Reef tanks future


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Let me start off by saying I have had some sort of fish tank for going on 40 years with a short break in the middle. I started my journey with a fish only tank in the late 90's. At the time LFS was the name of the game. I was dependent on my LFS for fish,supplies, and knowledge. They help me succeed. In those days under gravel filter was the rage and fighting one problem after another. If a fish survived for more than a year I consider it a success. Jump forward to the last 10 years and the market has exploded. Now I have a reef tank. I had gotten out of the hobby about 15 years ago after a house fire destroyed everything. Then MACNA came to the Washington DC area and I went. In those days it was a sea of hardware vendors. Where at today Trade show it more about buying selling coral. The Washington DC was a display in technology. I jump back into Reef tanks and have never looked back. Thanks to company like MarineDepot, Neptune Systems, and yes an outstanding LFS I was able to reach a point where I not only maintain a Reef tank I was able to grow coral and actually have to harvest it. For me Trident was a game changes. For the first time I was able to maintain Calcium, Alkalinity and Magnesium. I love the hobby and sill do.

I think the first indication of our hobby having issue was the merger/selloff of MarineDepot to BRS. At the time I assumed it was basically the merger of two great companies (so I thought). But in reality it was the start of the end. Roll the clock to today and I think we are in for a very rough time. This week, for me, saw the direct evidence of an end to Reef Keeping as we know it. There are rumors that Aperture, the parent company to BRS, Neptune, Ecotec, Aquaillumination is going broke and will file bankruptcy. Sad but I certainly have to say not a surprised. The companies under their control, for me, have been vital to my success. Apex has been a game changer, BRS a source for supplies (along with other vendors), my lights are Aquaillumination , and a great source of information from BRS video. Aperture was never a good idea. You could see the impact almost immediately with Neptune Systems. It wasn't the same. Innovation died, communication died, and who knows what’s next. Not Sure what to say about BRS the company Randy built. It awful and sad. For years I used BRS videos to helping me succeed. I based purchases on them and couldn’t wait to see what’s next. Then the final nail hit yesterday with the cancellation of MACNA. They effectively are dead.

So what’s can we expect for the future. We still have which is an outstanding company and I plan to move more of future purchases to them (in the past I would split order between multiply companies in an interest in keeping competition). There are a few BRS products that I use that I will have to seek alternative for. Assuming Aperture does go down hopefully someone with step up and purchased BRS, Neptune, Ecotech and Aquaillumination and return them to their glory days. Who knows the loss of Aperture may be a good thing as it will help kick start a new era. For me, I am in a tough position. I have a lot invested in Neptune Apex it runs my tanks (I have two now) and everything if fully automated. To switch to Hydro not only would be expensive it would be a risk to a very stable set of tanks. In addition, I know multiply user of Apex to include two local Coral stores that live and die with Apex. I am sure with time (and Money) Hrydro would meet my needs but for me I can't expend that kind of funds now. So for now I will stay the course and continue with Apex. Apex has good people like Paul and thankfully for me good customer support. I will use saltwater aquarium for my go to for supplies. They are outstanding and save the day once when they rushed a part out to me. They are a first class company and a bright star in our industry. Finally I hope the user community speaks up. The users out there can certainly help save our hobby.

Would love to hear from others.

Reefer Matt

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Where did you hear they are going bankrupt? Also, Randy did not build BRS. Ryan and Andy did. This is a direct quote from the BRS website under the “About Us” page:
“Based in Minnesota, Bulk Reef Supply was started in 2007 by two friends, Ryan Batcheller and Andrew Duneman, who were seeking a unique entrepreneurial opportunity.”


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Where did you hear they are going bankrupt? Also, Randy did not build BRS. Ryan and Andy did. This is a direct quote from the BRS website under the “About Us” page:
“Based in Minnesota, Bulk Reef Supply was started in 2007 by two friends, Ryan Batcheller and Andrew Duneman, who were seeking a unique entrepreneurial opportunity.”
Okay my error Randy and Andy. Doesn’t change what’s happening. Numerous posting and comments I have seen on the status of aperture plus recent issues with BRS. Handwriting on the wall.

Reefer Matt

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Okay my error Randy and Andy. Doesn’t change what’s happening. Numerous posting and comments I have seen on the status of aperture plus recent issues with BRS. Handwriting on the wall.
Care to provide a source for us all to read? Or is this just the opinions of disgruntled customers?


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Okay my error Randy and Andy. Doesn’t change what’s happening. Numerous posting and comments I have seen on the status of aperture plus recent issues with BRS. Handwriting on the wall.
Can you provide the postings


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I started weaning myself off BRS shortly after Bertram stepped in. I also stopped buying ecotech gear because I wasn't confident they would always be here for support.


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I am not a disgruntled customer. As stated I use Apex, Aquaillumination and purchase from BRS. I have always had awesome customer support from all three I am a reef tank owner that see’s the handwriting on the wall, follow numerous group, and follow resent events. As I stated it’s just a rumor and I hope I am wrong but I am just reporting what I and others have observed.

Reefer Matt

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Bertram Capital may or may not own Aperture, Bertram Capital may just be a major stock holder if Aperture is publicly traded.
I believe they are private.


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I started weaning myself off BRS shortly after Bertram stepped in. I also stopped buying ecotech gear because I wasn't confident they would always be here for support.
But that is true for any small, niche manufacturer. I recall a thread years ago extolling the virtues of Aquarium Engineering and their lifetime warranty. I made the point there that lifetime warranty is only good if the company is around. Soon after AE went out of business,


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Not if I were to speculate but I think Bertram capital basically invests in a number of companies, Aperture being one. Aperture then has a number of companies it owns. So if the company Aperture owns are not profitable then Bertram might decide to stop funding Aperture and the house of cards fall. The only path to survival for Aperture is to either go bankrupt or sell off the unprofitable parts and regroup. I truly hope Aperture either survive or sells off the the trouble parts. For example Neptune had been outstanding for years until it joined Aperture. I think the right buyer can restore Neptune to it glory days


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Well good morning to such a uplifting post lol.
I am sure it will all work it self out asbit always does mostly. Maybe your just tired and bummed out today ? I mostly don't deal with them products some stuff from BRS but mostly saltwater aquarium
Cheer up all is good we all woke up this morning and that's a good thing !


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As to the purchase of Neptune, none of use here are privy to their financial situation. It is entirely possible they were not in a good financial shape and the acquisition was about keeping them around. I know it’s fashionable to bash them these days, but I’ve been a customer since 2009 and have noticed no decline in service. In most cases I have had what I’d judge to be acceptable reliability.

The industry may well be at a crossroads. As with most hobbies, prices have gotten ridiculous and collecting bans are only likely to increase. Pricing, by the way, is not just about the manufacturers. Most of the more ridiculous prices come from hobbyists. Don’t forget to look in the mirror before excoriating the folks that make the equipment.

Like I said in my earlier post, small companies serving niche markets don’t have a good survival rate. Just look at the ads in an old issue of FAMA magazine. They’re almost all gone.


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Well good morning to such a uplifting post lol.
I am sure it will all work it self out asbit always does mostly. Maybe your just tired and bummed out today ? I mostly don't deal with them products some stuff from BRS but mostly saltwater aquarium
Cheer up all is good we all woke up this morning and that's a good thing !
Thanks. Certainly the best we can do. It just between recent events and the cancellation of MACNA ( which I was looking forward to) it was a crappy week for our community.
As to the purchase of Neptune, none of use here are privy to their financial situation. It is entirely possible they were not in a good financial shape and the acquisition was about keeping them around. I know it’s fashionable to bash them these days, but I’ve been a customer since 2009 and have noticed no decline in service. In most cases I have had what I’d judge to be acceptable reliability.

The industry may well be at a crossroads. As with most hobbies, prices have gotten ridiculous and collecting bans are only likely to increase. Pricing, by the way, is not just about the manufacturers. Most of the more ridiculous prices come from hobbyists. Don’t forget to look in the mirror before excoriating the folks that make the equipment.

Like I said in my earlier post, small companies serving niche markets don’t have a good survival rate. Just look at the ads in an old issue of FAMA magazine. They’re almost all gone.
my attention is and was not to bash any companies but to point out my observation. You do bring up a good point about Neptune and its reason for its decision. As mentioned I too use Apex and have mostly good experience. I would be trilled to be wrong.


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Wow. The misinformation in this thread is next level.

I’m not going to write an essay talking about it all but couple key points….

Marine Depot was dead in the water. The owner had given up long ago and was selling the company to anybody that had the funds. Didn’t matter who it was. BRS stepped in and took the chance. Far better than Petco destroying another aquarium company. Of course BRS saw it as an opportunity for market share. That’s called smart business.

Bertram Capital owns Aperture. Neptune, BRS, Ecotech, AI, and Leap are all under the Aperture umbrella. It’s that simple. They are not publicly traded.

They are not going bankrupt.

It’s “funny” how rumors like this start a week after Aperture decided to no longer carry certain items. Things that make you say :thinking-face:


  • I place the offender in an acclimation box for a period of time (jail).

    Votes: 10 17.5%
  • I remove the offender entirely and reintroduce them at a later time (rehab).

    Votes: 2 3.5%
  • I use the mirror method (a little reverse psychology).

    Votes: 4 7.0%
  • I rearrange rock work (throw them off).

    Votes: 4 7.0%
  • I don't tolerate bullies. Bye bye fishy!

    Votes: 13 22.8%
  • I've never dealt with a tank bully.

    Votes: 17 29.8%
  • Other (please explain!)

    Votes: 7 12.3%