00W's AIO Smorgasbord


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Shoot over a few photos anyways!
All my photos suck so you gotta do better than me! :)
I'd love to see them.
As far as cameras go driving my truck to the store is hard for me so a camera would be rocket science.

It’s the photos on my thread- those are the best I was able to achieve. I’m literally holding the kraken sunglasses over the iPhone lenses and pressing button. I want to take photos that represent the actual colors and closeups.

But like you, a camera has always been like rocket science for me…


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I have a Canon Sureshot that I love. I need to get it out and try it on tank shots to see how it does. I will try to do that tomorrow. I have to go for jury duty tomorrow for the first time ever so I'm going since it's close to home I will get home earlier than I normally do.

Is it basically all automatic?

I will be very curious to see your DT photos with it when you get a chance- no rush though. I can’t afford a luxury item right now. Also, want something under $200 if that’s a possibility


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Shoot over a few photos anyways!
All my photos suck so you gotta do better than me! :)
I'd love to see them.
As far as cameras go driving my truck to the store is hard for me so a camera would be rocket science.
The best photo I have taken with my phone is of my tailspot blenny, anyone ever seen it?


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It’s the photos on my thread- those are the best I was able to achieve. I’m literally holding the kraken sunglasses over the iPhone lenses and pressing button. I want to take photos that represent the actual colors and closeups.

But like you, a camera has always been like rocket science for me…
I'll check it out. :)
I try to keep up with you guys but you all have so much energy. :smiling-face-with-smiling-eyes:
My phone sucks too.


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Is it basically all automatic?

I will be very curious to see your DT photos with it when you get a chance- no rush though. I can’t afford a luxury item right now. Also, want something under $200 if that’s a possibility
You can put it either on automatic or manually change it. It was a little more than $200 but I don't remember exactly. It was a birthday gift from my husband.


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Good night everyone! I hope you all enjoy the rest of your night.
Good Night Cat GIF


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You can put it either on automatic or manually change it. It was a little more than $200 but I don't remember exactly. It was a birthday gift from my husband.
I wait for sales on big ticket items - hehe.


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What is this "Tailspot" of which you speak?
I believe you you need to go back to post 6, 369 to find out. It has become very rare and expensive.

Kipp's Corals

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Sorry for all the newbie questions, you guys are great. Following @tbrown suggestion on my filling for the first time. This is a few part question and may take a few minutes to understand fully, it took me 1.5 hours to type it out and get an understandable flow LOL, this is more guided towards @tbrown but the group is welcome to add tips. I'm working and insomnia is strong lately.

QUESTION 1: CONFIRMATION OF MATH / DOSING - I have a 60 gallon tank (without sump) based on dimensions.
60 gallons to liters = 227 Liters

Salt being used: Red Sea Coral Pro Salt
Corals @ salinity of 1.023 (33.0ppt) = 36.0grams/liter OR (1.6lb/5 US gal)

Math time: depending which dosing option that I use.
Grams: 227.0L times 36.0G = 8172.0 TOTAL GRAMS OF SALT INTO TANK
Pounds: 60/5 = 12*1.6 = 19.2 POUNDS OF SALT INTO TANK

Do I need to take account for the sump volume, although i have a 20G sump, I only plan on having around 9 inches of water height to meet my skimmer requirements? @tbrown mentioned that he gets the water to a point where it's not quite overflowing to the sump, mixes the water until clear, adds the sand and rocks, then tops off (without the return pump running) until the sump is at the "full off" level that he wants, then he kick on the return pump and checks his running level and adjust his ATO point.

SO, with that being said. Does that mean once my water is clear after mixing the salt but not longer than 4 hours, I then add RODI ONLY into the main display causing activation of the OFB/siphon into the sump. I assume I continue until I reach the level (9 inches) that i want when all pumps are off (power loss).

QUESTION #3 - Brings us on the topic now of flooding. Is the flow of events correct?
1) Return Pump failure: Water will begin to backflow back into the sump in addition water will continue to poor into the overflow box until the water level is just below the slits on the HOB OFB. Then flooding is dependent how much water is in the sump? (i plan to drill a small hole at the end of my return line for a siphon break and i do have a check valve in place) is all of this correct?

2) Lost siphon at HOB: Water will continue to pump from the sump into the main tank until sump is empty, once the sump is empty a loud grinding noise will be heard. I assume MAIN TANK FLOODING is dependent on sump volume? so if i have 9 inches of water in the sump, then during a siphon break 9 inches of extra water will go back into the main tank? if I have the ability to add 9 inches of water then i wont flood during a lost siphon event? is this correct?

I think I spent enough time trying to get a few of my questions out before I make my water and salt and get this thing going :) I think these really are my biggest questions up to this point that I need absolute confirmation on before I pull the trigger. Online videos are helpful but I have been gathering so much information my brain is feeling overwhelmed and would like to stick with you folks as those hard hitting real time questions.

Hopefully you guys can answer every one of my points. As always, be safe and chat soon!


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Feb 22, 2020
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I’m glad to have you as a friend! Not to be negative but I ordered from your restaurant using grubhub again and the food was great and the presentation was awesome but it was cold again and it took two days to get here. I know grubhub takes some of the responsibility but I thought you should know. Can’t wait to have everyone for March Madness! I know @Calmwaters is excited she is such a huge basketball fan. I’ll soon be fragging all the frogspawn for you all to take home.

So you guys really do get together for real? I didn’t realize you all live so close.

I’m a bit bummed I’m so far from any of you.


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Feb 22, 2020
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Sorry for all the newbie questions, you guys are great. Following @tbrown suggestion on my filling for the first time. This is a few part question and may take a few minutes to understand fully, it took me 1.5 hours to type it out and get an understandable flow LOL, this is more guided towards @tbrown but the group is welcome to add tips. I'm working and insomnia is strong lately.

QUESTION 1: CONFIRMATION OF MATH / DOSING - I have a 60 gallon tank (without sump) based on dimensions.
60 gallons to liters = 227 Liters

Salt being used: Red Sea Coral Pro Salt
Corals @ salinity of 1.023 (33.0ppt) = 36.0grams/liter OR (1.6lb/5 US gal)

Math time: depending which dosing option that I use.
Grams: 227.0L times 36.0G = 8172.0 TOTAL GRAMS OF SALT INTO TANK
Pounds: 60/5 = 12*1.6 = 19.2 POUNDS OF SALT INTO TANK

Do I need to take account for the sump volume, although i have a 20G sump, I only plan on having around 9 inches of water height to meet my skimmer requirements? @tbrown mentioned that he gets the water to a point where it's not quite overflowing to the sump, mixes the water until clear, adds the sand and rocks, then tops off (without the return pump running) until the sump is at the "full off" level that he wants, then he kick on the return pump and checks his running level and adjust his ATO point.

SO, with that being said. Does that mean once my water is clear after mixing the salt but not longer than 4 hours, I then add RODI ONLY into the main display causing activation of the OFB/siphon into the sump. I assume I continue until I reach the level (9 inches) that i want when all pumps are off (power loss).

QUESTION #3 - Brings us on the topic now of flooding. Is the flow of events correct?
1) Return Pump failure: Water will begin to backflow back into the sump in addition water will continue to poor into the overflow box until the water level is just below the slits on the HOB OFB. Then flooding is dependent how much water is in the sump? (i plan to drill a small hole at the end of my return line for a siphon break and i do have a check valve in place) is all of this correct?

2) Lost siphon at HOB: Water will continue to pump from the sump into the main tank until sump is empty, once the sump is empty a loud grinding noise will be heard. I assume MAIN TANK FLOODING is dependent on sump volume? so if i have 9 inches of water in the sump, then during a siphon break 9 inches of extra water will go back into the main tank? if I have the ability to add 9 inches of water then i wont flood during a lost siphon event? is this correct?

I think I spent enough time trying to get a few of my questions out before I make my water and salt and get this thing going :) I think these really are my biggest questions up to this point that I need absolute confirmation on before I pull the trigger. Online videos are helpful but I have been gathering so much information my brain is feeling overwhelmed and would like to stick with you folks as those hard hitting real time questions.

Hopefully you guys can answer every one of my points. As always, be safe and chat soon!
I think most of our residents experts have gone to bed for the evening; however, by early tomorrow morning you will get the answers you’re looking for. Didn’t want you to think it was crickets around here


  • I place the offender in an acclimation box for a period of time (jail).

    Votes: 10 16.4%
  • I remove the offender entirely and reintroduce them at a later time (rehab).

    Votes: 2 3.3%
  • I use the mirror method (a little reverse psychology).

    Votes: 6 9.8%
  • I rearrange rock work (throw them off).

    Votes: 4 6.6%
  • I don't tolerate bullies. Bye bye fishy!

    Votes: 14 23.0%
  • I've never dealt with a tank bully.

    Votes: 17 27.9%
  • Other (please explain!)

    Votes: 8 13.1%