
  1. katrinatimm02

    Hanna Copper Checker Giving Wrong Numbers

    So I’m experiencing ich for the first time. I’ve set up a quarantine tank (50 gallons) and started dosing copper safe on Thursday with a slow ramp up. I have a Hanna copper checker and I don’t think it’s giving correct numbers. First time I dosed (18ml) checked about 2 mins after and it said...
  2. katrinatimm02

    Help! I think I have Ich

    I watch my tank quite closely as I’m sure most people do and a few nights ago I noticed a few faded white spots on my clown fish, only really noticeable in certain lighting. I’ve kept an eye on in and now it seems to have gotten worse and I’ve began noticing spots on my other fish. I am almost...
  3. J

    Sudden Percula Clownfish Death - Seemingly "Healthy" Last Night.

    I've been frantically going through this forum to try and save my moribund clownfish but had no luck unfortunately. My clownfish has died and I have no clue why after extensive testing. Tank is about 2 and a half months old or so. I've had my clowns for a little over a month. Currently...
  4. P


    I can’t quarantine my clownfish and currently have a 15-gallon reef tank with ich. The tank includes: 1. A clownfish 2. Some macroalgae 3. A mangrove tree 4. Live rock and sand I understand the macroalgae may not survive, but I’m confident the mangrove should be...
  5. T

    EMERGENCY White spots after quarantine

    Hello! After being away from the hobby for a few years I figured I wanted to get back to it with a fresh start, quarantine everything and no bad hitchhikers on the rocks. Since I live in Sweden my options for medicine is not as big as in the US. Copper safe and the likes are almost impossible...
  6. R

    Ich in my 120 display tank

    So on my journey of reefing I have come into ich in my display tank its a 100 display 40 gallon sump. I'm currently dosing h2o2 and running uv to manage it I don't have any other tanks to quarantine fish in. I'm wondering if there's anything else I can do to prevent the loss of fish
  7. YashaHashaMashaAZ

    Clownfish with mouth stuck...closed?

    Fish are currently in Copper QT tank for ich. Background: I drained/moved tank to a new location and my firefish came down with ich after the move. I actually didn't notice it for a while as Im only home when blue lights are on, and you cant really see it under blues. Fish were not "flashing"...
  8. C

    Ich or Velevet

    Blue tang has had white spots developing on him for the past 3 days. Started with one single white spot. Now 3 days later they are covering a lot more of him. I’ve increased feeding to 3-4 times per day. He’s still out swimming and has an appetite. If it weren’t for the spots I wouldn’t think...
  9. P

    EMERGENCY Clownfish ID disease and Meds to administer

    Unsure if it's ich? I placed him in qt and dosed rally reef pro while I get help from you guys. Thank you.
  10. Jokareefer

    EMERGENCY Please help diagnose

    I have read through the other posts but am still unsure of the correct diagnosis and treatment. Last night our Bicolour Dottyback died. Yesterday morning, It was lying on the bottom, breathing rapidly. No other visible signs of infection or illness. I took it out of the DT and into HT, but it...
  11. sheepersheep

    neon cleaner goby’s with ich?

    is this ich or something worse? the tank also has a purple firefish and a yasha goby + tiger pistol shrimp
  12. vandy

    Powder blue ich?

    PBT has been scratching, and the grouping is weirdly close together. What are you all thinking? Ich?
  13. J

    Sizing UV for parasites

    Hey All, I’m starting a 40 gallon breeder and am thinking of getting a UV for parasite control. I’m assuming to kill parasites I need high wattage with a low flow pump? Should I get a 12 watt or 24watt and would this one Work? Seems reasonably priced and good quality. What do y’all think?
  14. Raazka

    Fallow “finished”, Am I good to start adding my fish back?

    Hi all, I finished my ich fallow period of 76 days last friday (1st of November) and added my damsel back that same day in an isolation mesh to see if there were truly no parasites left. It’s now been 5 days and he doesn’t have any spots on him, would it be fine to release him back into the...
  15. Reef_Tanks

    EMERGENCY Flame Angel 2 cloudy eyes today and now on the bottom

    I can't really get pictures so sorry about that but i just lost 2 clowns 2 ich i presume because they were covered in white spots around the face and now only noticed today my Flame Angel has both its eyes cloudy and now struggling at the bottom. Basically just need to know if there is any hope...
  16. A

    Is this ICH/velvet on live rock??? Definitely some parasite what to do?

    This has to be ich. These little parasites are sitting on my live rock. Have no fish in my tank other than my porcupine puffer a snowflake eel and some inverts. Puffer is immune to the ich so is the eel.
  17. W

    Fallow period enough?

    Sorry if this seems like a stupid question but I'm genuinely concerned, so in the past I lost all my fish to either ick or velvet (it was one or the other) so I completely left my tank fishless for a very long time (coral only), but due to a lightning issue all of my coral died (light became too...
  18. A

    Clown has ich or velvet? What happened here. How to exterminate this parasite in the tank?

    I recently had an ich or velvet outbreak in tank of 75 gallons. Most of the fish died. Porcupine puffer is still alive and healthy so is the snowflake eel and inverts 2 shrimp 2 starfish. Is this ich or velvet and how to get rid of it? https://share.icloud.com/photos/0226WHG5rZ7toheudK-e99jVQ
  19. D

    EMERGENCY White and black spots on my Cooperband’s fins

    Hi guys, I recently picked up a very healthy Copperband from my trusted LFS. He was feeding on various frozen foods at the store when I bought him. He has acclimatised to my tank well and feeds on frozen mysis and devours live muscles. Recently I have noticed a buildup of small white and...
  20. P

    EMERGENCY Disease ID please

    Something that looks like ich/velviet showed up on my clowns yesterday. I’m leaning towards ich because I’ve had them in the dt for a month with no problems and there were quarantined before that. No other fish have been affected yet. Any help would be appreciated. Pictures attached
  21. X

    Treating ich, possible black ich?

    I’ve been treating my mini blue hippo tang for ich with copper for about a week now. I noticed today there’s some black spots but they’re not raised. I got prazi pro so that I can treat if needed but I’m not sure if it’s even necessary. She’s only about an inch and a half long and she’s doing okay.
  22. J

    Thoughts on Copperband Ich resistance

    Hi all, It’s been a few weeks now since introducing my copperband into the display and it’s eating well on live black worms, clams and muscles. It has a strong appetite and it seems like I picked up a good one.. until last night I observed Ich on the fins/tail. It’s almost impossible to...
  23. AntimatterBlue

    EMERGENCY Orange shoulder tang w/ ich

    My juvenile tang was doing great. Ive had him for close to 3 months now. I have ich in my tank but have a cheap UV to help with management. Unfortunately, I think he’s not doing too well since my tang doesn’t look great. I’ve seen the ich come and go but this time, it’s a bit much. He’s not...
  24. taylormaximus

    EMERGENCY Royal Gramma started flashing today

    So I've got only 4 fish in my 32 gallon tank right now, two clownfish, an azure damsel and my Royal Gramma, all of whom have been in the tank for about a year. All fish added have been treated with Copper power and paracleanse, and have never shown any sign of sickness. Just today I noticed it...
  25. rattrapdotcom

    is this ich or velvet in the shipping bag ??

    just got my white-tail bristle tooth ! it said online that it was pre-quarantined, so I assumed it would only need observation qt. but i’m seeing white flecks in the shipping bag as i’m acclimating to temp ? there are no white dots or lesions at all on the fish and it’s already regained a lot of...