Life-time GHL ION probe

What was the life-time of your ION probe?

  • 0 months (never worked)

    Votes: 11 35.5%
  • 0-1 month

    Votes: 6 19.4%
  • 1-2 months

    Votes: 3 9.7%
  • 2-3 months

    Votes: 2 6.5%
  • 3-4 months

    Votes: 2 6.5%
  • 4-5 months

    Votes: 4 12.9%
  • +6 months

    Votes: 5 16.1%

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Millions of items are shipped from Germany/EU to the US every day and holiday deliveries mean extra staff to ensure on-time. I honestly think shipping is the least of the issues here.

Maybe somebody from Germany can correct me if I am wrong, but my understanding is that the typical Christmas "break" in Germany is 2 to 4 weeks depending on accrued PTO? Not that I think vacation is the issue either.

Like I said, I don't envy the position of GHL and the ION-D mess. Best of luck to those of you still waiting.
In Europe here, still to see a probe. I don't think shipping is the real issue here. But only excuses to buy more time.


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How long have you been waiting for the replacement probe?
I ordered the probe in June so I waited nearly 6 months to receive it.
My last measurement with the IOND was december 2022 so I have been waiting for 1 year to have a working IOND.

That said, I wanted to share some feedback regarding the IOND and the v2 probe.

I'm really impressed by the accuracy and the stability of the measurements of the IOND in combination with the v2 probe.
Time will tell (regarding life-time of the probe) but at this point it seems GHL did an excellent job with the v2 probe.

Here's a graph of the last 8 measurements (2x the first 2 days, afterwards 1 measurement a day) :



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Hello All,

I also wanted to provide feedback regarding the ION D as i Finally received my replacement probe V2 (ordered in June) right after christmas.

I then resetup everything, calibrated the pump, and start to measure once a day every morning.
As share by @Matthijs, i also impressed by the result and the stability of them since i activated it back (calcium is moving because i am still tuning my dosing of All-for-reef)


For sure it have been a very looooong wait to have result, but so far very impressed.

My reference A and B are quite old ( 2022), even if i keep them closed, i am afraid they are not so fresh. so today i received the Multi reference sample in order to calibrate and adjusting the offset.


needed to make adjustement, i will see from now on how the result will evoluate. going to redo a calibration when I will replace the ref A and B fluid.

So far so good, let's now see how long will it work as GHL only warranty them for 3 month. but GHL ion D seems to finally deliver and i really hope GHL was able to fully resolved the issue and their good hardware reputation will now apply to this trail blazer instrument.



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Hello All,

I also wanted to provide feedback regarding the ION D as i Finally received my replacement probe V2 (ordered in June) right after christmas.

I then resetup everything, calibrated the pump, and start to measure once a day every morning.
As share by @Matthijs, i also impressed by the result and the stability of them since i activated it back (calcium is moving because i am still tuning my dosing of All-for-reef)


For sure it have been a very looooong wait to have result, but so far very impressed.

My reference A and B are quite old ( 2022), even if i keep them closed, i am afraid they are not so fresh. so today i received the Multi reference sample in order to calibrate and adjusting the offset.


needed to make adjustement, i will see from now on how the result will evoluate. going to redo a calibration when I will replace the ref A and B fluid.

So far so good, let's now see how long will it work as GHL only warranty them for 3 month. but GHL ion D seems to finally deliver and i really hope GHL was able to fully resolved the issue and their good hardware reputation will now apply to this trail blazer instrument.

That’s great news! If you could share how often you’re going through reagents (or whatever they are called) over time, that would great to know as well.


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Hello All,

I also wanted to provide feedback regarding the ION D as i Finally received my replacement probe V2 (ordered in June) right after christmas.

I then resetup everything, calibrated the pump, and start to measure once a day every morning.
As share by @Matthijs, i also impressed by the result and the stability of them since i activated it back (calcium is moving because i am still tuning my dosing of All-for-reef)


For sure it have been a very looooong wait to have result, but so far very impressed.

My reference A and B are quite old ( 2022), even if i keep them closed, i am afraid they are not so fresh. so today i received the Multi reference sample in order to calibrate and adjusting the offset.


needed to make adjustement, i will see from now on how the result will evoluate. going to redo a calibration when I will replace the ref A and B fluid.

So far so good, let's now see how long will it work as GHL only warranty them for 3 month. but GHL ion D seems to finally deliver and i really hope GHL was able to fully resolved the issue and their good hardware reputation will now apply to this trail blazer instrument.


3 months. What happens after that? What is the probe cost? What is the recommendation around that 3 month warranty as it relates to reliability and results?

Glad it is working out and GHL for working through their challenges. 3 month marker is rather interesting vs cost for a total yearly operating cost.


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Glad it is working out and GHL for working through their challenges. 3 month marker is rather interesting vs cost for a total yearly operating cost.
In one of these threads I did the breakdown of cost per test based on best case numbers for both consumables and probes over both ignoring the buy in price of the ION-D and amortizing it over 5 years.

The numbers were sobering to say the least in terms of cost per day and cost per test, running at the minimum recommended rate to keep the prove "wet" and healthy. When you add that it does not do KH or Phosphate and work those numbers in and accommodate fluid waste due to calibration, failed tests, etc. The number for "valid" tests is frankly staggering and it becomes clear that the hope is that this product will produce significant RMR on consumables. For that reason, I bowed out.

I do wish those who are still in, the very best of luck. I am glad things are starting to look like they are moving in a positive direction.


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Well, this new probe version is just brand new, so only time will tell how long they will work until faulty.
for example the warranty on GHL PH probe is only 6 months, but mine still works just fine after a year of use.

regarding the regent consumption, i can see that each test take 16 ml of reference A + B


So a 1 liter bottle should last around 62 days, at around 31€ per bottle, this would make it 1€ a day for the two reference.

if the probe could only last 3 month, this would add another euro/dollar per day. (90 days -> 90 €).

curious to see the cost of the KH director, as for me the ION D is taking this function with the measure of the Calcium (I am testing KH with Hanna checked on the side to control for now)



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Millions of items are shipped from Germany/EU to the US every day and holiday deliveries mean extra staff to ensure on-time. I honestly think shipping is the least of the issues here.

Maybe somebody from Germany can correct me if I am wrong, but my understanding is that the typical Christmas "break" in Germany is 2 to 4 weeks depending on accrued PTO? Not that I think vacation is the issue either.

Like I said, I don't envy the position of GHL and the ION-D mess. Best of luck to those of you still waiting.
It is so frustrating dealing with GHL. They provide zero updates. No information at all! Just keep checking every few months. Or add your email to a newsletter to know when it is available. I invested so much in GHL because I was told it’s the best but I’m really fed up and looking to change to a reliable system and company.

Any recommendations?


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It is so frustrating dealing with GHL. They provide zero updates. No information at all! Just keep checking every few months. Or add your email to a newsletter to know when it is available. I invested so much in GHL because I was told it’s the best but I’m really fed up and looking to change to a reliable system and company.

If you are invested in the ecosystem why change? Just because the probe isn't shipping in the US in quantity? Seems like an overly aggressive reaction if you are otherwise happy with the products you have. Automated testing is a nice to have, not mandatory.

Any recommendations?

You should create a new thread in the controller/equipment sub forum. Every controller will have its warts.

Matthias Gross

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we are getting there, we are at the moment shipping every week around 50 to 75 sensors (when not a supplier has unexpectedly and suddenly crazy lead times for sensor raw materials), and I think currently we have only open orders for just around 300 sensors, we got that down from a large 4 digit number ...

sorry for the huge delay, but we are delivered surprises on a regular basis and still not able to give every customer an exact date

but again: we do what we can, IOND sensor production is priority #1

I am convinced this situation will be solved once and for all very soon.

We are also asked many times, in which priority we process IOND sensor orders:
1. IOND sensors for existing customers
2. pre-ordered IONDs
3. after the IOND sensor and IOND (pre-) orders have been processed we can continue to accept new IOND orders


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we are getting there, we are at the moment shipping every week around 50 to 75 sensors (when not a supplier has unexpectedly and suddenly crazy lead times for sensor raw materials), and I think currently we have only open orders for just around 300 sensors, we got that down from a large 4 digit number ...

sorry for the huge delay, but we are delivered surprises on a regular basis and still not able to give every customer an exact date

but again: we do what we can, IOND sensor production is priority #1

I am convinced this situation will be solved once and for all very soon.

We are also asked many times, in which priority we process IOND sensor orders:
1. IOND sensors for existing customers
2. pre-ordered IONDs
3. after the IOND sensor and IOND (pre-) orders have been processed we can continue to accept new IOND orders
Thanks for the update. I am hoping I can get an order in soon.


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we are getting there, we are at the moment shipping every week around 50 to 75 sensors (when not a supplier has unexpectedly and suddenly crazy lead times for sensor raw materials), and I think currently we have only open orders for just around 300 sensors, we got that down from a large 4 digit number ...

sorry for the huge delay, but we are delivered surprises on a regular basis and still not able to give every customer an exact date

but again: we do what we can, IOND sensor production is priority #1

I am convinced this situation will be solved once and for all very soon.

We are also asked many times, in which priority we process IOND sensor orders:
1. IOND sensors for existing customers
2. pre-ordered IONDs
3. after the IOND sensor and IOND (pre-) orders have been processed we can continue to accept new IOND orders
I don't have an IOND however shipping (worst case) 50 sensors per week and ~300 outstanding all backorders will be filled in the next 6 weeks?


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Any update on this...?

"This" has been going on for years now...

Last edited:


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Any update on this...?

"This" has been going on for years now...

Ohh I think you have seen the updates...

Bottom line, they offered refunds to anybody who is (very understandably) frustrated our out of patience. The rest of the folks that have stayed on have done so for their own reason.

Given the circumstances, I don't think shaming them is going to help, as if they could have shipped the probes and new units they would have. As it stands, we are told that most of the folks waiting on probes will have them soon. But as long as you feel better now?


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Ohh I think you have seen the updates...

Bottom line, they offered refunds to anybody who is (very understandably) frustrated our out of patience. The rest of the folks that have stayed on have done so for their own reason.

Given the circumstances, I don't think shaming them is going to help, as if they could have shipped the probes and new units they would have. As it stands, we are told that most of the folks waiting on probes will have them soon. But as long as you feel better now?

The tech seems to be proving rather difficult based on the product change(s) and delays. World shutdown or not. Then again there was that disc based solution and that didn't work out too well.

At least here there are some probes out.


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Ohh I think you have seen the updates...

Bottom line, they offered refunds to anybody who is (very understandably) frustrated our out of patience. The rest of the folks that have stayed on have done so for their own reason.

Given the circumstances, I don't think shaming them is going to help, as if they could have shipped the probes and new units they would have. As it stands, we are told that most of the folks waiting on probes will have them soon. But as long as you feel better now?
So this will be an interesting twist. CoralVue Maven launching in Q4 and covers the main 5 (Alk, Calcium, Mag, Nitrate, Phosphate) in one standalone device. Seems too good to be true LOL



  • I place the offender in an acclimation box for a period of time (jail).

    Votes: 10 16.4%
  • I remove the offender entirely and reintroduce them at a later time (rehab).

    Votes: 2 3.3%
  • I use the mirror method (a little reverse psychology).

    Votes: 6 9.8%
  • I rearrange rock work (throw them off).

    Votes: 4 6.6%
  • I don't tolerate bullies. Bye bye fishy!

    Votes: 14 23.0%
  • I've never dealt with a tank bully.

    Votes: 17 27.9%
  • Other (please explain!)

    Votes: 8 13.1%