As BRS, Neptune and Ecotech are under one roof will we finally get an integrated battery backup for Neptune?


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I know the whole Apex battery backup thing has been beaten to death over the years but will we finally get a seamless, integrated option? What are your thoughts? I know there are diy threads out there, and I’m not wanting to get into that here. There are a few of us with WAV pumps left. I love mine even with having to replace them every now and again. Which brings up my second question… you think Neptune will ditch the WAV, COR and integrate Ecotech pumps? It sure would be nice if they would come up with a battery solution, but I know it’s been requested for a long, long time. I know no one knows exactly what’s going to happen, but I’m curious to know where fellow reefers stand on this.


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i use marine batterys and solar charge contoller/panels to run my tanks, never have power failures, it will regen of house power or generator if needed.
Yeah a lot of people do the same thing. There’s a bunch of diy threads on how to make your own. Some use the tunze adaptor. It’s a little more involved when you need both 12 and 24 volts. It can and has been done though. I’m more curious to know if people think a factory option might be in the works or not.


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something tells me a few hundred dollars worth of batterys at the local autozone will be more cost effective than any ecotech branded battery and have more capacity.
You would be correct. Still, not what I’m asking about but thank you for your input. I know about all the diy stuff out there, it’s been done by many. There may be one or two people out there that for whatever reason would prefer a simple plug and play unit. Myself, I’m legally blind and have neurological issues that cause tremors, muscle weakness and I have to use a walker to get around. This is new to me, it started a couple years ago. So, my driving to auto parts store and picking up deep cycle batteries, and soldering components to make a 12vdc path and 24vdc path as well as switching and charging circuit days are over. It’s not by choice, these things just happen. So, if a factory option that just plugged in and could be setup in fusion using a screen reader would be great. I know it’s not for everyone and diy options are out there.


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Why would you even want a battery backup with the apex? It's 12V rails just power the modules not any devices like pumps and whatnot so the only purpose of backing that part up is for the apex to tell other backed up devices what to keep doing.

WAV pumps, COR, and anything connected to an energy bar requires an AC UPS not a battery backup. It is far cheaper to buy those from third party vendors than anything Neptune could make since they are used extensively in industrial controls. I use a $150 cyberpower UPS that will keep one of my pumps running and the apex monitoring things for about 8 hours.

If I wanted the same kind of timespan as a vortech battery backup but didn't have vortechs, I could do flow + monitoring only for about 24-36 hours for $300-400.

If you just want to back up the apex and modules and have something like a vortech battery backup for flow, a $30 UPS will last for like 24 hours.

If you need to back up your entire tank, a generator is your only option. Battery backup will never be an option for that much draw unless you wanna spend $10,000 on it.


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Why would you even want a battery backup with the apex? It's 12V rails just power the modules not any devices like pumps and whatnot so the only purpose of backing that part up is for the apex to tell other backed up devices what to keep doing.

WAV pumps, COR, and anything connected to an energy bar requires an AC UPS not a battery backup. It is far cheaper to buy those from third party vendors than anything Neptune could make since they are used extensively in industrial controls. I use a $150 cyberpower UPS that will keep one of my pumps running and the apex monitoring things for about 8 hours.

If I wanted the same kind of timespan as a vortech battery backup but didn't have vortechs, I could do flow + monitoring only for about 24-36 hours for $300-400.

If you just want to back up the apex and modules and have something like a vortech battery backup for flow, a $30 UPS will last for like 24 hours.

If you need to back up your entire tank, a generator is your only option. Battery backup will never be an option for that much draw unless you wanna spend $10,000 on it.
The WAV pumps are 24vdc and one or two could easily be powered by a battery. Like I mentioned before I would need 12vdc and 24vdc which could and has been done by several other reefers. I don’t think I mentioned running my skimmer, chiller, uv, roller mat, heaters, lights, multiple dos units and all that off of a battery. There are a bunch of diy threads on the Neptune forum where people have powered the apex and wav pumps using a tunze adaptor and a couple batteries that lasts a pretty long time. Maybe you would need 110v for a wav running on an eb832 but if your using a wav module it is 24vdc. Yeah, I could switch to Ecotech pumps (6 plus batteries) that’s a lot of cheddar. Maybe Neptune will ditch the wav anyway in the future. I didn’t want get to into how to do it. That wasn’t what I was trying to ask. I was curious if since Ecotech who has pumps and batteries are now under the same roof as Neptune who has pumps and no batteries, what will the end game be? I love my wav pumps but they do have a longevity issue and are made by sicce. I can’t see Neptune continuing to have sicce supply them pumps when the are tied to Ecotech. I also can’t see Ecotech dropping the battery back up. Anyway, that’s what I thought I was asking about but maybe I worded it wrong.


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The WAV pumps are 24vdc and one or two could easily be powered by a battery. Like I mentioned before I would need 12vdc and 24vdc which could and has been done by several other reefers. I don’t think I mentioned running my skimmer, chiller, uv, roller mat, heaters, lights, multiple dos units and all that off of a battery. There are a bunch of diy threads on the Neptune forum where people have powered the apex and wav pumps using a tunze adaptor and a couple batteries that lasts a pretty long time. Maybe you would need 110v for a wav running on an eb832 but if your using a wav module it is 24vdc. Yeah, I could switch to Ecotech pumps (6 plus batteries) that’s a lot of cheddar. Maybe Neptune will ditch the wav anyway in the future. I didn’t want get to into how to do it. That wasn’t what I was trying to ask. I was curious if since Ecotech who has pumps and batteries are now under the same roof as Neptune who has pumps and no batteries, what will the end game be? I love my wav pumps but they do have a longevity issue and are made by sicce. I can’t see Neptune continuing to have sicce supply them pumps when the are tied to Ecotech. I also can’t see Ecotech dropping the battery back up. Anyway, that’s what I thought I was asking about but maybe I worded it wrong.
If you have a 1link module, the vortech battery backup works for that. I can't remember if they use the same barrel size, so you might need either an adaptor at the end or replace the barrel with the right size, but it's the right specs to work right out of the box (you do need to also back up the apex either with a UPS on the energy bar or the 12V input).


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I take that back. I could have sworn the vortech battery backup was 24V because that is what the pumps run on. Guess it's actually 12V, so you couldn't just tie that into a 1link.


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