Polyp Labs Medic


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Oct 29, 2023
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I am so incredibly happy I went with Medic to deal with this ich outbreak.

This is my second time dealing with ich. The first time, I did not have a quarantine set up and I treated the tank with Tally only to pi fully watch my fish die one by one. I had caught it early, barely a spot or tow on the fish so I was hopeful but it just didn’t work. I hate the product. It plain and simple does not work.

I then set up a quarantine system and have been quarantining all fish. Set up a new tank. Fish were in there 6 weeks and all of a sudden, spots again. I considered pulling them out and quarantining again but I just did not think my tangs would be okay in my 55 galling quarantine with 8 other fish. So I tried the combination of UV at the right settings for parasites and Medic. It’s been almost a month now and I can only find a single spot on a fish. That said, he looks happy and super fat and healthy. I will continue to treat for 30 days post when the last spot is gone. But wow this is such a different outcome. Have not lost a single fish.

Thank you Polyp Labs, I am one happy customer.

Reefer Matt

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I am so incredibly happy I went with Medic to deal with this ich outbreak.

This is my second time dealing with ich. The first time, I did not have a quarantine set up and I treated the tank with Tally only to pi fully watch my fish die one by one. I had caught it early, barely a spot or tow on the fish so I was hopeful but it just didn’t work. I hate the product. It plain and simple does not work.

I then set up a quarantine system and have been quarantining all fish. Set up a new tank. Fish were in there 6 weeks and all of a sudden, spots again. I considered pulling them out and quarantining again but I just did not think my tangs would be okay in my 55 galling quarantine with 8 other fish. So I tried the combination of UV at the right settings for parasites and Medic. It’s been almost a month now and I can only find a single spot on a fish. That said, he looks happy and super fat and healthy. I will continue to treat for 30 days post when the last spot is gone. But wow this is such a different outcome. Have not lost a single fish.

Thank you Polyp Labs, I am one happy customer.


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I am so incredibly happy I went with Medic to deal with this ich outbreak.

This is my second time dealing with ich. The first time, I did not have a quarantine set up and I treated the tank with Tally only to pi fully watch my fish die one by one. I had caught it early, barely a spot or tow on the fish so I was hopeful but it just didn’t work. I hate the product. It plain and simple does not work.

I then set up a quarantine system and have been quarantining all fish. Set up a new tank. Fish were in there 6 weeks and all of a sudden, spots again. I considered pulling them out and quarantining again but I just did not think my tangs would be okay in my 55 galling quarantine with 8 other fish. So I tried the combination of UV at the right settings for parasites and Medic. It’s been almost a month now and I can only find a single spot on a fish. That said, he looks happy and super fat and healthy. I will continue to treat for 30 days post when the last spot is gone. But wow this is such a different outcome. Have not lost a single fish.

Thank you Polyp Labs, I am one happy customer.
Still all good homie? I just started medic. Did you have an anemone? UV? Thanks


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Still all good homie? I just started medic. Did you have an anemone? UV? Thanks
A couple of things:

1) medic worked wonders for me but I have a large tank so cost wise it became a lot

2) decided to switch to treating with hydrogen peroxide. Still haven’t lost a single fish to ich since I started treating with medic or hydrogen peroxide. I have had one wrasse that showed signs of NSWD but that was a day after adding him and I had to sacrifice him and one jumper. The rest have all been healthy and fat.

3) I added a purple tang that started to show spots a couple of days after adding, started dosing with hydrogen peroxide again and the spots disappeared a few days later. Super happy and healthy as well.

4) I do run UV in this tank 24/7.

5) no anemones in this tank but I haven’t seen any effects on inverts since starting to dose either the medic or hydrogen peroxide.


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A couple of things:

1) medic worked wonders for me but I have a large tank so cost wise it became a lot

2) decided to switch to treating with hydrogen peroxide. Still haven’t lost a single fish to ich since I started treating with medic or hydrogen peroxide. I have had one wrasse that showed signs of NSWD but that was a day after adding him and I had to sacrifice him and one jumper. The rest have all been healthy and fat.

3) I added a purple tang that started to show spots a couple of days after adding, started dosing with hydrogen peroxide again and the spots disappeared a few days later. Super happy and healthy as well.

4) I do run UV in this tank 24/7.

5) no anemones in this tank but I haven’t seen any effects on inverts since starting to dose either the medic or hydrogen peroxide.
Great! Thanks for sharing.


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My understanding is that Medic is simply Hydrogen Peroxide Salts
It is. My initial assumption was that the slow release of hydrogen peroxide in this form would be better for ich management since it allowed for a continued, steady dose over time however this does not seem to be the case. Or at least not to the extent where I expected. At any rate, two doses of 1 ml per 8 gallons of water volume of 3% hydrogen peroxide per day have done wonders for my tank. It is meant to be even more potent against velvet than ich and reef safe so I can’t complain!


  • I place the offender in an acclimation box for a period of time (jail).

    Votes: 10 16.4%
  • I remove the offender entirely and reintroduce them at a later time (rehab).

    Votes: 2 3.3%
  • I use the mirror method (a little reverse psychology).

    Votes: 6 9.8%
  • I rearrange rock work (throw them off).

    Votes: 4 6.6%
  • I don't tolerate bullies. Bye bye fishy!

    Votes: 14 23.0%
  • I've never dealt with a tank bully.

    Votes: 17 27.9%
  • Other (please explain!)

    Votes: 8 13.1%

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