overflow question

  1. M

    New 220G build Dual Internal overflows: durso, herby or bean animal?

    I did a cursory look and could not find a post specific to my problem so here it goes, newbe question: I am building a 200G and the tank has dual internal overflows; each with a 1" and a 3/4" hole. I've been told the tank is an aqueon 220. I've read and watched YT on this but cannot decide if...
  2. PensacolaReefer

    Overflow water level rose by itself on estab tank

    Hey Reef2reef community I could really use some knowledge here. I’ve had this 80 gallon rimless setup for about 4 years now and the overflow water level rose by itself a few weeks ago and I can’t diagnose the problem. You can see attached in the pictures where the algae growth is and where I...
  3. F

    Overflow plumbing question

    I recently purchased a used 90g aquarium that I am trying to clean up and get started. It has in internal overflow with 3 holes drilled in it: two holes are drilled for 3/4" pipe & one (in the middle) is drilled for 1" pipe. It was set up with a herbie overflow before- the two drains were the...
  4. Reefacist

    After months of research need HELP setting up my first 120 gallon saltwater tank

    Hi You ALL, I have been reading, watching youtube vids, reading more, watching more videos, day and night, home and at work. Pretty much the last 3 months i have been all about saltwater fish tanks. At first i was looking at buying a 50 gallon tank bc i read that its the best beginner tank...
  5. lazycouch

    good overflow box??

    hey everyone, i’m looking to start an under tank refugium for my 30 gallon but drilling is not an option. i was wondering if you can post some links or recommend good or the best overflow boxes for my size? thanks! the fuge will be somewhere between 10-20 gallons
  6. P

    Basement floor unlevel= overflow weir unlevel. Help James Cameron. Or anyone

    I knew the basement floor was unlevel, it with my custom coast coast overflow *48 inch. i still am only getting 3/4 of the length letting water in. I believe the right side lowered 1/8 at the most would solve the problem. Unfortunately this is a custom design I did, and the overflow does not...
  7. E

    New Tank - Single Overflow - Future Problems?

    I am looking into getting a 125 gallon at a really great, hard to pass up price. I’m still fairly new to reef tanks but I understand having a single overflow with no redundancy may not be a great idea. The new tank only has a single overflow, as pictured. Is there a way to convert this to a...
  8. nickkohrn

    Need Assistance with Plumbing Decision

    I am working on putting together a new frag system. It will consist of a 40-gallon breeder and a Bashsea Smart Series sump. The sump has three 1.5" drain connections, which is helpful as I intend to use a Bean Animal configuration. However, that is where I need your assistance as I decided to...
  9. Mike N

    HIGH water level in display

    I've recently installed a sump and HOB overflow to my system and it has been running flawlessly for about 2 months now. Suddenly today, the water level is extremely high in the display. Another 1/4 inch and it will overflow. I havent adjusted the overflow or return pump at all since it was...
  10. Zxandak

    Aquarium Plumbing for Two Overflows Questions

    I have a tank that is about 72 inches long and 18 inches wide with two overflow boxes on the back wall with each having a 1 inch hole and a 3/4 inch hole in the bottom of the glass. I have a sump with two 1 inch drain holes that I will most likely be using. My question is how to setup the...