Usage for hash tag: fishmedic

  1. ISpeakForTheSeas

    Bristle tooth tang - white spots

    I can't see the video on my phone, but this sounds like a question for the #fishmedic crew. Assuming it's a disease issue, adding the info suggested below can help with figuring out a diagnosis and treatment plan for your fish:
  2. 1Matthew

    Massive Fish Death can see with the whither marks and torn-looking scales closer to the head. It was hard to get a photo of this guy as he kept faci by me. The more red fish is a wrasse, you can see the bug-eyed of one of its eyes, does not seem to be effecting the swimming abilities or its appetite...
  3. Gumbies R Us

    Sick fish?

    @Jay Hemdal @vetteguy53081 #fishmedic
  4. Idech

    Clownfish breathing very quickly

    Most people can’t see this video format. Upload on Youtube, white light, at least 20 seconds. #f#fishmedic#j#jayhemdalv#vetteguy53081
  5. C

    Baby Hipo Tang Rubbing Rock

    ...and all the other fish in the tank were also healthy. I know exactly when the ich was introduced and then her behavior changed and she would rub all over the tank and swim up to the power heads. #fishmedic Hopefully the people who know best can chyme in and help. But I might not worry just yet.
  6. Zaxh

    Baby Hipo Tang Rubbing Rock

    #fishmedic next time put emergency in as well. could be a sign of flukes or itch. Regal tangs are really susceptible of itch and that 14 day QT should of probably been longer
  7. C


    #fishmedic Sorry this is happening. Someone should be around shortly that can help diagnose. Is that damsel missing a piece of its fin? Sorry, not super familiar with dominos. Looks a little rough though.
  8. WalkerLoves_TheOcean

    Is my clown goby going to be ok?

    ...fins, from my LFS. He has hid in the rocks all throughout the day, and has finally been swimming, up until about 15 minutes ago. He looks dead right now, because he hasn't moved for awhile and he is on his side. Parameters: Alk: 8.9 Ammonia, nitrite: 0 Nitrates: 10ppm Please help. #fishmedic
  9. ISpeakForTheSeas


  10. eqbal9947

    Gem tang dying

  11. Spare time

    Freshwater dip?

    I think that is brook. In this case, you would use ruby reef rally pro in tank. Ideally you would use it in a QT, but "supposedly" it is safe to do in tank with inverts. A freshwater dip should provide some temporary relief. Make sure the water is the same temperature. #fishmedic
  12. WalkerLoves_TheOcean


    #fishmedic @vetteguy53081 @Jay Hemdal
  13. C

    What medicine should be used to treat it?

    @Jay Hemdal, @vetteguy53081, #fishmedic That looks like it definitely needs help. Seems bacterial. Hopefully the people who know what they’re doing will see this soon. Probably a broad spectrum antibiotic for this.
  14. Idech

    LongFin Ocellaris dents in side of head

  15. Idech

    Trigger Fish Injury or Teeth Issues?

  16. mues

    Velvet ?

    I'd wait and see if any #fishmedic can chime in. If you've got multiple fish infected, may not be brook. Very common in clowns, can infect everyone but usually clowns. Videos of other fish under white light will probably help with diagnosis if you can get some
  17. D

    Clownfish white eye caps?
