Hi. I am a father of 9. We are expecting our 10th child in March. I had a 130 gallon system that crashed during an ice storm 2 years ago. There is an old build thread on here with pictures of it. I bought a 180 gallon tank from a coworker, with a 50 gallon sump. I used my old 90 gallon tank as a refugium.
August 10, 2024: I posted this farther down, but think I should add it here as well. Our 10th child, a girl, turned out to have trisomy-18. She lived twelve hours after her birth. Since the doctors weren't sure she would even be born alive, we were grateful for that. I baptized her immediately after birth and our pastor came and gave her confirmation. Her birthday was March 7, 2023.

August 10, 2024: I posted this farther down, but think I should add it here as well. Our 10th child, a girl, turned out to have trisomy-18. She lived twelve hours after her birth. Since the doctors weren't sure she would even be born alive, we were grateful for that. I baptized her immediately after birth and our pastor came and gave her confirmation. Her birthday was March 7, 2023.

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