coral advice

  1. C

    Overgrown GSP— first post

    Hey yall! New to the thread, looking forward to engaging!! So as it stands, I have a 50 gal saltwater tank with the beginning to an overgrown GSP problem, as seen in the picture below. Anyone have any ideas as to how to remove it in my particular situation? Any ideas/recommendations? My tank...
  2. B

    How to cool a 76 gal reef about 2 degrees

    Thanks in advance for any feedback. I have a 4 mo old 75 gal reef with a 30 gal sump. I'm in Florida, I run the house at a cool 75 all day long but I can't go much cooler than that. I want to grow corals, inverts and fish. My temp fluctuates from 81.8 during the day down to 79.4 at night...
  3. S

    Coral's polyps aren't opening?

    Hey, so I'm new to keeping saltwater, and I have a gorgonian coral who won't open up, I dropped it in on Tuesday, (the 9th) along with another coral (a spiny gorgonian). The other is super happy and has all it's polyps out so i'm not sure if this one is just being finicky or what? It's next to...
  4. N

    Coral ID

    Need help for name and what kind of lps corals are this? Thank you
  5. Calvin96

    Help?? My zoas won't open

    Help, had these zoas for 2 weeks now and they open in the morning fully but then close for the rest of the day. I have checked my water parameters and everything is bang on. Initially I thought they weren't getting enough light so increased it but no change. Now I've reduced the light further...
  6. mzlskink

    EMERGENCY Advise on coral withering, please help

    Hey guys, thanks for reading this, I am new to reefing and I am hoping to get some advise on how to proceed on the current stage of my yellow leather coral. It has this brown gunk on it, when I tried it wipe it off yesterday it seems like the coral flesh was breaking away with it. Today the...
  7. mdock

    Should I be concerned? -Trumpet coral

    I have this coral here and I noticed it is starting to get a white layer in the middle. I lost one smaller coral before when my tank was not ready for them. This tank has been up for 1 year. Should I be worried? Not familiar with LPS yet and would really appreciate help learning.
  8. Floopynoopers

    Help with Id on coral/whatever is going on

    Have had this coral in my tank for a few months ( not sure the name it was sold to me as a mushroom coral) and it seemed really happy grown heaps almost always opens up during the day (including today) however just noticed when the lights turned off that it had this going on. Any help would be...
  9. J

    Coral Temporary Tank // Reefapalooza

    Going to be in a hotel tomorrow, going to Reefapalooza, if I wanted to buy corals on 4/20 and keep them overnight, what’s the best course of action. Should I keep them in the bags, or should I bring a 5 gallon bucket with an aerator or small pump ? Not too far out of Orlando so it is not a far...
  10. crys

    New Symphillia Coral Bought With Recessed edges

    Less than a week ago a lfs received a cool Symphillia. It had slight but noticeable recessed edges being sold for 299. I decided to check it out today and it was more recessed around the edges but arguably 3/4 alive. Lfs was willing to sell it for 150 with small store credit possibility if it...
  11. mdock

    What’s on this coral?

    Can anybody help me identify what’s hanging out on this coral in the front? I just got it in. I know the one piece is bubble algae and I should just take it off but what’s the other stuff? Thank you!
  12. V

    2 of 8 new corals won't open after weeks

    I got new corals about three weeks ago. Some of them opened up right away and stayed completely open, one of them opened up at first and then closed up and some of them haven't opened at all. - GSP, Yuma mushroom, utter chaos zoas and captain jerk opened up immediately and look great. - Two...
  13. D

    Can anyone ID this coral?

    I got this coral from a friend getting out of the hobby and I’m pretty newish. I’m just trying to ID so I can make sure it gets the best care! Thank you in advance and if you have any pointers on placement, light and flow?
  14. J

    EMERGENCY Help with elegance coral

    I’ve had him for about 6 weeks, full extending and eating good. But since last week he has remained closed and refuses to open, any tips? And here’s what he looked like before
  15. J

    New GBT Anemone closed with white middle

    I bought two anemones, an orange BT and a yellow 2 days ago. I did the same acclimation process for each and added them at the same time. As you can see in the picture the orange BT is going great, as are my other corals in my over a year old tank. The yellow BT won’t open and it may be hard...
  16. TerrorTurtle

    Coral identification

    Just bought this coral yesterday it’s doing well but I just can’t for the life of me remember the name of it. The receipt just says coral frag so that wasn’t any help.
  17. T

    Found egg like sacs around them after purchasing.

    Hello, I'm kinda new to this hobby and was recommended to add these to my Tank. Unfortunately after observing them again, I saw these clear egg like sacs as shown in the picture. I do plan on dipping them before setting them up in my Tank. Should I be worried and is the dip enough for them to...
  18. R

    Very fluffy Trachy

    I’ve had this trachy for a little over a month. It’s very fluffy. Just wonderinf if its ticked or happy
  19. M

    Don't Worry This is The Beginners Guide!!

    Hello Reef2Reef Community! As I was cleaning my tank yesterday, I realized that in two months it will be 1 year in this hobby! I was thinking about how much I have learned throughout this experience and how many errors I have made along the way because I was not properly educated. Some of my...
  20. ariellemermaid

    Ready to quit the hobby; SPS or bust

    We’re at a crossroads in this hobby. More like, we’ve spent probably $25,000 on equipment and livestock in a 200g system and have very little to show for it. What we want is a tank filled with coral and life, but what we’ve done instead is lit 1,000’s of dollars on fire. It’s been 2-3 years now...
  21. T

    Sos with phos

    Help I don’t know how to get my phos down I do weekly water changes in my (Max Nano) 6gals at a time. Everything is happy except my acantho this dude was happy for like 3 weeks after I got him but now is throwing a fit with a gaping mouth and won’t eat I’ve posted my parameters and I dose all...
  22. W

    Duncan coral closed or dead?

    Got given a Duncan coral today for free from my local fish store because it has been closed for a week and hasn’t opened, I’m just wondering if anyone has run into this before, it’s been in my tank for 8 hours now and still no changes. I tried putting in some amino acids and still nothing All...
  23. F

    one of my zoas has been closed up and got these two little white dots. they don’t look like zoa pox. possibly sponge?

    hey yall am not really sure what’s going on w these zoas, all my other ones are opening up fine. here are my parameters ammo:0.0 nitrate:0.1 nitrite:0.0 phosphate:lower than .1 but not quite 0 (using API phosphate test) i do not test alk,calcium, or mg as this is mainly a softie tank. the zoa...
  24. J

    SPS frags dying?

    Hi everyone, I am still fairly new to the hobby and bought my first sps frags. Amongst the feags are a montipora red and Seriatopora Hystrix. They are not doing well. They have been coral bleaching and today I see they look really bad. Can someone please look at the pics and let me know if there...
  25. E

    Ideas for coral to add to main rock

    Hey guys, I’ve recently set up my first saltwater tank and added in my first corals. I’ve got a GSP on its own rock, one rock for zoas to grow on, a Duncan on another rock, and only a forest fire digitata frag on my biggest rock. All are doing great so far (added them in about 3 weeks ago)...