Has any one tried to build a multi multi-modular tank sump tank to allow easy access to fit into the existing tank stand? Without remove the top display tank?
Hello fello Reefers I have got a question on what I should do about my salt water. I have a 13-gallon Fluval Evo and I have been getting my water from my closest reef store for about a year now. When I first started to get my water I didn't never do any tests on my tank for calcium or mag or...
Livestock sellers* don't know if I can edit the posts title.
My main question is about the transaction.
Reviewing the rules of transactions it says to be weary of PayPal, Venmo and what not and that transactions that are "gifts" are not allowed.
Can I be paid through Venmo? If so, how can I...
Hi guys, posting this again, I got a couple answers for snakeskin before, but never found out if this particular torch is an existing strain in the hobby. Similar colors to holy grail, but with a cool "glitter" pattern. Has anyone seen this strain for sale before? Thank you all:)
Hello Everyone,
I upgraded to a 135 system two days ago. My return pump is coming today therefore I can finally get the tank fully set up and started. I was just wondering how to properly get the sump running. I tried to look up YT vids but they don't show the part where they are filling it up...
So I have removed my fish from my main display and placed them in quarantine due to flukes and internal parasites. My question stems from the fact that I've been dosing ammonia into my display tank in the meantime to help avoid recycling the tank which has happened to me before. Is dosing Dr...
So I’ve had all kinds of fish all my life, all the way from fresh water to saltwater. So here’s my question I used to own salt water and was planing on making an aggressive tank but my parents were against it and wanted a reef tank. I want to make an aggressive tank now that I am on my own. (I...
I’ve tried everything with my bicolor and he just will not do anything but hide when I feed no one is messing with him he’s by far biggest fish in tank and he’s been in for almost two weeks now. Tried reef frenzy, zoo plankton, nori on clip and rocks, flakes/pellets, frozen sponge, mysis and...
I have a 20 gallon long aquarium with a Tidal 50 HOB filter. The filter is running fine but I would like to plan to add a sump to the tank and remove the HOB filter just for additional space inside the aquarium. I will likely use a 10 gallon aquarium, or build a custom tank and add...
So about two months ago I bought a green spotted puffer fish and a snowflake eel (so they think). The two were fine in the shop tank ignoring each other and all. Went I got home they were fine together for a month and a half. Then my pufferfish vanished. I searched around the tank in the filter...
Can anybody tell me why is it that when my tank get really dirty and I scrub the glass off and blow off the rocks my acro frags die every single time. The frags will look great the entire time until I clean the tank... This very turbid water the cleaning creates clearly ticks them off to the...
I also have a 20gallon sump. I already have 6 fish but I’m not sure if that’s the limit or not. I have 2 clownfish 2 blennies and 1 goby and a royal gramma. Eventually wanting to get corals
I'm a little overwhelmed about what equipment to start off with just to get going.
At the moment, I'm just looking to get off the group, and I can't tell what is actually needed for some things.
So, obviously required:
-Filtration (generally speaking)
Hey all, after a pretty depressing trip to the LFS yesterday for advice, I've decided I have to tear down my 20 gallon nano reef because of an absolutely terrible colonial hydroid infestation which I have been battling for close to six months now to no avail.
I'm going to salvage what corals I...
Hi could anyone here please tell me what's these are? It merged up today's morning and I have no idea is it good or bad. My tank have 2 clowns. 2 hermit and 2 sea snail. Thank you
Wondering what happened to all the emergency forum posts that were posted after the 17th of february - everything seems to have dissapeared post 17th of feb?
Hi Everyone,
I am on my second week cycle. I just finished yesterday with the full week of adding stability. I am finally getting to see some bacteria startring to form. I spoke with my LFS and they said once the diatomes? If I said that correctly, are gone I can go ahead and slowly start...