Got this anemone probably a month ago and my two clownfish have just started to rub against it. It was full of tenticals and now starting to look a little bare. Is this normal or is the nem unhealthy?
2 Chicago Sunbursts for sale. One 4-5” and one around 2”. The smaller split from the larger about 4 months ago. $300 for the larger $200 for the smaller. Located in Key Largo, pick up only but can meet in Homestead. Purchased the original here
If you have any helpful tips I would love them. I intend to try something that may be considered controversial? I don't know. Well see this is a long post.
I keep a lot of freshwater tanks, they are all planted, they have drift wood, and I use sponge filters. My 2 oldest 10 gallon tanks are so...
Wondering if anyone has kept both black widow and Colorado anemone in the same tank. I know they’re both bubble tips but being different variations not sure if they can be housed together
Hi Everyone - I purchased this fella yesterday and I forgot what it was called. It had an adjective as part of its name - something like “Remarkable Anemone” or “Fascinating Anemone”. It is attached to a round frag plug and seems like it has a hard base. It has become a little more relaxed...
I’m looking for lighting for my 40 gallon long Nuvo aio to sustain anemones and soft corals. What lighting should I get? My budget is $200-$400. The dimensions of the tank are 35” L 19” W 13” H. Any advice very appreciated, thank you!
Just got a sebae anemone last week. It’s weird, in the mornings, when the room is dark, it’s fully expanded but throughout the day it closes up quite a bit. I lowered the intensity on my lights. Currently using Radions. Any idea what it could be?
Tank is about 18 months old.
Rainbow BTA for sale. Total 3 available, two different colors. One is more orange (3-4 inches) and the other two are more pink (4-5 inches)
Asking $30 each
Pickup Brooklyn or can meet in Manhattan
Hello everyone
Just wondering if my nem is splitting. It's been upset and sulking for a while now while all my parameters are fine. Every once in a while it opens up really nicely and then shrivels up. What's this white line.
I have a 29 gallon bio cube that I wish to put bubble tip anemones in and I had some questions about the light settings. I have a 100 Watt Hipargero Aquarium Light. Does anyone have any experience with this light and nems? If so what settings do you have on your light? Or any advise would be...
Hi, my H. crispa has recently moved a tiny bit to the top of this rock which is a couple Inches from where i placed it where the sand bed met the rock. Is this okay for H. crispa to be on rock only it hasn't moved in the past week after it moved
hey, this is my first long tentacle anemone. I’ve noticed he keeps moving beside the inlet to my filter. It’s not creating great suction my only concern is if it will get damaged or hurt being near it. Again I’ve moved him twice since getting it 2 days ago to the opposite side of the tank and it...
Hi! Hope you are having a fantastic day! Just picked up a black widow Anemone for my aquarium about a week ago, and wanted to see some experienced people's thoughts on if he's doing good, and any advice for care. He goes into dark shaded areas at night, and then opens up wide during the day...
Can anyone help me ID this small orangey-tan anemone that arrived on my Pom Pom macroalgae? Surprised to see something show up like this from Algaebarn. It only appears to be on one clump of many from what I can see, but in case its aphasia I will remove all the other pieces for inspection.
My BTA has been like this for a month and I don’t know why. My lighting is good, it’s in medium flow and all my corals are doing great so I’m not sure why it is not inflating all the way.
Someone pls help
Hey everyone, I was wondering if anyone could identify this species. It’s currently 1-2 mm in size and was found in saltwater taken from the Indian river for analytical testing.
It appears to be eating (and stinging) artemia, and is growing quickly in 20% saltwater
Thank you!