I appreciate all the discussion taking place. It's a real shame to have to bring attorneys into this. It's the sad truth about our society these days I suppose.
On the issue of trust - I have a much easier time trusting someone who has nothing to gain financially from this, vs. someone who has finances involved or makes a living from said enterprise.
Thats my bottom line and it puts the burden of proof on the party who makes a living from this to give enough information to decide for myself whether or not their service is trustworthy.
Just my completely unsolicited, unscientifically edjumacated opinion on all this...
On the issue of trust - I have a much easier time trusting someone who has nothing to gain financially from this, vs. someone who has finances involved or makes a living from said enterprise.
Thats my bottom line and it puts the burden of proof on the party who makes a living from this to give enough information to decide for myself whether or not their service is trustworthy.
Just my completely unsolicited, unscientifically edjumacated opinion on all this...
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