This is a 13 gal tank. My rockwork is 99% algae free thanks to my Mexican turbo snails and hermit crabs, but I have had a problem with algae growing on the sand, eventually forming mats. I took out the sand for a month to work on the problem. The sand is back in and I want to prevent its return. What cuc animals would be best for this. (It's only a 13 gal tank. Nutrients are always low because there are no fish being fed. I don't have old photos of it. I was like a short hair algae)
Sal- 1.026
pH- 8.1
Alk- 7.5
Nit- 2.0
Phos- 0.02
Sal- 1.026
pH- 8.1
Alk- 7.5
Nit- 2.0
Phos- 0.02
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