Hey, how is everybody doing? I recently started a bio Cuba 32 gallon and I have been just looking for some opinions and help on my set up. I will list everything that I have .
– Bio cube protein skimmer
– aqua tap slim 2100 wave pump.
– 45 pounds of live rock
– mechanical filtration fine wool like material on top and on the bottom foam block and then going to return pump also smaller size foam block
– 30 pounds of fine sand.
– stock bio cube light (please help her with the setting it up with the timer so it doesn’t blast my corals would like thank you )
– two small clown fish (one looks sick need some help)
– the bad so far I lost one goby one cleaner, shrimp, and one ananomy bubble tip
Corals that are currently in the tank:
-2 chalice
-1 bouncy mushroom
- 1 mushroom colony
- 1 Miyagi
-1 hammer (not sure the name)
-1 green star polyp
- 2 sometime of leather
-1 ananomy
I might be forgetting something but need some help with them dialing in the wave maker as well as the protein skimmer and how strong the flow should be filtration. What do I need the to those just to keep everything going healthy your input will be very much appreciated. Thank you.

– Bio cube protein skimmer
– aqua tap slim 2100 wave pump.
– 45 pounds of live rock
– mechanical filtration fine wool like material on top and on the bottom foam block and then going to return pump also smaller size foam block
– 30 pounds of fine sand.
– stock bio cube light (please help her with the setting it up with the timer so it doesn’t blast my corals would like thank you )
– two small clown fish (one looks sick need some help)
– the bad so far I lost one goby one cleaner, shrimp, and one ananomy bubble tip
Corals that are currently in the tank:
-2 chalice
-1 bouncy mushroom
- 1 mushroom colony
- 1 Miyagi
-1 hammer (not sure the name)
-1 green star polyp
- 2 sometime of leather
-1 ananomy
I might be forgetting something but need some help with them dialing in the wave maker as well as the protein skimmer and how strong the flow should be filtration. What do I need the to those just to keep everything going healthy your input will be very much appreciated. Thank you.