Zibba's Reefs


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Zibba it might be too late for these recommendations but I'll share them anyway!

You may consider rattle can painting the back of the tank (on the outside) this way you don't see the wall at all. I have done this on dozens of installs with great success. You can do black, or blue or whatever suits your fancy. However, it looks like you'd have to re caulk to do it...

Be sure you leave ample space for power supplies. Heat is a big killer of power supplies, stacking them, or stuffing them in compartments will guarantee a premature death. If you really want to keep them tidy in your box, I would highly recommend a small fan to circulate the air in that area, and be sure and have a substantial air gap between power supplies to aid in the cooling.


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Joel, thanks very much for the recommendations. I actually wanted to keep the back panel clear but I was having some reservations because of the upkeep in keeping it clean -- any amount of algae will just cause a distraction. Elliott had a good recommendation, have a black acrylic panel made that can slide in/out relatively easily. I think Copps does something like that. I have to keep a good amount of clearance on the back section of the wall for running the gyre anyways so it should be a good solution.

On the electrical panel, I didn't think of that but it's a very good point. I'll have to consider that in designing this thing. Perhaps throw in a few computer fans?


[email protected]
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On the electrical panel, I didn't think of that but it's a very good point. I'll have to consider that in designing this thing. Perhaps throw in a few computer fans?
I had some ideas for that too. ;)


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Made more progress this past weekend: We built, painted and installed the electronics panel, installed some cable management brackets, organized a lot of cords and started ridding the dryrock of any nasties (particularly phosphates).

I'll post pictures of the cable management and electronics box once all of the components are installed.

I'm far from a wood worker, so this thing is more about function rather than form. As evolved diagrammed above, it's basically a shallow box that was installed on the end of the stand to reduce the risk of water splashing on the electronics.

Here's a candid from the process:

We had a major mess of cords that posed a serious fire risk. It was embarrassing and dangerous to say the least. As part of this whole process, we're trying to make the entire system more presentable. This was a great step in that direction. K picked out some faux marble laminate and a glass shelf and we found a new LED light for under the smaller ADA 90P. I thought the final result came out looking really nice:


The A.G.E. doesn't look quite that nice (hey, I have a huge sump and ATO to work around), but it's significantly cleaner and safer than my previous set-up.

In between all of that we started the acid-wash + LaCl3 treatment on the rock. Muratic acid (~31%) was used to help unbind any phosphates from the rock. Placed all of the rock (mostly Marco rock) into large containers, filled it up most of the way with water from the garden hose and then poured the acid in slowly until it started bubbling. You don't need too much.



We dried out that rock and then started treating with lanthanum chloride. We only have one batch of rock in the LaCl3 right now and it was reading around 0.1-0.16 ppm. We'll give it some more time.

The good news is that we didn't lose anything during the move. There are a few corals that aren't looking great but, overall, it has been a successful transfer. Hoping for more of the same moving forward.


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WHY ISN'T THIS STOCKED YET?! I have zero patience with waiting to see how well this does, your other tanks always looked amazing, can't wait to see how a big tank treats ya


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WHY ISN'T THIS STOCKED YET?! I have zero patience with waiting to see how well this does, your other tanks always looked amazing, can't wait to see how a big tank treats ya

Hahaha, I know, right!?! Thanks for the compliment on the other tanks!

If anyone wants the tank stocked, it's me. I need to add the liverock and sand slow though because the tank is supporting all of my corals and fish and there's a potential for a major disaster if I add things too quickly.


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Hahaha, I know, right!?! Thanks for the compliment on the other tanks!

If anyone wants the tank stocked, it's me. I need to add the liverock and sand slow though because the tank is supporting all of my corals and fish and there's a potential for a major disaster if I add things too quickly.

Good call on taking things slow, I just do not get to have a big tank for 3-5 years, so I am living vicariously through your new one.


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Still in the process of treating the rock with lanthanium chloride to remove as much phosphate as I can. I just finished one batch last night, but there's still a lot to do to get the aquascaping done right. I'm really motivated by Chris's two structures: https://www.reef2reef.com/forums/member-tanks/109257-chris-algae-farm-elos-160-a-7.html#post1962920 and this the massive overhang here: http://www.spsholic.com/entry/MRkangTank?ckattempt=2

I think it will be very difficult to create an overhang like the one linked above considering I need to add rock slowly and access is rather limited because I can't get into the aquarium to move the rocks around. Well, I suppose I could, but I don't think I'll be draining the tank again. That was a one time deal, I hope!

I have a huge branching rock that I'm very excited about, but I need to figure out the best way to incorporate it. I'll try to post up some aquascaping ideas as we move forward.

I just got in 4 very powerful magnets to secure a few WP60s and my Tunze 6105s since the magnets that come with both aren't strong enough to go through 3/4" glass. For anyone who's looking, I went with 4 x Neodymium N48 Magnets 1.5 in x 1 in Rare Earth Disk (ND069-0-N48) from Appliedmagnets.com. They all shipped together and they were REALLY REALLY hard to get apart. I was actually concerned for my safety when trying to get them apart, but I was able to do it without injuring myself. I'd highly recommend you pay the extra cost to ship them separately.

Other than aquascaping and starting to slowly add sand in, we haven't made many changes. Mostly just saving for additional lights and equipment. Corals are looking alright, I lost a few chalices while I was away on vacation. I'm just happy that things didn't burn down while I was gone for 10-days.

We're heading to MACNA at the end of the month -- going to be very difficult to stare at all the beautiful corals and tell myself that it's best to wait until the tank is fully loaded with rock and sand and appropriately lit. If anyone wants to meet up at MACNA, just message me! Would love to meet people face to face.



Love The Fish
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I'm sure Hunter won't mind holding your feet while you aqua scape, piece of airline tubing for air while your down there and your all set. I'll see you at MACNA for sure man.


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I'm sure Hunter won't mind holding your feet while you aqua scape, piece of airline tubing for air while your down there and your all set. I'll see you at MACNA for sure man.

So I have to go all the way to Denver to meet you! Jeesh.... :) Can't wait, will be a great time.

And, you're not too far off there: I've practically turned my top-down viewer into a snorkeling mask at times trying to reach the bottom of the tank!


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Thank you for posting that link to Mr. Kang ' s amazing aquarium. I have been trying to search for info regarding his system with no luck, until now. THE best tank I have ever seen is his, imo


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Thank you for posting that link to Mr. Kang ' s amazing aquarium. I have been trying to search for info regarding his system with no luck, until now. THE best tank I have ever seen is his, imo

No problem! It's a remarkable display and, without a doubt, one of my favorites and inspirations.


Love The Fish
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So I have to go all the way to Denver to meet you! Jeesh....

I was thinking the same thing, haha. I don't get out much


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I apologize for the lack of updates. Most of the work on the tank is on the dry-side, literally and figuratively. Things are still plugging along but with the big 3-day move last month I wanted to give things sometime to settle in. In addition to that, we’ve been traveling. Nonetheless, we’ve been “cooking” rock and playing with aquascaping ideas, trying to organize wiring when we have time and continuing to plan this entire setup.

This past weekend we finalized the aquascaping design and got half of the rock into the tank. The plan is to let the first addition sit in the tank for a few weeks, observe how everything reacts; then, add the second half of the rockwork, let things sit for a few weeks; then, add sand slowly every week. Once we have the second half of the rockwork looking how we want it, we’re going to start placing corals, which means breaking some of them off the old rock and incorporating others as they fit. Instead of putting up a picture that doesn’t do the tank any justice, I’m going to wait until all of the liverock is in before the big reveal. I appreciate everyone’s patience. :)

The next big step is adding lights. I was originally thinking of going with six-Hydra52s from the beginning of this build since we ran two-Hydra52s over the last tank with good success. After continued thought, receiving advice from Joel over at AI and additional research, the plan is to go with four-Hydra26s on the outer corners and run the two Hydra52s in the middle. I’m confident that this will be more than enough light. The next step is deciding how to hang them (leaning towards AIs EXT rails) and run the wiring (each fixture is only 10’ long). Here’s a mock-up of how the lights will be placed:


And, I realize that this thread is awfully boring without picture so I decided to change that with some updated stick & zoa pictures.

Setosa, x-man zoa by ..:.. EZ ..:.., on Flickr

WWC Red Dragon by ..:.. EZ ..:.., on Flickr

Grapejuice acro by ..:.. EZ ..:.., on Flickr

RR USA Phuong, ORA Hawkins by ..:.. EZ ..:.., on Flickr

zoas? by ..:.. EZ ..:.., on Flickr

RR USA Led Zeppelin by ..:.. EZ ..:.., on Flickr

Kwoww acro by ..:.. EZ ..:.., on Flickr

Hornets by ..:.. EZ ..:.., on Flickr

Thanks for sticking with us on this adventure!


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When you get a moment, would you mind posting a few pictures of your power supply/electrical area? I remember evolved post a sketch of a cabinet of sorts that would connect to your stand. I'm very interested to see how it came out as I'm planning on re-doing my cabinet/electrical area and was very interested in this concept. Thanks and hope the tank is coming along!!


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When you get a moment, would you mind posting a few pictures of your power supply/electrical area? I remember evolved post a sketch of a cabinet of sorts that would connect to your stand. I'm very interested to see how it came out as I'm planning on re-doing my cabinet/electrical area and was very interested in this concept. Thanks and hope the tank is coming along!!

I’m happy to post up some pictures of the box that keeps everything separated. I apologize that I’ve been slacking on getting those pictures up, but it’s because it’s not quite done yet. I’m waiting to get all of the lights over the aquarium first before finalizing the wire placement.

I’ll try to snap a few pictures this weekend so you can see how it’s coming together.

that hornet garden is amazing!

Thank you! They’re very happy together and like higher light for what I’ve seen.


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We had a great time at our first MACNA this past weekend. Learned a lot, met some great people, picked up some new corals and fish, found some new foods to try and a new acclimation box from Elite Aquatics. And, thankfully, it seems like everything has made a successful transition back to Arizona.

These three survived nearly 24hrs in bags. Thanks to the guys at Fluid Design for bringing these fish to the show and taking good care of them. Also, special thanks to the ORA guys for supplying the needed oxygen for the trip back to Phoenix. Shame to split them up but only two will be going into our tank, the other is for a good friend.

Rhomboid trio by ..:.. EZ ..:.., on Flickr

A lot of the corals are still acclimating to their new home and some look pretty rough from all the transit. I’m excited to see how they mature though. The pictures below are really just for progression shots down the road; and, admittedly, aren’t my best work. :) Hope you follow along to see how they turn out.

Some new sps:
WWC Firefly by ..:.. EZ ..:.., on Flickr

WWC *** by ..:.. EZ ..:.., on Flickr

TCK Pikachu by ..:.. EZ ..:.., on Flickr

PC Rainbow by ..:.. EZ ..:.., on Flickr

WT Blue Flame by ..:.. EZ ..:.., on Flickr

WT Frags Tropical Punch by ..:.. EZ ..:.., on Flickr

Blue & Red Polyp Acro by ..:.. EZ ..:.., on Flickr

Caption This Contest OFFICIAL VOTING POLL! (make a post in this thread and you could win a prize too)

  • "What do you mean?! I am smiling!

  • "Did she really just rejoin the ReefAholics Anonymous group...AGAIN?!"

  • "Take a look at the new Sexy Shrimp!"

  • "I'm funny how, I mean funny like I'm a clownfish? I amuse you?"

  • "Looks like your living room is going through the ugly stage"

  • "Aghhh! Go put on your makeup before feeding me, please!"

  • "You try eating sand and not get constipated!"

  • "Everyone, hide! The landlord is coming!"

  • "He touched the butt!"

  • "They forgot to shut off the RO line and left for work...AGAIN"

  • "Get off my sand!"

  • "What do you mean I can't say that on a family friendly forum?"

  • "My face looking over my bank statement after a reef show..."

  • "Kids, you're grounded! Get back in my mouth!"

  • "When you see a human with a bucket and know somethings is about to go down."

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