sick fish

  1. L

    EMERGENCY Regal tangs with white spots

    Hey was wondering why my Regal tangs now has a big white spot on him!! Let me know if anyone has any information and or solution don’t want my fish to die (Could be scratching from the rocks idk)
  2. C

    EMERGENCY Puffer in need!

    Hey all! I’ve had a porcupine puffer for about a year, with a handful of other tank mates. The past few months now he has stopped all eating as far as I can see, (always ate from tongs with no issues) he must be eating SOMETHING because he’s still alive and doesn’t look skinny, but he’s...
  3. N

    New fish tilting over at bottom tank?

    Any experience with tilting at bottom tank? Our little clown swims in spot a lot and keeps tilting over? He is only with us two full days now. The first day was a little rough, we did the fish in cycle with Fritz turbo 900 & stress guard, with a hour acclimation (last time in-cycle!). We did a...
  4. N

    EMERGENCY Brand new clown fish, suddenly lethargic?

    So we pulled the trigger on a young mocha storm clown, he was very active in the bag.. we slowly acclimated (1hr) him to a 10g new quarantine tank. We dosed it was stress guard and Fritz turbo start and used imaginatrium boxed saltwater and a heater, plus hob filter. Probly put him in about...
  5. E

    Help!! White patches on fish!

    Hi, all. I have a 30 gallon community fresh water tank. PH leves are fine, temp, etc... Two of my fish have developed white patches. It's not fuzzy looking, and they aren't small white dots. Does anyone have any idea what this may be? Currently, appetite and movement is fine. We had a couple...
  6. M

    EMERGENCY Sick clown fish not moving

    Clown fish is acting strange not moving really at the bottom of the tank seems like he lost all colour in his top fin all water parameters are fine noticed this when I was going to feed them turned the light on and place my flake into the tank he start swimming on the bottom of the substrate...
  7. W

    Midas Blenny Dying from Terrible Mouth Fungus

    Hello, I got this Midas blenny from petco a couple days ago. He looked sick and I would not usually buy a sick fish but he I felt real bad for him and he was still eating so I figured I’d try to save him. He has mouth fungus. Or something like that. His face literally looks like it’s melting...
  8. shawnriv

    Swallowtail Angel laying on sandbed (video)

    Hello All, I’ve had my swallowtail angelfish for about a year now. Very active fish and eats well. I noticed yesterday he was laying on the sandbed in between a bunch of rocks. I was surprised to see he appeared dead. I put fish in the tank and he popped up and began eating. After he ate and...
  9. D

    EMERGENCY 4-5 year old female clown sick?

    She seems to be swimming fine and even chasing the male once in these videos. She’s breathing rather rapid and seems her gills are now swollen or burnt? She will try and eat food then shake to spit it back out, as if it isn’t going down easily or she can’t swallow it. Ph: 8.3 Ammonia: 0...
  10. N


    My blue tang is sick it doesn’t move what do I do someone told me it got bit by an anemone,
  11. Kinko

    red wrasse now has white hairs?

    I woke up this morning and it seems that my wrasse has sort of white hairs ontop of its head. doesn't seem sick or anything just strange looking? is my wrasse sick? the wrasse is a ruby longfin fairy wrasse
  12. FishFamily

    EMERGENCY Sick fish! Need help!

    Please read & select from options 1-5. Note: We keep multiple tanks and this concerns our freshwater 35g, solitary black moor. Fish was diagnosed with columnaris and has been fighting infection since October 2022. Neoplex in tank - last dose was 6/20. Neoplex in food - last dose was 6/22 as we...
  13. F

    EMERGENCY Yellow boxfish white spots?? What are they

    I have done a lot of research, talked to many salt water experts, CAN NOT pin point what is going on with my boxfish. He has white spots all over and they look almost fuzzy. Will include a photos, won’t let me attach a video so they aren’t great . I tried a fresh water dip and nothing came of...
  14. B

    LiveAquaria Sick Fish Issues, Need Assistance

    I ordered a Desjardini Sailfin tang and Emperor Angelfish from LiveAquaria a little over 4 weeks ago. Both fish arrived and looked ok. I did my regular drip acclimation and added both fish to the QT Tank. I noticed the emperor angel was breathing very rapidly. On the 7th day evening, I noticed...
  15. S

    New Reefer in SD

    Hello, I’m new to reefing and have been absorbing tons of info on this site. Thank you to all who share your experience for us newbies! Unfortunately, I have had my tank for about 60 days and 1 of my clownfish is struggling and would appreciate any advice! Pictures attached. It’s the larger of...
  16. EHaddad

    My clown fish looks to have blisters?!?! HELP

    Been awhile since I posted but my Clownfish looks to have blisters on its fin and tail. It still eats good and swims normal. These are the best pictures I could get. None of my other fish have these symptoms not even the mate to this clown.
  17. E


    Hello! I received a Dejardini Tang the other day from someone who could no longer take care of it. However when I received it, it was in terrible shape. It looks like it has HLLE and I’m not sure if it has tail rot as it was previously housed with a porcupine puffer. I also can’t tell if there...
  18. anabechara

    Sick clownfish

    Hi all! Please help me. Last week I posted about my clownfish in quarantine getting sick after a herbtana dosing. I ended up doing a progressive water change in a 24 hour period. on 08/25 I thought he might be dead but when I tried to fish him out of the tank he darted up. He looked really...
  19. shawnriv

    EMERGENCY Sick Yellow Tang? (Video)

    Yellow Tang I’ve had my Yellow Tang for over six years and he’s been a model citizen. Ammonia in my tank is zero and all other fish (anthias, leopard wrasse, gramma) are all fine. The Yellow Tang behavior is always out in the open and eating. For the past two three days my tang has stopped...
  20. D

    EMERGENCY Sick Clown, Medicating Advice

    Hi everyone, you can skip to the third paragraph for the short version of this. I bought two clownfish and a randall's goby two weeks ago and added them to my aquarium (20 gallon long), these are my first fish. About a week ago one of my clownfish stopped eating, the next day it was having...
  21. C

    ! - sick(?) tailspot blenny

    Hi Everyone, My tailspot blenny is looking a little worse for wear. His belly is now concave, and his face is looking really skinny. It resembles a really skinny person when their cheekbones are visible. He is now sticking to the bottom of the tank, not moving, whereas before (two days ago) he...
  22. O


    Hey guys need help, my new watchman goby started to be lethargic 2 days ago and now he spins like a corkscrew when he swims, I put him in the first chamber of my aio so the other fish won't bother him. Should I euthanize him or just keep trying to feed him. He's breathing slowed a little bit...
  23. O

    Sick goby

    I have a sick goby that might be dying, I can't feed him medication (metroplex because of the risk of other inverts eating it) also don't have qt, i don't see any white spots on him except for his bottom lip which has a white spot, he was fine for the past few days, but he started to be...
  24. E

    Fish with splitting jaw!

    I just received a Yellow Longnose Butterflyfish from that has a rather bad jaw issue. It looks like it's splitting/degrading. Has anyone seen this before? How can I treat this?
  25. E

    Blue Tang with Marine Ich... I think?

    I've come to learn that my Blue Tang is sick. Being new to the hobby I have done as much research as I can reviewing Humblefish's work, but I'd like some advice to confirm my findings... and to also give guidance on how to best handle possible Marine Ich in a new tank (2 months old). Symptoms...