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Coast to Coast aquarium bankruptcy

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Diogenes Burgos

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Good evening, this is my first time posting some thing, but I want to know if anyone else is in this same predicament that I’m in nine months ago I reached out to Patrick at Coast to Coast aquarium and we discuss to build my dream tank 8 feet long, 3 feet wide tank we agreed on a number and it was paid in full. He gave me a rough time frame that the Tank will be built anyone who has gone through this procedure knows that it’s time consuming but at the same time very excited to see your dream tongue coming to reality. No that did not happen with me after months of waiting a month of communication giving me false hope gave me a delivery timeframe of November 15 that has come and gone just to receive a letter that he’s no longer in business from his bankruptcy lawyers. And to find out that that’s happening with me potential losing my money. Feeling hopeless upset. Disappointed that I trusted him. Pay them in full just to find out that he never got around to build my tank after he’s telling me through emails and on the phone that the tank is in process and that the panels were cut in. The framing of the tank is already done, but never send me any pictures to confirm that I felt that he knew that he was never going to build this tank just took my money I’d like to know if anyone else got affected by this company because I feel like a needle in a haystack I already filed a complaint through my bank to see if I could get my money back, but it does not look good I’m just so upset that this guy just crushed my hard work and my dream to build my dream tank. Thank you for listening.


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It's a long shot but many states have an organized fraud statute. Do you know if he ever actually purchased materials on your tank? If it can be proven that he took your money with no intent to actually build the tank and swindled you, knowing he was gonna try and chapter out, you may have a criminal case. Not sure of your local laws or investigators though.


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Welcome!! Sorry to hear that happened to you! It may take a long time but you should get your money back some way or another eventually! I've seen "businesses" serve serious time over doing acts like this. Eventually some settlement and refund should come your way I hope!


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Good evening, this is my first time posting some thing, but I want to know if anyone else is in this same predicament that I’m in nine months ago I reached out to Patrick at Coast to Coast aquarium and we discuss to build my dream tank 8 feet long, 3 feet wide tank we agreed on a number and it was paid in full. He gave me a rough time frame that the Tank will be built anyone who has gone through this procedure knows that it’s time consuming but at the same time very excited to see your dream tongue coming to reality. No that did not happen with me after months of waiting a month of communication giving me false hope gave me a delivery timeframe of November 15 that has come and gone just to receive a letter that he’s no longer in business from his bankruptcy lawyers. And to find out that that’s happening with me potential losing my money. Feeling hopeless upset. Disappointed that I trusted him. Pay them in full just to find out that he never got around to build my tank after he’s telling me through emails and on the phone that the tank is in process and that the panels were cut in. The framing of the tank is already done, but never send me any pictures to confirm that I felt that he knew that he was never going to build this tank just took my money I’d like to know if anyone else got affected by this company because I feel like a needle in a haystack I already filed a complaint through my bank to see if I could get my money back, but it does not look good I’m just so upset that this guy just crushed my hard work and my dream to build my dream tank. Thank you for listening.
No idea how much you paid, I’m guessing it’s quite a lot. I’d recommend getting all the paperwork together and make a list that outlines the events in order: emails, texts, etc. then I’d look for a lawyer in your area and ask for a consult. Huge lawfirns will charge for an initial consult but others will at least listen to you and then list the ways they can help. This way you can atleast know for your state if you can take action or if you are stuck waiting.

Unfortunately with bankruptcy the process usually leads to liquidating the company assets and then paying debts starting with oldest. If you are front of the line I’d suspect you could get something back but by the time it gets to the end there may not be much $ left.

Very sorry to hear about this and sorry you have to deal with it. I hope it works out for you and everyone else affected by them going out of business.


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I am sorry to hear this happened to you. The exact scenario happened to me around 12 years ago. This company was a large national acrylic manufacturer and took my full payment for an 8ft tank and went bankrupt a few months later. I ended up having to come out of pocket to get my client his aquarium. I had an attorney look into it, but it was not worth pursuing. I received a letter from the bankruptcy court a couple years later being a creditor ( I think that's the right term) and it stated that there was no money to be distributed from the liquidation. It really irked me when I saw this company start advertising again recently stating that they have been in business for decades. There are some greedy people out there. I feel your pain.


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This is horrible and somewhat scary. Is paying in full upfront the norm for custom builds? Seems like it should he something more like 25-50% upfront and the rest at certain points in the build when it's complete.
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  • I place the offender in an acclimation box for a period of time (jail).

    Votes: 10 17.5%
  • I remove the offender entirely and reintroduce them at a later time (rehab).

    Votes: 2 3.5%
  • I use the mirror method (a little reverse psychology).

    Votes: 4 7.0%
  • I rearrange rock work (throw them off).

    Votes: 4 7.0%
  • I don't tolerate bullies. Bye bye fishy!

    Votes: 13 22.8%
  • I've never dealt with a tank bully.

    Votes: 17 29.8%
  • Other (please explain!)

    Votes: 7 12.3%