Hello all!

Fish Think Pink

5000 Club Member
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Mar 6, 2021
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DFW Texas
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Hello all, it was suggested in the welcome letter that I create a new topic to introduce myself, so here goes. I guess I'm your typical cranky old vet, I've had freshwater and brackish tanks in the past, polypterus, knives, and teacups, but have never ventured into saltwater. I recently stocked a biocube for the GF's birthday and have been bit by the reefing bug. it'll be a long while before I start my setup, but I've saved quite a bit that I can spend on a nice tank. I actually picked up a 180gal recently, as it was a steal at 300.00, but once I got it off the truck and into the basement I realized it must have been used as a terrarium because all the silicon had been scraped from the inside corners. I'm not adventurous enough to tear it apart and silicone it back together so it will find a new home with whoever is willing to carry the heavy thing back up the stairs.

I'm looking to start buying what I need in December, after I finish a room remodel and install a RODI and Genny. I liked the 180, but I'm thinking a 120 will fit the room much better. I'll probably get a 2'x2'x4' 120gal acrylic. I don't want to carry glass down stairs again, correct me if I'm wrong assuming acrylic weighs less, and any advice on manufacturer/make would be appreciated. I have an old 50 gallon tank I could use as a sump, but I'm still looking into buying new. I'm still early into researching pumps, skimmers, controllers etc... and I'm sure I'll come up with plenty of questions for you all.

My favorite corals that I would like to include would be galaxea(yes, long stingers, but they are so far my favorite), fungia, cynarina, elegance, leptoseris, and wilsoni. I'm sure my mind will change in the 6 months I have to go before adding corals. I have convinced the GF I plan to stock it with Xenia, GSP, clove polyps, and kenya trees, just for a bit of fun as the idea drives her a bit bonkers.

So for now I will continue editing my 3d aquarium model, working on my den's remodel to accommodate it, and spending time here getting told how wrong I am to imagine doing this or that. It should be fun.

You seem to be well into the planning stages and I like your direction. Glad you joined and looking forward to hearing more as you progress

+1 glass tank due to acrylic scratch potential but that's just me