cycle help

  1. B

    Cycle in progress

    Month into fishless cycle and still have .2 nitrite, nitrate is at 30 and ammonia is gone or minimal. Using a tropic marin test kit. Tank was started with live sand but dry rock. Using microbacter7 as instructions read but I feel like this is taking longer than it should. Nitrite has been stuck...
  2. A

    Concrete alternative aquascape help

    So earlier today I used some cured dry rock and some new pieces that had been in my 2 month old tank that were wet and made an aquascape. 1: Should I worry about a big die off ammonia spike ? I used a cheaper concrete alternative to E Marco 400 concrete . I used the cement on 2 places and rest...
  3. T

    Cycling Question

    Need cycling advice. Cycling a 30 gal tank, live sand/dry rock. Salinity 1.019, Temp 81, PH 7.9-8.0 I am on DAY 6 of Dr Tims fishless cycle. I am an expierenced fresh water aquarist and have always done "fish in" cycle before but decided to try this out. Tonight my NH3 was .25 down from 1.0 from...
  4. chasing4rabbits

    Did I just kill my cycle?

    Hey. I made an embarrassing mistake. When I put in my new heater for my reef tank, I somehow forgot to put the temperature reading gauge in the tank to monitor the temp and base the heat off the gauge. Therefore my heater was constantly heating up and my tank ended up at 96°F… Thank god I was...
  5. Gianluca

    Using old water for a new tank

    Hello to make a long story short my 50 gallon aquarium broke during moving. I have a 90 gallon that I'm trying to move everything into as soon as possible. I have 40 gallons of water from the previous tank as well as about 80lbs of live rock and a very large amount of sand from the previous...
  6. M

    Should I add fish at NO2 at 2?

    Hello everyone. I would like to ask a question about the cycling of my tank. It has been running for two weeks, and I bought live rock from the local aquarium store. For the first ten days, the NH3 level was 0 and NO2 was 0.1. Last Friday, I removed the live rock from the tank for aquascaping...
  7. M

    New tank cycling question (probably not what your expecting)

    Hey all! New to this group and so far I’ve already found a wealth of information. We got a marine fish tank 120L it’s the AQUA ONE MINIREEF 120 AQUARIUM & CABINET - WHITE We got it it Sunday (yesterday) did some research before getting it, but that was mainly on the set up of the tank itself...
  8. P

    Cycle Reassurance

    Looking for some advice here, first timer. Used Fritz turbo start900 along with the fishless fuel ammonia. Added a double dose of bacteria and the recommended 5ml of ammonia for my 25g tank 6 days ago. I have an Ammonia alert on the inside of the tank but the ammonia never reached the 2ppm that...
  9. tzabor10

    Can I double cycle?

    Starting on a new 75 gallon tank. I have two others with extra live rock in them. I also have an order in for Tampa Bay Saltwater’s the package. Should I cycle my current 10 pounds of sand and 25 pounds of live rock in the system until the live rock and sand comes in? Thanks
  10. L

    Cycle a tank - Whats happening?

    Hello fellow reefers, iam new at this hobby and from the start things going pretty interesting. I started my 30 gallon aquarium a month and a week ago, still isnt cycled. Things that are happening are these: When i started i decided to do shrimp method so u put 2 small shrimps in my tank and...
  11. B

    My tank has cycled should I do a water change?

    Hey guys, my tank just finished cycling today and I was wondering if I should do a water change before adding my first livestock. I will be adding a pair of storm clownfish as my first fish. I used Dr.Tim’s fishless cycle method: Dr. Tim’s ammonia and one and only nitrifying bacteria. It took 15...
  12. Z

    When to add things into deep sand bed macro algae tank

    so I’m working on plumbing a display refugium/macro algae tank into my main display tank which is a 135g. My main question is when can I add macros, and when should I add a clean up crew. Specifically snails, conchs, and sand sifting starfish to keep the sand bed turned over. Side note, I’ve had...
  13. BAMslam93

    Jumped the gun and now have a fish-in cycle

    Hi all, I'm pretty new to reefing and have been in the freshwater side of the hobby for about 7 years now. Almost a month ago, I set up a 15-gallon cube. Unfortunately, I forgot how long the nitrogen cycle lasted (I kept reading zeros across the board and was too eager lol) and ended up jumping...
  14. R

    Congused with Tank Cycling

    Hi All, Bought my tank set up on Tuesday (2nd of January) and scaped, placed sand and filled with saltwater from my LFS, one thing I didn't buy at the time was a test kit and bacteria. Following day I bought some bacteria (Fritz 9) and added it to the tank without any Ammonia source...
  15. B

    Cycling rocks for an upgrade?

    I am buying my upgrade tank on WaterBox's blue Friday event and having a company build me a new scape for the upgrade as I don't love what I have in my current tank. My current tank has been running for just shy of two years and has about 65 lbs of rock total of which 10-15lbs is aquacultered KP...
  16. TheBirdsNest

    Hello Hello!

    Hello! New to the forum and just got my first ‘big’ tank! Ive been running a Fluval Evo Marine (50L) for a few years and just manage to upgrade to a RedSea Reefer 250! Just began my cycle using Red Sea Mature Pro, although not convinced I’m doing it right since my Amonia (0.50ppm), Nitrite...
  17. M

    Is redsea salt okay to use to cure rock

    I am planning on starting a new tank in the near future and was planning one starting with dry rock (trying to avoid hitchhikers lol) but i see it says not to mix for more then 4 hours would this cause any issues if i left a power head and heater in while letting the rocks start their cycling...
  18. GrizzReacts

    Is this 15 gallon stocking list ok

    So my 15 gallon innovative marine is about cycled and I’m heading to my LFS In Pittsburgh to get fish this weekend. My plans are 2 nano clowns, one clown goby and 2 cardinals is this fine or over kill? The nano clowns are so small they shouldn’t bother the other fish I think. Any feedback would...
  19. Kris33

    Has my tank finished cycling?

    G’Day All, I’m new here and new to marine tanks. I’ve been cycling my tank for three weeks now. My set up in an all in one 30 gallon tank with sand and caribsea life rock and biosphere media. I started the cycle with some fish food but after a visit to my LFS they prompted me to add a sliver...
  20. GrizzReacts

    Help cycling my 15 gallon innovative marine

    So I started cycling my 15 gallon last Thursday night using the whole FritzZyme Turbo Start 900 1oz bottle and a cap full of Dr. Tim’s ammonia. That Sunday I added two hermit crabs and 2 turbo snails along with algae wafers for them to feed on (all are doing fine) . So today I tested my water...
  21. S


    Hello! New to the aquarium game . I have a few cycling questions maybe someone can help me. I’ve been cycling my Orbit (jellyfish tank) tank for about a month. I did the shrimp method, and my ammonia spiked to 4ppm. Everything seem on track. However, testing a few times I noticed my Nitrite...
  22. EyeofAwe

    Cycle Tank equipment Question

    Hello, I have a 65g w/ 15g sump. It is a brand new build I received all my equipment except my circulation pumps. My question is can I start to cycle my tank with just the return pump?
  23. R

    Will I Ruin my Cycle? (Noob Question)

    I’m building my first tank and I have everything set up and ready to go. I plan on cycling the tank with live Carib Sea Agra Alive, Dry Rock, Fritz Turbo Start, and 2 Clown fish. Will it be okay to have the Agra Alive sand and Saltwater running in the tank for a couple days before I add the...
  24. C

    Can you mix different nitrifying bacteria?

    Hi, I first started dosing my saltwater tank with fritz turbostart 900, but I ran out and my LFS also ran out and only had Dr Tim's. Is it ok to combine different brands of nitrifying bacteria or will it cause problems or crash the cycle?
  25. R

    Cycling tank 4 1/2 weeks in

    Hi I'm wondering if everything looks ok with my cycle. Ammonia is .5,nitrite .25, nitrate between 5-10. My ammonia never spiked but I'm seeing nitrites and nitrates is this a normal process?