VIBRANT!!!!!! Alagaecide


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Wow. That’s wild! I love the side by side ingredient list between the old and new versions.
Perhaps they have changed the bacterial formula (which apparently worked well (with a few side effects)), to a known algaecide (with similar side effects), lol


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How much algae is in your tank? Kill it all and where does the stuff inside of it go? Parameter swings. Kill it all quickly and what happens to the space left behind? Parameter swing + real estate. Hello, dinos and cyano! Broad spectrum algaecide + corals which have zooanthellae, a type of dinoflagellate golden-brown algae. Potential death of their colorful energy-making symbiotes.

Unless you know more precisely what it is doing, I'd stay away.
I hear ya,

Personally, I've always had bad experience with any chemical used to remove algae.

I remember using fluconazole because people were swearing by it. It worked, but the other shoe dropped and set my tank back in so many ways.

I never used vibrant and never will. With the same breath I would tilt my head on just about any quick remedy.

It amazes me that the ultimate goal is tank stability and allowing it to find its natural balance, but for some reason, we're always working to disrupt that balance.


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It amazes me that the ultimate goal is tank stability and allowing it to find its natural balance, but for some reason, we're always working to disrupt that balance.
The problem is that not everyone has that goal... Some just want a "pretty" tank and they want it to happen as soon as they add water!

(Actually, if they just kept dry rock, sand, and saltwater, with no lighting, the tank might stay quite "pretty" , lol)


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Well, established at least that it is essentially relabeled and repriced API Algaefix. Perhaps there are some uses for it, but I haven't seen much in terms of benefit outweighing cost... I put mine in the trash :)
I have used vibrant successfully to get rid bubble algae in my tank without any coral loss. My tank is mainly lps and softie tank, but nothing died due to vibrant. 5 months after using vibrant and still no trace bubble algae in my system.

I was aware that vibrant is an algaecide so only dosed 1/4 of the label recommended dosage.

So even this algaecide has a use if you totally want to rid bubble algae from your tank.

Randy Holmes-Farley

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I have used vibrant successfully to get rid bubble algae in my tank without any coral loss. My tank is mainly lps and softie tank, but nothing died due to vibrant. 5 months after using vibrant and still no trace bubble algae in my system.

I was aware that vibrant is an algaecide so only dosed 1/4 of the label recommended dosage.

So even this algaecide has a use if you totally want to rid bubble algae from your tank.

I cannot see supporting that company in any fashion. Use Algaefix if you want the chemical.

Randy Holmes-Farley

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Perhaps they have changed the bacterial formula (which apparently worked well (with a few side effects)), to a known algaecide (with similar side effects), lol

Yes, it was reportedly an extensive research project that finally found an algaecide that worked as well as the original bacteria. lol

Gregg @ ADP

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Shamefully, I admit to using AlgaeFix when dino blooms first came on the scene. A few clients had older tanks that had bottomed out nutrients, and I took a crack at eliminating them with AlgaeFix.

It worked pretty well, and I never saw any evidence of negative effects on inverts. Then one time I advised a client when I was out of town, and you can probably all guess what happened.

Haven’t touched it since.

But I am surprised to read so many posts about how bad it is. I had a client with a 12’ 700g tank with 6 or 7 frogspawn colonies that were all bigger than volleyballs. They never showed any signs of distress when I treated (I usually treated about 10-15% less than recommended, because I was only trying to kill dinos and their weaklings).


why did you put a reef in that
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Vibrant was the only working valonia cure in reefing. it had the lowest tank loss/coral/fish loss rate of any working additive, I tracked it intently for years on forums to pattern out impacts/benefits/harms

If anyone here thinks algaefix works the same on valonia, well, that's exactly why I wrote the thread asking why teachers don't do work threads that got shut down lol. it only seems like it works the same, it doesn't.

algaefix advocates should start a valonia work thread where live time jobs are ran. the outcomes from public dosing of algaefix by page ten will be very interesting regarding target impacts and how other people's tanks fared when getting instructed by someone in the thread responsible for the outcome.

its easy to hack on Vibrant, for people who don't do work threads and never will. it was the greatest valonia cure the hobby has seen.

ya'll worked him good though, that UWC guy. I hope he rebounds again and his product comes back.

Randy Holmes-Farley

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Vibrant was the only working valonia cure in reefing. it had the lowest tank loss/coral/fish loss rate of any working additive, I tracked it intently for years on forums to pattern out impacts/benefits/harms

If anyone here thinks algaefix works the same on valonia, well, that's exactly why I wrote the thread asking why teachers don't do work threads that got shut down lol. it only seems like it works the same, from the stands or on paper.

algaefix advocates should start a valonia work thread where live time jobs are ran. the outcomes from public dosing by page ten will be very interesting.

You assert that at the same polymer dose, Vibrant works and Algaefix doesn’t? Did you actually determine the doses were the same?

That conclusion seems unlikely to me to be accurate.


why did you put a reef in that
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as a work thread maker, here's how much labeling on UWC's product bothered me: zero percent. tank results were my goal, our forum succeeded in removing a powerful results driver yet they replaced it with zero practice running anyone's reef that isn't their own.


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I'm claiming Randy that since you do not take on valonia jobs right and left to completion, that evaluation is missing crucial context. but I'm not debating you guys/jda as the spearhead leader found a serious loophole on the label.

until you have links that show algae challenge tanks you worked to completion, I'll think you're evaluating things solely on how the equations balance out at the chemical level.

what current valonia challenge tanks need is an equally dedicated spearhead leader who fixes their tanks with available tools. once I see some jobs worked there, that's a field-based eval I'd want to notate.


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Vibrant was the only working valonia cure in reefing. it had the lowest tank loss/coral/fish loss rate of any working additive, I tracked it intently for years on forums to pattern out impacts/benefits/harms

If anyone here thinks algaefix works the same on valonia, well, that's exactly why I wrote the thread asking why teachers don't do work threads that got shut down lol. it only seems like it works the same, it doesn't.

algaefix advocates should start a valonia work thread where live time jobs are ran. the outcomes from public dosing of algaefix by page ten will be very interesting regarding target impacts and how other people's tanks fared when getting instructed by someone in the thread responsible for the outcome.

its easy to hack on Vibrant, for people who don't do work threads and never will. it was the greatest valonia cure the hobby has seen.

ya'll worked him good though, that UWC guy. I hope he rebounds again and his product comes back.
Considering it was supposed to be a harmless bacteria, were folks not just adding it willy nilly? Never used either personally but I expect the algaefix one would have a proper dosage requirement, being harmful an' all.


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Search out uwc's gigantic five year long product thread. There's three hundred applications in that one alone. Any user can be messaged to inquire about long term effects.

That's only one, there are thousands of other searchable examples for how it handled valonia tanks.

Randy Holmes-Farley

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I'm claiming Randy that since you do not take on valonia jobs right and left to completion, that evaluation is missing crucial context. but I'm not debating you guys/jda as the spearhead leader found a serious loophole on the label.

until you have links that show algae challenge tanks you worked to completion, I'll think you're evaluating things solely on how the equations balance out at the chemical level.

what current valonia challenge tanks need is an equally dedicated spearhead leader who fixes their tanks with available tools. once I see some jobs worked there, that's a field-based eval I'd want to notate.

Just realize that what you are claiming by “work thread” is that the brand of the same chemical matters.

It would be like claiming ibuprofen from Advil is better at relieving headaches than is store brand ibuprofen.

It just does not pass the sensibility test.


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I must admit, Vibrant did appear to work for me and eradicated 100% of my bubble algae but it took about 14 weeks using recommended procedure of the bottle.

The only coinciding effect was 80% of my coralline algae disappeared.

In week 4, the bubbles turned beige instead of green.
In week 8, they were falling apart and amount seemed smaller. By week 14, maybe 16, it was gone.

I’ve not seen bubble algae anywhere now for years.

I obviously can’t prove it’s the Vibrant that was key, however the coincidence was striking.

It obviously doesn’t prove that it will work in any other system.

But fair, is fair. I used and bubbles gone. That’s their claim.

Randy Holmes-Farley

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FWIW, I have no opinion on what algae species this algaecide kills, including valonia. I’m only expressing skepticism that the brand makes a difference if the chemical added is identical.


why did you put a reef in that
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a work thread would be you going into the nuisance algae forum, directly asking for jobs from live time challenges, and working them to completion and we see all the nuances to pattern out.

the opposite of a work thread is stopping into an algae challenge post, telling the poster a sentence about a chemical fact, and then not seeing anything in the challenge to completion.

a work thread is me asking to see algae tanks you've fixed, and you link several of them and they're not your tank, that way the outcome isn't controlled by the advisor. What you do for chemistry counts fully as a work thread for the people who consult you

regarding algae work, those work threads are missing. I saw vibrant work amazing outcomes on truly bad valonia challenge tanks to a very very high degree of predictability.

My point is, it's not easy to fix valonia reefs using algaefix marine whatsoever, because I was tracking that on reefcentral for a decade before coming over here.

Vibrant wins, by a landslide already on file. I don't know why. its the things discovered only by work thread analysis not by comparing labels or data plots.

the solution is simple: go into the nuisance algae forum, ask for brand new valonia jobs, and work them any way you'd like. since they're following your guidance and we see their outcomes after a few weeks, that's a work thread on algae.

if a comparison to Vibrant is warranted, have several posters dose af marine into the tanks and outcomes can be compared to Vibrant results on file, wins and losses total.
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  • I place the offender in an acclimation box for a period of time (jail).

    Votes: 10 17.5%
  • I remove the offender entirely and reintroduce them at a later time (rehab).

    Votes: 2 3.5%
  • I use the mirror method (a little reverse psychology).

    Votes: 4 7.0%
  • I rearrange rock work (throw them off).

    Votes: 4 7.0%
  • I don't tolerate bullies. Bye bye fishy!

    Votes: 13 22.8%
  • I've never dealt with a tank bully.

    Votes: 17 29.8%
  • Other (please explain!)

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