
  1. R

    Midas Blenny Injured or Sick?

    I’ve had this Midas Blenny for well over two months but about a week ago I noticed some scrapes along one of its sides. I assumed it was from going in and out of the rocks and just watched for infection. But then this morning part of both front fins are completely torn up. Then later today I...
  2. R

    Midas blenny biting our tangs. Will it stop?

    We've had a midas blenny for about 3.5 months now, and had no problems with it at all. Super active, interesting fish that didn't seem to care about its tank-mates. Then, about 3 weeks ago we got a blue hippo tang, and more recently a kole tang. Midas blenny keeps biting them, especially the...
  3. ajtomase

    Blenny aggression

    Yesterday, I got a QT'd midas blenny that I had in an acclimation box overnight and none of my fish paid attention to it. This morning, I released it into the tank before the lights went off and my starry blenny is going after it. The starry blenny is significantly larger than the midas blenny...
  4. J

    Hello Nano reefer blenny?

    New reefer here. I love the life of a reef tank so I finally started one of my own a few months ago. It is a 20 gallon tank and only has 2 clown fish and would love to add a Midas Blenny. Those would be my only fish in this tank. I have some hermit crabs and plan on just adding corals. Would the...
  5. E

    Midas blenny and diamond goby

    Hello! We are have had our tank for a little over 8 months and have recently introduced a Midas blenny. He has started to lay on the sand right next to our diamond goby. Curious if anyone has seen this happen?
  6. darrow0903

    Midas Blenny Breathing Hard?

    Hi all, just got this Midas Blenny and I think he’s stressed out (see video). Looks like he’s breathing heavily. Is he gonna make it? :( My other fish are doing amazingly out and about any tip on what I should do? Is this normal behaviour for a new fish?
  7. M

    Clownfish fin torn by Midas Benny?

    Tank: - 40 Gallon Aquatop cube with added wavemaker Livestock: - 1x Midas Blenny (Noodle) - 1x Clownfish pair - 1x Sailfin/Algae Blenny (Salarias fasciatus) idk the common name - various soft corals, mostly frags - CUC Problem: Recently my old female clown died from some parasite I believe...
  8. T

    Dark spots on Midas blenny

    There are dark spots on my Midas blenny, on his left side by his dorsal fin about 3/4 of the way down his side. And his lower tailfin has it at the base as well ( also I just treated him for parasites but I noticed his poo not wanting to let go do I need to do another regimen? Using new life...