The other day I found a foreign rock in my reef tank. It was a piece of landscape rock I had in a humidity tray for an orchid. It had only been in there half a day and had some Algae on it already . My thought was I probably need to test for nitrates and phosphate again, or maybe it had orchid fertilizer on it. I suppose something like that lacking the biological fauna on it like the aqua scape would do that. I had worked late that day and found it before the lights turned out. Family had been over and a few youngsters under 10 years of age were terrorizing the house. I’m pretty sure I know who the culprit was, as this would be a repeat offense. Years ago, marbles were added to the substrate, and he had a penchant for pressing the feed button on a mounted apex LCD display unit which I couldn’t disable. Anyways I kinda overreacted as I’m passionate about my reef and how I keep everything going. I like to have others see my interest and enjoy reactions from kids, but sometimes I have to hold back my inner reactions to all there fingerprints left on the glass and tendencies to frighten the fish. So do all you reefers out there fiercely guard your reef and keep it to yourself, or is it for all to enjoy that are invited to your house?