I got back into the hobby about six months age. I had a reef tank from around 2008 to 2014, but back then I had to rely on reef central and the advise of my LFSs. Now I have watched hundreds of hours of youtube and I've asked a bunch of questions on these forums.
Recently I watched video from Melev's reef where he had coral colonies crashing because he was lacking in trace elements. Prior to that I know I've heard him say, "I guarantee that the solution to your problem isn't going to be found in a bottle". Now he is saying he is doing the Moonshiners method, but according to him this is definately not for beginners.
Why is it not for beginners? You have corals dying because you are not supplying them with needed elements, but people that haven't been reefing for 20 years shouldn't supply them with needed elements because they can't so something that you are doing for the first time? Your vast experience in reefing qualifies you to read a graduated cylinder more accurately than someone just starting out?
I also just watched a video where the guy that made the most popular video on anemone tanks just said all of his anemones died every time he bought one. I'm not sure how relevant that is to this topic , but it was dose of the reality of marketing in this industry.
My point is that people should be giving good advice. Tell people what workks based on your experiences. Not what you think the stupidest person in the world will can handle. Don't just parrot something that you heard someone else say without knowing that it works because you want to be helpful. I admire your desire to help, but in my opion this is one of the biggest contributers of bad advice.
Now I preface
Recently I watched video from Melev's reef where he had coral colonies crashing because he was lacking in trace elements. Prior to that I know I've heard him say, "I guarantee that the solution to your problem isn't going to be found in a bottle". Now he is saying he is doing the Moonshiners method, but according to him this is definately not for beginners.
Why is it not for beginners? You have corals dying because you are not supplying them with needed elements, but people that haven't been reefing for 20 years shouldn't supply them with needed elements because they can't so something that you are doing for the first time? Your vast experience in reefing qualifies you to read a graduated cylinder more accurately than someone just starting out?
I also just watched a video where the guy that made the most popular video on anemone tanks just said all of his anemones died every time he bought one. I'm not sure how relevant that is to this topic , but it was dose of the reality of marketing in this industry.
My point is that people should be giving good advice. Tell people what workks based on your experiences. Not what you think the stupidest person in the world will can handle. Don't just parrot something that you heard someone else say without knowing that it works because you want to be helpful. I admire your desire to help, but in my opion this is one of the biggest contributers of bad advice.
Now I preface