I bought a YWG because of how amazing he looks on this photo on LiveAquaria (see attached on the left)... and after researching the heck out of them too. Apparently I didn't research enough: when I got mine, it noticed it didn't look much like the one on the left. His color is not a bright yellow and his fins are small and more rounded, instead of bright yellow with spiky fins, especially the dorsal fin.
Then I realized LiveAquaria has apparently two "different" types Cryptocentrus cinctus listed: the one I ordered on the left (bright, spiky, goes for $30), and I just saw they have a different one, the one on the right (dull color, small round fins), that sells for $8. I guess it's like dog's breeds? Where you can have a doberman or a Chihuahua or a German shepherd and they're all Canis familiars?
Attached photos of the one I received and here's a video: https://photos.app.goo.gl/jpVh4hkztKRmrWnB7 Do you think I paid for the $30 one and got the $8 one? Or is it that mine is just a juvie and they look that awesome later in their prime? Thanks for your opinion or any info to learn more about this.

Then I realized LiveAquaria has apparently two "different" types Cryptocentrus cinctus listed: the one I ordered on the left (bright, spiky, goes for $30), and I just saw they have a different one, the one on the right (dull color, small round fins), that sells for $8. I guess it's like dog's breeds? Where you can have a doberman or a Chihuahua or a German shepherd and they're all Canis familiars?
Attached photos of the one I received and here's a video: https://photos.app.goo.gl/jpVh4hkztKRmrWnB7 Do you think I paid for the $30 one and got the $8 one? Or is it that mine is just a juvie and they look that awesome later in their prime? Thanks for your opinion or any info to learn more about this.