Setting up Predator 125g Reef Tank with Japanese Dragon Morays


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I currently have a 74 gallon tower housing a very large pair, Male & Female named Rhaegal and and Khaleesi, of Japanese Dragon Morays and a Snowflake Moray, named Snow, respectively.

I'm going to be setting up a 125g long, with about 60-100lbs of rock, for them so they can stretch out a little more, and I plan to try and start a reef in it. I would like to have gone bigger but we want it in the room we are in the most so we don't want to risk it going through the floor.

All this is a tough dilemma as the bioload is pretty heavy. Also, while my Dragons are fairly tame and can be hand fed, they have not been exposed to any other fish swimming around in their tanks. The Snowflake is also really feisty and can be the boss of the tank of it so chooses to be.

The game plan, which I'm sure will have to be changed once put into place, is to feed this tank often in order to curb aggression.

The plan of attack to keep the water quality high for the corals is to run a BubbleMagus Curve 7 Protein Skimmer, and an IceCap 60w Algae Scrubber.

On the 74g I currently run bioballs and a DIY algae scrubber. Water parameters stay in check but the scrubber is too small for the amount I feed.

I plan to make a sump for this tank utilizing dividers for a spot for the Skimmer, scrubber, and then possibly bioballs or some more natural filtration such as Chaeto. I may ditch the bioballs. I mainly used them for seeding the Nitrogen Cycle but left them in.

As for the substrate I am using various sized Aragonite. I may build a nice PVC undersand for the Eels so I'm not sure the depth of the sand yet.

Several years ago I had a very large Snowflake and I built him an underground PVC playground. It was great but during the breakdown of the tank I found where all my hermit crabs had disappeared to. I thought he ate them but they just fell in to the dark abyss.

I don't think a small cleaner crew would fare well with 3x Eels in the tank so I think I'm pretty much limited to certain Sea Urchins and Large Conchs. I would love to try Nudibranches but also not sure how they would fare. Any recommendations on Invertebrates, would be appreciated.

As for fish, this is the hard part, as if these guys want a meal out of them, it's going to happen.

For the most part we realize this may have to be a Predator Reef Tank, which I'm fine with, but I need fish that can hold their own, however, we are thinking of risking a couple of non Predator fish that might be okay.

Not positive about this yet, but the first addition to the tank before the Eel transfer could be a couple of cleaner wrasse. Hopeful Positive Outcome: The cleaner wrasse could help keep the tank and corals clean, and could create a relationship with the Eels as they've been known in the wild to clean the Eels mouths. Unhopeful Negatives: If the wrasse doesn't turn into a quick meal, it could terrorize the Eels all day trying to clean and stress them out. They also will require a lot of supplemental feeding as they are pigs, and their nutrition in the home aquarium is a tough one to keep up with.

After the Eel additions could be some Clownfish, utilizing the Symbiotic Relationship with the Anemone. This would probably be months down the road so the tank can stabilize and I can get a good read on whether or not an Anemone would thrive

Another idea would be the Tangs/Surgeonfish. I think these are pretty risky, but they have speed, agility, and brains on their side. I would worry about the night hunting of the Eels though, and a tang might get caught in the middle of the night.

Maybe a Foxface/Rabbitfish due to their spines. I wouldn't doubt the Eels to be smart enough to chew around the spines though.

Frogface/Angler. I love these fish and have always wanted one. I do think they'd be fine from getting eaten, but I would fear the Dragons trying to eat one and then being seriously injured. The Dragons are my centerpiece, and were very costly to obtain, so they are number one.

The most interesting one I can think of, and not sure if this makes sense, but I might try some nocturnal fish such as Squirrels as they would also be awake while the Eels go into hunt mode at night. I would think that if the Squirrels are more active at night they'd hopefully protect themselves.

As for predators to add I am considering Triggers and Groupers suitable for the tank, but I have to caution them with the reef.

I've seen success in reef tanks with the smaller Lionfish species, so I'd consider them as well, although with a child in the house, all the poisonous fish listed above would be risky.

Wish list of specific fish...
-Quoyi Parrotfish
-Achilles Tang
-Purple Tang
-Kole Tang
-Humahuma Trigger
-Niger Trigger
-Pinktail Trigger
-Wartskin Angler
-Panther Grouper

Obviously many of the fish listed are dream fish I'll never own as they are not suited for a home aquarium, and odds are my Eels may never allow for other tankmates.

Any suggestions on possibly tankmates?

As for Corals my I plan to start with Xenia, as if it doesn't survive, odds are not much else would and I go back to the drawing board.

For lighting I currently have an AI Prime Reed 16 LED. With the 125g I'll need to add more.

I'm not sure if this light is still worthy but I still have my SolarMax T5 HO from my previous Coral tank many years ago. It would need new bulbs of course. Any reason to not use it?

Any tips and suggestions are welcome, especially for equipment. I need to do some research on controllers, etc.

We will be running Vortech MP40s and creating waves with them. The less wires in the tank the better!

I will add pictures once I start taking them!

Thank you, All, and I look forward to reading your responses, suggestions, etc.


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I'll try to take some pictures within the next couple days. I have a bunch of stuff arriving in throughout the week.

Anyone have any good recommendations for an automatic feeder? I plan to do Cleaner Wrasse, which eat all day long, so I'd like to try and keep them as healthy as possible.

I would like something that would be able to use fresh foods. I haven't fed my Eels any pellets or flakes, but usually just fresh squid, shrimp, octopus, etc..

We have a recipe called "Mash" from the Baltimore National Aquarium that basically grinds up squid, shrimp, peas, garlic, and a few other things and then throw them in the blender.

My goal is to make that and have it release throughout the day on a timer

Any ideas?

Thank you


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Quoyi parrotfish and kole tang might not be good ideas. Kole tang could get eaten? And unless you find a really large parrotfish like 7-8 inches and thick he mightbe dinner also. I have a dragon and anything skinny is fair game LOL


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you should get large fish because they will test anything that looks small enough to eat.


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Quoyi parrotfish and kole tang might not be good ideas. Kole tang could get eaten? And unless you find a really large parrotfish like 7-8 inches and thick he mightbe dinner also. I have a dragon and anything skinny is fair game LOL

Oh absolutely! The Parrot, Remora, and Achilles are all dream fish! I don't ever expect to own them as I can not house them properly. Some aquariums can't even house these fish properly.

I figure the Cleaner Wrasse would be a nice try as they're known for cleaning Eels. If they get eaten, it was an affordable experiment.

I know their eating habits are heavy so I would like to get an automatic feeder that can feed fresh foods throughout the day for them.

I remember the Saltwater TV Youtube Guy that custom made one years ago using a refrigerator hooked up to a timer. I'd be looking for something like that for the fish.

Any ideas?

Thanks for all the input!


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Minor Update: I have 3 new fish arriving tomorrow (and 100 Ghost Shrimp: READ BELOW WHY AS I COULD USE SOME ADVICE.) QT is setup and waiting for them.

I purchased a large Male and a pretty large Female Blue Throat/Jaw Triggerfish. I'm hoping they pair!

I also purchased a larger Niger Trigger as well.

I have tested the current setup with 5 damsels to see how the Eels would react, and so far, no issues. They include a Sergeant Major, a pair of 3 Striped, and a pair of Blue/Yellow tailed.

So far everyone have been model citizens, including the Snowflake which was my biggest worry. I do keep everyone VERY well fed.

I am having a couple of issues though that maybe some other Eel experts can chime in on. My Female Japanese Dragon hasn't eaten for 3 weeks now. I've tried shrimp, squid, octopus, silversides, everything soaked in garlic, and nothing. She is running from all the food. She started the rejection before the other fish were added.

I have also done some large water changes and kept the water parameters in good shape. Temperature is consistently around 73-75F.

NEXT STEPS: With the order of the new fish I have also ordered ~100 Ghost Shrimp. I plant to greatly feed the tank and then release all of them into it. Hopefully at night she will start to snack.

I have also ordered the Petco Gardening Tool as I had one years ago and I used it to snap at the food. It usually enticed other Eels to get into a feeding frenzy so maybe she would appreciate it.

LAST RESORT PLAN: Move over the current staff into the 125g earlier than expected and leave the Female Dragon in the current setup and attempt feedings again.

All help would be greatly appreciated. One thing I don't want to lose out of this tank is one of my Dragons.

Thank you!

Hugh Mann

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I have a 55 gallon predator tank with a greyfaced moray, dwarf lionfish, marine betta, and a flame hawkfish as the main preds. They coexist reasonable peacefully with a cleaner wrasse, Tomini tang, lemonpeel angel and a half dozen hermits and snails. Been a few weeks now and the only casualty has been one of the snails that was partially eaten by something.

Mind you none of my preds are particularly large yet, so it's not exactly 1:1, but the wrasse and Hawk are definitely meal sized for the eel and lion. I keep everything well fed, 2+3x daily.

I do have some water quality issues in the way of high nitrates.


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I have a 55 gallon predator tank with a greyfaced moray, dwarf lionfish, marine betta, and a flame hawkfish as the main preds. They coexist reasonable peacefully with a cleaner wrasse, Tomini tang, lemonpeel angel and a half dozen hermits and snails. Been a few weeks now and the only casualty has been one of the snails that was partially eaten by something.

Mind you none of my preds are particularly large yet, so it's not exactly 1:1, but the wrasse and Hawk are definitely meal sized for the eel and lion. I keep everything well fed, 2+3x daily.

I do have some water quality issues in the way of high nitrates.

I plan to feed very well, but hopefully not the Eel too much as it can be detrimental to their health. My female hasn't eaten in almost a month now, which is apparently normal.

The Marine Betta is on my Wish List. How does it do with you?


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Tank is coming together. Been reworking the Stand as it had some mold in it. Completely sanded down, insides have been completely flex sealed. I hope this helps with not allowing the wood to absorb any water.

We just need to paint the exterior of the stand and doors.

As for lighting, I now have 4x AI 32HD with a 72" rail.

In addition to my Curve 7 Skimmer and Ice Cap Algae Scrubber, I have also added an AI Prime Fuge Light. I plan to grow Chaeto for additional nutrient control and to house the Copepods.

I will be using a 20g long fish tank with the Fiji Cube Baffle Kit.

Will 4x 32HDs on a 6ft tank be enough to grow SPS?

I'm not sure if this would help at all, but I actually have a 48" SolarMax T5 High Output light from several years ago. I used it for a 55g reef tank I had about 9 to ten years ago.

Would there be any value in getting some new bulbs and complimenting it on my system?

Update on fish! I have multiple QT tanks running right now, and I'm ONLY buying from the Divers Den or other reputable sellers that QT their fish.

List of fish currently....
-1x Sergeant Major Damsel
-2x Three Striped Damsels
-2x Blue and Yellow Damsels
These 5 are currently with the Eels and no issues.

-2x (A male and female pair) Blue Throat Triggers (Very large)
-1x Niger Trigger (Large)
-1x Sailfin Tang (Large)

These are all in observation but look good.

-1x Clarkii Clownfish (Very Large)

He is actually in QT. He was a giveaway at my LFS as he has a spot on his forehead. Sometimes it's kind of a pimple. I'm trying to find information on it. The LFSs thinking was she ran into something and the wound got infected.

Information has been sparse on this bump but there is a chance it could be something bacterial or even viral.

Either way, I'll try to post pics in the disease section and see if I can get some help. I'm going to treat the tank as if she has Brooklynella and treat for it. If the spot remains after maybe I'll try an antibiotic in case it's bacterial, but I'm hoping for last resort on this.

Once the tank is established and the fish look good, the ideas of fish stocking have changed a bit.

We are looking into a Goldflake Angel. Tank might be on the edge for them though. Anyone have any experience?

I know they're complete jerks, and what seem to be a regret for many reefers, but I'm considering a 6 line wrasse for pest control. I was very on my last tank years ago but pests still made it in. I think they got in on my Chaeto.

Any thoughts? Suggestions?

Thanks everyone.


Hugh Mann

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I plan to feed very well, but hopefully not the Eel too much as it can be detrimental to their health. My female hasn't eaten in almost a month now, which is apparently normal.

The Marine Betta is on my Wish List. How does it do with you?

It took a long time to get it to eat. Refused everything, even live food for nearly a month. Pretty sure it was eating something in the tank as it never really lost weight or anything. Then all of a sudden it started eating everything except flake. Since then it's been happy and often floats on full display. Gets along pretty well with the tank mates, aside from some annoyance with the wrasse when it gets too vigorous in its cleaning. Doesn't like bright lights, so it spends the peak lighting time in a cave.

I would highly recommend one if you have the space for it. Best looking fish in my whole tank.

DSC_0355.JPG DSC_0356.JPG


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It took a long time to get it to eat. Refused everything, even live food for nearly a month. Pretty sure it was eating something in the tank as it never really lost weight or anything. Then all of a sudden it started eating everything except flake. Since then it's been happy and often floats on full display. Gets along pretty well with the tank mates, aside from some annoyance with the wrasse when it gets too vigorous in its cleaning. Doesn't like bright lights, so it spends the peak lighting time in a cave.

I would highly recommend one if you have the space for it. Best looking fish in my whole tank.

DSC_0355.JPG DSC_0356.JPG

Very Awesome! They're definitely on my list


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Will 4x 32HDs on a 6ft tank be enough to grow SPS?

I'm not sure if this would help at all, but I actually have a 48" SolarMax T5 High Output light from several years ago. I used it for a 55g reef tank I had about 9 to ten years ago.

Would there be any value in getting some new bulbs and complimenting it on my system?

Would anyone be able to touch in my question here?



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Whatever happened with this tank, I love Dragon Morays so and curious how the reef worked out


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Update, I got a baby dragon moray and put it in my reef. Trying to plan tank mates long term. Any advice how it worked out? Right now its too small to eat even my clowns (I think, the wife clown next to him looks like it could kick his butt)


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Update, I got a baby dragon moray and put it in my reef. Trying to plan tank mates long term. Any advice how it worked out? Right now its too small to eat even my clowns (I think, the wife clown next to him looks like it could kick his butt)

Never saw your last message for some reason.

I, sadly, lost the female to a really bad bacterial infection. The male bit her over a prawn I was feeding them one time and it never healed. After she passed, he was never the same. I had to force feed him because he went on a hunger strike. He used to eat every to every other day, but it went over two weeks and I knew he wasn't going to eat again. It which was a huge challenge and very stressful on him.

I re-homed him with a friend in his predator tank, and it ate a few of his fish, including a lion. Left all their spines floating.

Your clowns will eventually disappear even if they seem fine for a year or two. With these Morays it's not really if as it is much of when.

They are a Tessalata Eel in my eyes. A grouper might be fine, but a large one like a Panther. I had a Red Emperor Snapper as well and they weren't touching her. She got massive and I re-homed her to an aquarium where she is thriving at over 4 feet long now.

The reef tank never worked, but even without the eels my parameters were not great because predators have such huge bioloads and you feed a lot. My Skimmer and Algae scrubber weren't enough.

If I were to do it now in my 400 gallon, I probably would be fine because I have 2x RedSea 1200 Reefmat rollers, a Tunze 3182 Chaeto Reactor, a Quantum Nyos 300 Skimmer with Poseidon Ozone, and my Icecap Algae Scrubber. I feed every hour of the day with 2x Avast Auto Feeders. I also have refrigerator with a bottle of thawed frozen food that a peristaltic pump pumps out throughout at a slow rate. My nitrates and phosphates are much lower.

It's overkill but it works now.

That would be the only way, in my opinion for a predator reef tank, is to have a large tank with heavy filtration. Make sure no food is leftover after feeding, and wash the frozen food before it goes in.

Hope this helps! Happy you got a dragon. They're amazing fish!
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Thank you! I appreciate the advice. The plan is to move him to a predator FOWLR in about a year and the clowns are going to stay in the reef. Thinking large angels, harlequin tusk, big tangs like Naso etc. Plan is for them to reach show size before he gets too large and hopefully everyone lives happily ever after, trying to stick to wide bodied fish as I heard that's the most likely for him not to attack.


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Always wanted a Dragon... but by the time I decided I wanted one, the fish on the possible menu were way too $$$ lol


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Always wanted a Dragon... but by the time I decided I wanted one, the fish on the possible menu were way too $$$ lol
Based on your profile picture I believe you haha, plan on getting a gold flake now since it'll be a captive bred baby and get the other fish larger. List currently: red sea sailfin, blonde naso male, gold flake angel, aussie harelquin tusk, quyoi parrotfish, moorish idol, regal angel, japanese dragon moray, Popeye Soldierfish, and volitans lion in black. Might not get the parrotfish unless I find it giant because may end up a snack


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Always wanted a Dragon... but by the time I decided I wanted one, the fish on the possible menu were way too $$$ lol
Not sure if this is a coincidence, but I just paid for 2 Personatus and wondering if you happen to be the one selling them thru MC? I'm trying to buy 2 more as well. Fingers crossed we will see what happens!

Based on your profile picture I believe you haha, plan on getting a gold flake now since it'll be a captive bred baby and get the other fish larger. List currently: red sea sailfin, blonde naso male, gold flake angel, aussie harelquin tusk, quyoi parrotfish, moorish idol, regal angel, japanese dragon moray, Popeye Soldierfish, and volitans lion in black. Might not get the parrotfish unless I find it giant because may end up a snack

I have some of the fish you have as well... 2 CB Goldflakes, a 9" Desjardini, and a Blonde Naso over a foot long. After seeing what happened to my friends Volitan, I'd say all are at risk.

The Personatus are going into their own tank.


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How big was the lion out of curiosity? I think I have at least a few years until the eel is a risk with most large fish, his head is smaller than my pointer finger so maybe…although I’d prefer not to…he’ll get his own tank. Just currently rent so wouldn’t want a second large tank until I own where I’m laying them.