months i look to add the living stocks in the following order
1. Bubble tip anemone
2. After the bta is settled a pair of clown fish (1 male + 1 female)
3. Copper band butterfly
4. After the CBB is well adapted and eating 1 pair of Moorish idol
5. After few months a yellow tang
6. At the same time a powder blue tang
7. After few months a Achilles tang
8. And last addition will be emperor angel.
before buying each fish i will make sure i am buying a healthy specimen , observing its eating or not at the lfs.

Welcome to R2R
Some very nice fish choices you have there but unfortunately tough ones. CBB is definitely not impossible but still a hard fish to get to eat and some do nip on some Softies, LPS or clams as you mention a reef setup.
Moorish Idol is definitely a dream for many, a lot of reefers have successfully kept it but it takes a lot to get it to eat, now a Pair would be awesome if yuo get lucky with nice specimens. Very little is known on their activity as a pair in smaller tangs simply because very few managed to keep them alive long enough to observe long term compatibility issues not to mention that it was mostly a single specimen.
Powder blue and Achilles have been done but it turns into a war where one of the fishes or both might be killed. you might get away with introducing them at the same time but eventually as they work out Hierarchy it can be a very stressful time for both fish where their immunity might succumb to stress or one might simply stress the other to hide and starve or directly kill it.
Emperor angel is definitely a beauty yet it will overgrow your tank and also limit your coral plans to mostly SPS.
Observing a fish in LFS for eating is definitely important yet quarantine, Deworming and careful management before introduction to DT is a must with some of your fish choices.
Good luck with your plan and do start a build thread to document your experience and for other reefers to share input.


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I am trying to come up with a stock list for a 150 I am taking from a friend. I know I want:
a pair of occ clowns
a BTA.
Royal Gramma
6 line wrasse

some sort of tang, be it yellow or blue hippo
some sort of dwarf angel, either flame or coral beauty

He has a pair of cardinals he is giving me, and a sand sifting goby

Any other suggestions?
It will be a mixed reef tank. I am looking for peaceful, and fairly reef safe. I know the wrasse is a gamble, but my last one was fine.

Thank in advance!


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I am in the process of purchasing the last few pieces for my tank and I wanted to also get started on working out a stock list for my tank.

The tank is a 75g. Obviously what I would like to put in the tank and what can go in there safely is two diff things. My list below is what I would like to have over the long term and def not right away.

Yellow Tang or Kole Tang
2 x clowns (Black Ice / Snowflake clowns)

Firefish Goby
Purple Firefish Goby
Orchid Dottyback
Blue Spotted Jawfish
Yellow watchman
Flame Angel
Pygmy Angelfish
3 x Royal Gramma

Possible List
2 x cardinalfish or Pajamas
Group of Azure Damselfish

2 x Pistol Shrimp
Blue Maxima Clam
Bubble tip anemone

Live Aquaria Cleaner package
Package Contains
15 Scarlet Reef Hermit Crabs
15 Astraea Turbo Snails
30 Dwarf Blue Leg Hermit Crabs
1 Sally Lightfoot Crab or
Fighting Conch
1 Arrow Crab
2 Emerald Crab
3 Peppermint Shrimp
1 Coral Banded Shrimp
10 Nassarius Snails

Eventually - after 8+ months of pod seeding
2 x Mandarin Dragonets's m/f


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Im not a so called Expert, but I have been in this hobby long enought to have experiences with most of the fish on your list. I have made notes below on each of your additions.

hi guys i am new to this hobby i am setting up a FOWLR salt water tank initially though i intended to make it a reef eventually. I wanted to know if i can keep this fish in the same tank or not ,thanks in advance.
Tank specifications
L*B*H = 81*24*30(inches) roughly 960 liters with a sump of 255 liters , so a total water volume of 321 gallons. The sump will have refugium with magicmud and a algae scraper also.
Lighting will be cfl bulbs with atnic tubes
I will have a modified two part dosing system.
After the tank is properly cycled for 6 months i look to add the living stocks in the following order
1. Bubble tip anemonte - Anemonees are sensitive creatures and not well suited for a tank that has just be for long. in addition, the lighting you specify will not be strong enough in my experiences.
2. After the bta is settled a pair of clown fish (1 male + 1 female) are you buying a bonded pair or going to try for your own pair making?
3. Copper band butterfly -This fish has a very specialized diet. it needs to be in a tank that has a very established pod population with plenty to forage on before it starts to eat prepared foods. I DONT recommend it for a tank newer than a few years old.
4. After the CBB is well adapted and eating 1 pair of Moorish idol - another fish that does not do well in captivity with a specialized diet. there are very few that are successful in captivity.
5. After few months a yellow tang Great choice, but can become Junk yard dogs.
6. At the same time a powder blue tang - A good choice for the tank as well but can also rule the roost. prone to ich.
7. After few months a Achilles tang - Very easily stressed, and adding after the Powder blue will cause instant stress as the blue will be the established fish and be quite unruly here as they are the same genus.
8. And last addition will be emperor angel. never had one, but not a bad choice for a Fowlr.
before buying each fish i will make sure i am buying a healthy specimen , observing its eating or not at the lfs.

I hope this all helps a bit. Best of luck to you.


Living the Reef Life
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Nov 18, 2012
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Hi there,

I am new to the hobby and just bought a 75g tank. I was hoping to get some advice on some cool looking reef safe fish. I wanted a couple clowns for sure and maybe some tangs, but not sure which ones are reef safe. Thanks!

In a 75g, you'll be limited on which tangs you can keep. I'd suggest a kole tang (or any in the bristletooth category) and maybe a yellow tang. A dwarf angel might be a good suggestion for a colorful addition, but those aren't always "reef safe" (some will nip at clams and lps)...they're kind of hit or miss. If you're looking for color, then here are some good community fish you could consider:

- royal gramma
- firefish
- midas blenny
- flasher wrasses (only if you're going to cover your tank)
- gobies and blennies


Living the Reef Life
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Nov 18, 2012
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2 Purpleback pseudochromis
Pepermint shrimp
royal gramma
Yellow Tang
Firefish Goby
Bicolor Angelfish
Sixline Wrasse
2 clownfish

What size tank?

As long as the tank size is good, the only ones I'd be worried about are the sixline wrasse (those guys can get evil) and the 2 purpleback pseudochromis (I'd stick with 1).


Living the Reef Life
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Nov 18, 2012
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I am in the process of purchasing the last few pieces for my tank and I wanted to also get started on working out a stock list for my tank.

The tank is a 75g. Obviously what I would like to put in the tank and what can go in there safely is two diff things. My list below is what I would like to have over the long term and def not right away.

Yellow Tang or Kole Tang
2 x clowns (Black Ice / Snowflake clowns)

Firefish Goby
Purple Firefish Goby
Orchid Dottyback
Blue Spotted Jawfish
Yellow watchman
Flame Angel
Pygmy Angelfish
3 x Royal Gramma

Possible List
2 x cardinalfish or Pajamas
Group of Azure Damselfish

2 x Pistol Shrimp
Blue Maxima Clam
Bubble tip anemone

Live Aquaria Cleaner package
Package Contains
15 Scarlet Reef Hermit Crabs
15 Astraea Turbo Snails
30 Dwarf Blue Leg Hermit Crabs
1 Sally Lightfoot Crab or
Fighting Conch
1 Arrow Crab
2 Emerald Crab
3 Peppermint Shrimp
1 Coral Banded Shrimp
10 Nassarius Snails

Eventually - after 8+ months of pod seeding
2 x Mandarin Dragonets's m/f

Looks like you've got a good list going. I can offer a few suggestions or cautions:

- I'd definitely go with the McCosker's Flasher Wrasse over the sixline. The Flasher wrasse will have more color and be a better community member...sixlines have a reputation for turning into bullies.
- I love flame angels, but it may come down to a choice between the flame angel and the clam (some flame angels nip at clams and LPS)...but it may work out that your flame angel is a model citizen
- 3x royal grammas (I don't know if this would work because of them all being conspecifics...not sure if they'd all get along. Maybe someone with experience on keeping multiple RG's could weigh in)
- azure damselfish will tend to end up bullying everything else. I'd avoid them completely.

HTH :)


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thanks maroun for those kind advices ,i will keep those in mind and yes i will start a build thread as soon as i start thanks again


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thanks Lindsey, i have recognized my mistake both powder blue and Achilles tang are of the same family,and there will be problem thanks to you and maroun both , i will have any one of those.
I am planning to introduse the bta after 6 months of my tank installation by that time i think my parameters will be stable, its not photosynthetic the bta ? clf lights and pure blue atnic tubes wont be sufficient u suggest ?
clown fish i can found a matted pair well and good if not i will try my own pair making.
If all goes well by the time i will be able to add a copper band it will be well over 1 year , by that time wont be the pod population sufficient ? i will take that spices that is already accepting prepared food .
i am worried and the real state area of the tank , if all settels down would it be enough for a adult emperor angel+Achilles tang+yellow tang+copper band+Moorish idol ?
Thanks in advance


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I would probably skip the Moorish idol. I have no personal experience with them but have read they are a expert only fish.
thanks Lindsey, i have recognized my mistake both powder blue and Achilles tang are of the same family,and there will be problem thanks to you and maroun both , i will have any one of those.
I am planning to introduse the bta after 6 months of my tank installation by that time i think my parameters will be stable, its not photosynthetic the bta ? clf lights and pure blue atnic tubes wont be sufficient u suggest ?
clown fish i can found a matted pair well and good if not i will try my own pair making.
If all goes well by the time i will be able to add a copper band it will be well over 1 year , by that time wont be the pod population sufficient ? i will take that spices that is already accepting prepared food .
i am worried and the real state area of the tank , if all settels down would it be enough for a adult emperor angel+Achilles tang+yellow tang+copper band+Moorish idol ?
Thanks in advance


Dr. Fish
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I would probably skip the Moorish idol. I have no personal experience with them but have read they are a expert only fish.

+1 They can be difficult to get eating and do not handle aggression well from other fish. They will sometimes "sulk" in a corner and refuse to eat after being bullied. Both the Emperor Angel & Achilles Tang could be a problem for a Moorish Idol.


Love The Fish
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What size tank?

As long as the tank size is good, the only ones I'd be worried about are the sixline wrasse (those guys can get evil) and the 2 purpleback pseudochromis (I'd stick with 1).

Purple pseudos are pretty mean fish and can make it difficult to add fish later. If your set on one, add it last but the royal gramma can be just as pretty purple color, little more cryptic than the pseudo though.


Love The Fish
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I am in the process of purchasing the last few pieces for my tank and I wanted to also get started on working out a stock list for my tank.

The tank is a 75g. Obviously what I would like to put in the tank and what can go in there safely is two diff things. My list below is what I would like to have over the long term and def not right away.

Yellow Tang or Kole Tang
2 x clowns (Black Ice / Snowflake clowns)

Firefish Goby
Purple Firefish Goby
Orchid Dottyback
Blue Spotted Jawfish these guys are hard and do better in colder water
Yellow watchman
Sixline Wrasse or MCCOSKER'S FLASHER WRASSE if there's any chance you'll want more wrasses later go Mccoskers
Flame Angel both angels can be coral nippers and will certainly go after anything less than healthy
Pygmy Angelfish
3 x Royal Grammadifficult to keep in trios, for best chance start with all different sizes

Possible List
2 x cardinalfish or Pajamas
Group of Azure Damselfish

2 x Pistol Shrimp
Blue Maxima Clam
Bubble tip anemone

Live Aquaria Cleaner package
Package Contains
15 Scarlet Reef Hermit Crabs
15 Astraea Turbo Snails
30 Dwarf Blue Leg Hermit Crabs
1 Sally Lightfoot Crab or Sally light foot will eventually eat your fire fish
Fighting Conch
1 Arrow Crab
2 Emerald Crab
3 Peppermint Shrimp
1 Coral Banded Shrimpwill also eat small fish
10 Nassarius Snails

Eventually - after 8+ months of pod seeding
2 x Mandarin Dragonets's m/f

Id stick with one mandarin in a 75 unless you have a pretty productive fuge

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