
  1. atlfishes

    Georgia Live Goods SOLD Large Colorado Sunburst Anemone (CSB)

    Price is shipped, but if on west coast, add $15. Natural split, mother has been in my tank since 2019. Basket is 9” across. Anemone is 6” when open. Lineage from Joe Knows Reef who got it from Todd Cherry at Cherry Corals.
  2. P

    Please help

    My RBTA was doing fine in my tank for a few days after putting him in but now he looks like this. Is he dying or is he still trying to get used to the tank? He is still attached to my rock work. My tank is roughly 6-7 months old.
  3. T

    Georgia WTB Mini carpet anemone

    Looking for something basic to start with. may keep it in a smaller tank with some shrimp but eventually want to move up to a nem only tank.
  4. L

    Ohio WTB Shroom/anemome box

    Looks for a magnetic shroom/anemome box or a acclimation box whatever you got let me know
  5. L

    Anemone basket substrate crushed coral/reef rubble

    Hello everyone, so my 50 gallon frag tank has been cycling for quite a while now and I am ready to add some test coral with this, I want to set up a anemone/mushroom basket, but I have seen other people use my question with this is what would be the best substrate to use in this? Should I go for...
  6. jayala12

    Black widow vs Sherman

    When I look up pics of these two anemones they look the same sometimes. What is the difference if anything? Looking into getting one but just not sure which one yet. I want a black widow or a Colorado sunburst. But I was seeing the Sherman’s too and just curious as to why they look so similar...
  7. Visionz44

    Anemone hosts clown fish. Adding Damsels made it happen.

    Finally the anemone is hosting the clown fish. Took a long time. This happened after we added 6 new damsel fish to the tank to help raise phosphate. My tank is too clean. I gave up a long time ago and went to look at the tank and I was shocked at what I saw. Attached a video. I am so...
  8. Loganstall

    What is this?

    @revhtree @Gumbies R Us
  9. Enad

    Oregon Live Goods Chicago Sunburst Anemone 2-3" - $150

    I have a baby Chicago Sunburst anemone that split off from my big guy that I'm looking to sell. Currently around 2-3" body, with long tentacles. This one has super cool coloration, honestly a lot cooler looking than the main anemone it split off of! I've been feeding it weekly, and it has been...
  10. jorgeeandreess

    Small anemone HELP PLEASE and ALK issues

    Hello! I have my 20 gallons IM AIO 4 months ago. Everything went good until like 2 weeks ago. I start having issues with the alkalinity all the other parameters are stable but the alkakinity is going up every day. Today: -O2: 8 mg/L -Sal: 1.025 SG -Alk: 11.8!!!!! ??? (It was at 11.2 and is...
  11. R

    Missouri Live Goods 6-7" Large Colorado Sunburst Nem

    I have a large Colorado Sunburst Nem. Sang Lee Lineage. Looking for $500. Buyer pays shipping.
  12. PV Reefs

    CARPET Nems and large Bubble Tips
  13. P

    Maryland Virginia Washington, D.C. Live Goods Looking to Sell my Live stock in Fairfax VA

    Hi I'm looking to sell my livestock in my tank Please DM to make offers. Everything is available I'm trying to sell my house so everything is available. I will Mark Thinks as sold as they sell.
  14. nycfreshreef

    Who thinks this baby 1” CSB Nem will walk or stay ? Tiny mound with hole made in condiment cup Colorado sunburst anemone

    So this 1 inch CSB came in a few days ago initially tried a glass cup and he was super happy but at night flew out of the cup and landed right next to a large war coral (touching) so I intervened and placed him in a condiment cup on the sand bed in full light 100-150 par (for now) The...
  15. nycfreshreef

    Zoa eating “asterina” starfish experiment

    Interesting perspective After noticing an “asterina” starfish (I actually believe the are a different species) population starting to grow in a 1.5 year old mixed reef - I kept a close eye on my 2 colonies of illuminati zoas (as I started to see the asterinas sitting on zoas) I was able to...
  16. ya_boii

    Maroon Clown and Bubble Tip Anemone

    Hello! I have been keeping freshwater aquariums for over 3 years now, and ended up working at Petco (I know...) because of it. Anyway, I haven't really had the urge to keep saltwater until now. There's this maroon Clown that I have taken a liking to at work. It's become super protective of a...
  17. W

    Florida Live Goods Sunburst Anemones Available

    One Colorado Sunburst Anemone, 3”-$275 One Chicago Sunburst Anemone, 2.5-3”- $200 Shipping- $50 Location: Pensacola Florida
  18. reefersf

    Is my Anemone doing fine?

    Hi Reef2Reef community. I am new to this hobby and recently bought an anemone. It was flipped upside down for several days. I have then moved it to another spot. Since then it has moved into an odd position on my rock (see attached picture). Wonder if you could tell me if it is doing fine or...
  19. Reefing_addiction

    Anemone VS Powerhead / wave maker / crossflow

    So. I was having a discussion with another reefer and he said that he believes that the chance of a nem meeting its maker via our tanks flow masters is low. And now I want to know- hopefully we can get enough people to answer this poll! If you have a 3D printed nem guard let us know below make...
  20. C

    Anemone Feeding Help!

    Hi, hope you all are having a fantastic day! I just picked up these Frozen Uncooked Shrimp from my local Publix, and was curious if it is safe to give to my Anemone? Usually I just give him Brine Shrimp, but looking to experiment! Thank you so much
  21. D

    Anem stuck/squeezed into overflow help

    I’ve had this Anem for about a month. But when I got back from work today I noticed my Anemone was gone. So I descovered he some how squeezed his way into the smalles part of the tank. My over flow inbetween the outer and inner layers. I have no clue what todo any help would be appreciated…
  22. M

    Clown loves anemome instantly…

    Since the moment he saw the anemone it was love at first sight. Nature is definitely a beautiful thing.
  23. W

    Looking for rare Anemones

    Hello, I’m currently looking for rare anemones. Examples: purple passion, darth Vader, Colorado wildfire, holygrail, lucky charms…etc. send me what you have.
  24. G

    Not got a clue!! Hopefully not aptasia.

    Hi all. Just seen this and cant find anything that looks similar. Has a deep pink body/mouth and tentacles with balls on the end. Bets photos i can get are attached.
  25. W

    Chicago Sunburst Anemones

    Chicago sunburst anemones 2-3 inches. Shipping is $50