Dosing lanthanum chloride and carbon dosing

Faulkner’s maze

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Dec 18, 2017
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Hi all;

So I was previously carbon dosing TM's ELIM-NP which was fine but even at max dose I could not get PO4 under .6. So I migrated to a diluted 40:1 lanthanum chloride solution that goes directly into the skimmer and it is holding my PO now at .23 or so. I dose in the evening.

The only reason why I am reconsidering putting carbon dosing back in action is that I have the return of some reddish/brown algae on the sand and glass that I think are diatoms (maybe cyano?) that carbon dosing seem to have it kept at bay when I was doing so.

If I dose 1/2 of the previous amount for carbon dosing - it should bring my PO4 down to about .1. Right now my NO3 is about 15-17.

Question is -is there any point to doing so. Any benefits? Any real negative consequences besides having to keep track of two different solutions.

Miami Reef

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Question is -is there any point to doing so.
Yes. You said the algae seemed to decrease when dosing Elim-NP. There’s no harm in restarting and seeing if it makes a difference in the red algae/bacteria, especially since you didn’t notice any other ill effects to the tank.

There are no interactions between lanthanum and carbon dosing products. Carbon dosing is more effective for nitrate, and lanthanum only lowers phosphate.

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