So about two months ago I bought a green spotted puffer fish and a snowflake eel (so they think). The two were fine in the shop tank ignoring each other and all. Went I got home they were fine together for a month and a half. Then my pufferfish vanished. I searched around the tank in the filter in the tubes everywhere. But it was just gone. I didn’t think much of it after a while bummed me out and all but I got over it. I put a new puffer fish in the tank today and woke up to check it only a few minutes ago. My eel who usual stays in the tubes under the sand was out and inside the decoration. I thought nothing of it looked for my pufferfish before seeing it and the eel what looked to be fighting. The Pufferfish was fully inflated and trying to escape. At the time and even now I think he just wondered in and got spooked. But do y’all think I should be worried? I mean kinda strange my first one disappears and the eel remains. Then that happens. I dunno may just be overthinking it after my tang just died. Got any answers? Anything would be helpful thank ya!