Seneye to No Longer Provide Temperature Logging without an Active Slide


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It was good while it lasted. I liked having a backup temperature alarm to my controller, without having to pay for slides. Have no real need for the pH or ammonia monitoring that the slides provide. Also, the slide sensor light for my Seneye is stuck on. Which may or may not affect the pH and ammonia readings anyway. The temperature reading works just fine however and is consistent with my controller. The only time I could see myself using a slide again would be when on vacation, just to have that backup temperature indication when away. I do have a couple of slides that I could use just for that purpose.
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Aye it's a shame really! I'm gonna continue buying the slides though, it's not a great added cost for the benefits in my opinion.

I am running a Seneye alongside the Neptune Apex and two separate heater controllers.

For about £8/month I reckon it's okay.


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It was good while it lasted. I liked having a backup temperature alarm to my controller, without having to pay for slides. Have no real need for the pH or ammonia monitoring that the slides provide. Also, the slide sensor light for my Seneye is stuck on. Which may or may not affect the pH and ammonia readings anyway. The temperature reading works just fine however and is consistent with my controller. The only time I could see myself using a slide again would be when on vacation, just to have that backup temperature indication when away. I do have a couple of slides that I could use just for that purpose.
Yep, I received an email a few days ago about this.

You can still obtain the temp data if you jump a few hoops, by querying the device directly.

I did so a while back using some info I found here.


monica HHF

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Screenshot_20231128_201450_Yahoo Mail.jpg

It was good while it lasted. I liked having a backup temperature alarm to my controller, without having to pay for slides. Have no real need for the pH or ammonia monitoring that the slides provide. Also, the slide sensor light for my Seneye is stuck on. Which may or may not affect the pH and ammonia readings anyway. The temperature reading works just fine however and is consistent with my controller. The only time I could see myself using a slide again would be when on vacation, just to have that backup temperature indication when away. I do have a couple of slides that I could use just for that purpose.
Screenshot_20231128_201450_Yahoo Mail.jpg

It was good while it lasted. I liked having a backup temperature alarm to my controller, without having to pay for slides. Have no real need for the pH or ammonia monitoring that the slides provide. Also, the slide sensor light for my Seneye is stuck on. Which may or may not affect the pH and ammonia readings anyway. The temperature reading works just fine however and is consistent with my controller. The only time I could see myself using a slide again would be when on vacation, just to have that backup temperature indication when away. I do have a couple of slides that I could use just for that purpose.
You do not get anything if you don’t pay a monthly fee even when replacing slides. So, basically all the slides I bought are for nothing


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You do not get anything if you don’t pay a monthly fee even when replacing slides. So, basically all the slides I bought are for nothing
There is no monthly fee, just the cost of the slide.

That is essentially the same as replacing a test kit when it expires.

It's a pretty insignificant cost in terms of keeping a reef tank and less than a couple of cups of takeaway coffee a week.

monica HHF

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There is no monthly fee, just the cost of the slide.

That is essentially the same as replacing a test kit when it expires.

It's a pretty insignificant cost in terms of keeping a reef tank and less than a couple of cups of takeaway coffee a week
Yes, I would agree but. My first Seneye was purchased at $500 worked great for about 5 years. Second work, 4 year and had problems every time I went on vacation over a month and I then upgraded to all the gadgets warnings. This is my last. Reason. It takes at least 3 working days to get a real response. The response it always unplug it and plug it back in, works for a few days and then off. Which is hard when not at home. My first one worked great since then quality is horrible.


  • I place the offender in an acclimation box for a period of time (jail).

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