help clownfish

  1. That1guy07

    Paired clownfish just unpaired themselves...?

    So I have a 45 gallon reef aquarium. My water parameters are all good with low nitrates and phos. Anyway I have had a bonded pair of clownfish for the past 5 months. One is a large 2” female Perculia Clownfish and the other is a smaller 1.5” occilaris clownfish (excuse my spelling). They have...
  2. Phowingt

    Possible ich?

    So about 2 hours ago I fed my clownfish and he was normal and then an hour ago I was looking at him and noticed this white spot right under his mouth and at first I thought he was scratching against the glass and his clay pot but looked closer and it looked more like he was eating pods off of...
  3. Mramon396

    I think my clownfish may have fungus

    I’ve had my juvenile clownfish for 4 days now and all my test come out at zero with a ph of 8.2 and but the smaller one seems to have some kind of cloudiness on his fins and his tail seems to bo a bit torn although not positive. They are not patches it’s just some clodiness that I noticed on his...
  4. Schnizzle

    Clown selection

    I've got a 90long tank going. The idea is for it to end up being a "community" reef, peaceful for the most part is the hope. We want a pair of clowns... (I know;Facepalm) a. ocellaris seems to be the best bet. I really like the look and idea of symbiosis but I am torn on the idea of a nem...
  5. Snake132

    What is my clownfish doing ? Anemone weird behavior

    Can anyone explain to me clownfish behavior when they want to host an anemone ? What does it look like and how can I tell . The bta I have is small and healthy this morning is was 75% closed which it does from time to time . My clown which has never been near it has started to stare at it for a...
  6. Snake132

    What type of clownfish are these ??

    Please help me , I’m trying to determine if these are percula or ocelaris I was told they are both percula but am not sure
  7. Snake132

    What type clownfish are these

    What type clownfish are these Percula or ocelaris please help any experts or people who can give me a solid answer
  8. Snake132

    Have a clownfish which I thought was percula added another clown now told both are neither perc/ocel

    Basically both the clownfish I have seem like they are Unidentified species to everyone I ask !!!!!!!!!! Pictures are attached for you all to judge Orange one is the new unidentified one Darker one is the old one who is also unidentified ! Hi, I’m very confused and wanting some help with my...
  9. joshbridges


    im a current newbie to the saltwater comunity and my clownfish isnt doing well ,, he is active and showing no signs of being stressed but he has this stuff on his fins and nose, similar to cottonspores in freshwater fish here are 2 pics of my fish ,, any help is very much appreciated
  10. inkedtx

    Need help

    a well meaning but misguided friend added a fish to my tank while cat sitting for me since Sunday! It's a tomato clownfish. It was added yesterday. I returned this morning. It's been swimming in The top right corner of my tank apparently since being added. Is this normal? It's eating and seems...