Tank birthday, 47+ years


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I found the rattle in my Jeep. A few months ago it was recalled for the catalytic converter. To remove that they had to do it from underneath and Jeeps have a rock guard that protects the oil pan. It has about 7 bolts holding it on and is a heavy piece of steel about 2' wide.

The Jiboni's in Jeep left off at least 4 bolts and broke one in the hole so it has to be drilled out.
They are a weird metric size almost a 7/16th SAE bolt but not quite. I have a lot of Metric bolts but not that one and being it's Memorial Day, Jeep isn't open.

Tomorrow I will go back to Jeep to get some of those bolts. I don't want them to "fix" it because I don't trust them.
If they give me a hard time and want me to leave the vehicle with them, I will just go to a hardware store and buy the stupid bolts. This is a pain to fix because besides leaving off 4 bolts, the thing is on slightly crooked so some of the holes don't line up so I have to loosten all the bolts and drill out the broken one and use an "easy out" on it. I am to old for this nonsense but broke one of my rules by letting them work on my car.

The thing was recalled so it was free but nothing in life is free and if you want something done correctly, you need to do it yourself.
I had to look up 'jaboni.'

It's my new favorite word.


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Ever dig up sand worms and feed them to the fish. Did that once chasing stripers. They love sand worms. You’d think so would anything we keep.
Paul B

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Sorry mate but that's what you get when you buy a Jeep. Here in Australia Jeep is the vehicle with most call outs for Roadside assist.
Maybe thats how it is in Australia, but Here in the US I always had Jeeps. Way back in the 60s.
I made a lot of money with them and They were the vehicle that helped us win WW2 so to me it's also a patriotic thing. Of course they are not built in America any longer which drives me crazy. I would pay a lot more if they were built here.

The renegade I have now is built in Italy, where my Grand Parents were built and my wife's Jeep Compass was built in Mexico and the US. Something that also drives me nuts.

(I was in Australia in 1971 on R&R from Nam. Loved the place) :beaming-face-with-smiling-eyes:



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Maybe thats how it is in Australia, but Here in the US I always had Jeeps. Way back in the 60s.
I made a lot of money with them and They were the vehicle that helped us win WW2 so to me it's also a patriotic thing. Of course they are not built in America any longer which drives me crazy. I would pay a lot more if they were built here.

The renegade I have now is built in Italy, where my Grand Parents were built and my wife's Jeep Compass was built in Mexico and the US. Something that also drives me nuts.

(I was in Australia in 1971 on R&R from Nam. Loved the place) :beaming-face-with-smiling-eyes:

Don't get me wrong, american handtools are the best and made for life. And that Jeep in the picture is a Car, bet you it rattled in 10 spots and it didn't bother you. I hate all this cheap made in China or Malysia crap, rather pay a dollar more and buy local. And they reckon we solve the plroblem of global warming by driving E cars.
Paul B

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That Willys Jeep above I got in about 1968 or so. I rebuilt the 4 cylinder engine and was amazed at the durability and craftsmanship of it. Everything in the engine is steel and there is no timing chain. Just a big gear with a plumbing pipe over it pouring oil on it.

The piston connecting rods are the longest I have ever seen and thats for torque, not speed as the thing was slow but it could pull down your Opera house, which was under construction when I was there. :grimacing-face:

The front hubs behind the wheels were cast iron and filled with 90 weight oil. The valves were so big that there were 4 of them in the head and 4 in the block.
Everything about it was built for war and it could be driven almost completely under water up to the windshield.

I loved that Jeep.

Turbo's Aquatics

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I had to look it up, did you both mean Jabroni?
No it's a Jiboni. It's a slang term so I doubt you can google it. It means just how I described it. A person who doesn't know what they are doing or a Jeep Mechanic who installs a skid plate that has 8 bolts in it and leaves out 6 of them. :grimacing-face:

I went to Jeep this morning and they said I may have to wait all day. I told them that ain't going to happen so I made an appointment just in case and took the car home.

I have just about every bolt known to mankind but can't find these bolts. I think they are a weird Jeep Propriority
bolt as SAE don't fit, course or fine and neither does metric bolts.

The thread is "almost" 17/64ths as I got a tap to go in without to much pressure. I will go to a hardware store now to see if I can get these bolts and put a few in while I am waiting to go back to Jeep.

It's much easier and quicker to just fix the thing myself but it's the principle of the thing.

Also the plate is on crooked so some of the bolts won't fit unless it is all loosened and moved. They also broke one bolt in the frame so it has to be drilled out and removed with an "Easy Out" screw extractor.
Of course I have those but it's not really my job especially from a shop that charges $260.00 an hour for labor and they seem to have 8 year old girls doing the work as my Grand Daughter could have done it better.

If she can't reach, she can wear her new shoes.



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Jiboni - jabroni - same guy different school system.
Spelled differently depending on who writes it because it is slang word not a dictionary word with a set spelling. Most likely American slang for Italian giambone which literally means "ham". So dumb as a "ham".

Paul and anybody else with Italian heritage or grew up an Italian neighborhood, etc.) heard the word often in form or another.
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Paul B

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My entire family came from the same fishing village in Sicily. :) I also heard Shuminite a lot. I am not sure how to spell it. :grimacing-face:

I bought some bolts and I painted them red. I will install them just so the things stops rattling until I get back to Jeep. I thought they left out 4 bolts, but they left off at least 6 which is almost all of them,


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My entire family came from the same fishing village in Sicily. :) I also heard Shuminite a lot. I am not sure how to spell it. :grimacing-face:

I bought some bolts and I painted them red. I will install them just so the things stops rattling until I get back to Jeep. I thought they left out 4 bolts, but they left off at least 6 which is almost all of them,
Same with both sides of my Mother's family.... What town Paul? We could be cousins ;)
Paul B

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Sciacca. It's to the west of Agragenta. (I can't spell that) It is due south of Palermo on the southern coast.

Paul B

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I went to my favorite LFS today and picked up a couple of tiny neon gobies. Those fish used to be very common in the hobby but I rarely see them any more. $25.00 for both of them. :beaming-face-with-smiling-eyes:

I am trying to put up a picture but I am having trouble doing this on my new computer and I normally just E Mail them to myself but that doesn't work in my Man Cave as I don't have cell service here.


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I went to my favorite LFS today and picked up a couple of tiny neon gobies. Those fish used to be very common in the hobby but I rarely see them any more. $25.00 for both of them. :beaming-face-with-smiling-eyes:

I am trying to put up a picture but I am having trouble doing this on my new computer and I normally just E Mail them to myself but that doesn't work in my Man Cave as I don't have cell service here.
Open the thread on your phone and then select ATTACH FILES. And then select Photo Files and click on the Photo :smiling-face-with-sunglasses:

Just be careful to not select those naughty pictures of your favorite SuperModel-
Celebrate Happy Birthday GIF by Birthday Bot
Paul B

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Kris, I actually do that. :) Today it is having an issue. It's a new computer and I am old so these things never work the same every day.

My new Jeep is also acting up. It went from Miles an hour to Kilometers, so I thought I was going 120 MPH.

I got out the book and changed it. Then our phones wouldn't pair with the car. I finally got my wife's phone to pair so if I need to contact anyone I will just write them a letter.

Of course my new car like all new cars allows me to talk to it. There is like a 200 page manual to explain how to do that but I don't think my car read it as it just argues with me. I asked it to change from KPH to MPH and it told me things like "You can ask me all sorts of things like George Washingtons social security number, Doctors appointments or the year they built the Brooklyn Bridge but anything else will be a problem".

I would like a car with just 4 wheels, a radio and engine. I have friends and don't need to have a conversation with a senile vehicle that I paid quite a lot for. My wife will talk my ear off for free. :anguished-face:


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I went to my favorite LFS today and picked up a couple of tiny neon gobies. Those fish used to be very common in the hobby but I rarely see them any more. $25.00 for both of them. :beaming-face-with-smiling-eyes:

I am trying to put up a picture but I am having trouble doing this on my new computer and I normally just E Mail them to myself but that doesn't work in my Man Cave as I don't have cell service here.
Petco seems to have them frequently out here in AZ. Fat, healthy ones for $15.
Paul B

Paul B

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These I got for $12.00 each. Not to bad. Sometimes I go to Petco for fish food. :)
Paul B

Paul B

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Open the thread on your phone and then select ATTACH FILES. And then select Photo Files and click on the Photo
Kris, You are assuming I can open this thread on my phone? I use my phone to make phone calls and take pictures. Anything else is over my head and I never used my phone for any fish site. I never even used my phone to read E Mail.

Occasionally if I am on a beach or boat I will use it for a paperweight but thats about it. I also have like a hundred apps. I have no idea what any of them are for.

I was in the airport 2 weeks ago when they took me on that Honor Flight. When I go to the airport I noticed I had an app that said "Find your Car". So I clicked on it.

When I came home I clicked on it again and it just said "Are you kidding me?".

The girl they gave me for a companion helped find my car.

See what I mean? I just tried to put a picture on here of me and my companion and I got this, which is way over my head. If computers are so smart, how come they never do simple things that my Grand Kids can do with their eyes closed.

"Oops! We ran into some problems.
The uploaded file does not have an allowed extension. The following extensions are allowed: .zip, .txt, .pdf, .png, .jpg, .jpeg, .jpe, .gif, .xlsx, .m4v, .mov, .mp4, .mp4v, .mpeg, .mpg, .ogv, .webm, .mp3, .opus, .ogg, .wav".

Don't tell me how to fix it, it will just get me aggravated and my PTSD may make me eat C-4 explosive. :zany-face:


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Kris, You are assuming I can open this thread on my phone? I use my phone to make phone calls and take pictures. Anything else is over my head and I never used my phone for any fish site. I never even used my phone to read E Mail.

Occasionally if I am on a beach or boat I will use it for a paperweight but thats about it. I also have like a hundred apps. I have no idea what any of them are for.

I was in the airport 2 weeks ago when they took me on that Honor Flight. When I go to the airport I noticed I had an app that said "Find your Car". So I clicked on it.

When I came home I clicked on it again and it just said "Are you kidding me?".

The girl they gave me for a companion helped find my car.

See what I mean? I just tried to put a picture on here of me and my companion and I got this, which is way over my head. If computers are so smart, how come they never do simple things that my Grand Kids can do with their eyes closed.

"Oops! We ran into some problems.
The uploaded file does not have an allowed extension. The following extensions are allowed: .zip, .txt, .pdf, .png, .jpg, .jpeg, .jpe, .gif, .xlsx, .m4v, .mov, .mp4, .mp4v, .mpeg, .mpg, .ogv, .webm, .mp3, .opus, .ogg, .wav".

Don't tell me how to fix it, it will just get me aggravated and my PTSD may make me eat C-4 explosive. :zany-face:
How did you memorize all those file extension? CLearly you are approaching my own stress level, normal ops. Forget what I said and keep doing what isn't working for you and we can compare notes on these things later, or never, but I just came up with a great new acronym in a post

adaption stress syndrome. I feel like I might have stumbled upon another law of physics with broad implications. Hope all is well, brother. I'm getting by.
Paul B

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Kris, this is true. I can do anything in a fish tank. I can buy a fish so loaded with ich that the thing sinks like a cinder block and throw it in my tank without even giving it an aspirin and in a week it will be spawning and laughing at the newest fish that came in with uronema or Brooklyinese (whatever that is).

But talking to my car, computer, cell phone or 3 D printer is way over my head. I can take apart a computer, re build it and put it back together incorporate it into a protein skimmer, no problem. I can do a lot of things like light up the top of the Empire State Building or hoist a 37,000 pound generator up on a building and stick it in a hole set back 20'.

I was also a pretty good disco dancer. (google it) :beaming-face-with-smiling-eyes:

But electronics don't work for old people. It's intrinsically built in to drive us crazy so we drown ourselves in our sump. Actually, that is the main reason I don't have a sump. :thinking-face:
Paul B

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This weekend we went into Manhattan for my Grand Sons play. It was "Finding Nemo" and he had a starring role as "Gill' the moorish Idol. He is ten.

Anyway after that our Daughter took us to Keens Chophouse on 6th Ave in Manhattan near Penn Station where I took a train for about 45 years and walked past the place every day but never noticed it.
Keens outside.jpg

It has been there since the mid 1800s so just before I was born.

Many famous people used to eat there including of course Washington as he ate and slept everywhere,
Write up in Keens.jpg

The thing with the place, and I assume many places at the time was when you went there, you asked for your pipe. The "Pipe Boy" would fetch your clay pipe and bring it to you. All the pipes, 88,000 of them each had a number on them attached to a specific client. The pipes were to fragile to put in a saddle bag and Toyota Land cruisers were not really available so they left the pipes there. They were about a foot long and all the same.

Pipe smoking was assumed to be good for "dissipating Homourse of the brain". An affliction some people and their fish still seem to have today.
Those pipes are still there covering every inch of the ceilings and walls right next to each other on all 3 floors.

The membership consisted of over 90,000 names but not one Woman was allowed until about 1910 or so when a Woman tried to get in and was not allowed, so she sued them and won.

This is my main squeeze of 50 years. You can see the pipes on the ceiling
Dale in Keens.jpg

Our Daughter is kind of a celebrity there as she spent a lot of time there when she was in college and gets Royal treatment and gave us the nickel tour. They all know her and the owner came over and also treated us like she would Washington. But I didn't tell the Pipe Boy to get me a pipe.

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  • I place the offender in an acclimation box for a period of time (jail).

    Votes: 10 16.4%
  • I remove the offender entirely and reintroduce them at a later time (rehab).

    Votes: 2 3.3%
  • I use the mirror method (a little reverse psychology).

    Votes: 6 9.8%
  • I rearrange rock work (throw them off).

    Votes: 4 6.6%
  • I don't tolerate bullies. Bye bye fishy!

    Votes: 14 23.0%
  • I've never dealt with a tank bully.

    Votes: 17 27.9%
  • Other (please explain!)

    Votes: 8 13.1%